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FW flashing with STM32CubeProgrammer
I think I have finally gotten something installed to flash new FW on my NanoVNA-H. I installed STM32CubeProgrammer on MacOS Ventura. I tried, unsuccessfully, on Windows 11 under VMWare Fusion. In addition, I am running on a M1 macbook air.
See attached for my NanoVNA configuration and Download log. I am not in a hurry to update the FW, since what I have is doing the job. I have an overheating problem with this device which after about 30 mins the sweep charts go haywire. I have started the return process and have this device until the beginning of Sept. Good time to practice flashing FW. I have entered DFU mode on my NanoVNA and attached with USB cable. I connected with STM32CubeProgrammer and "device memory" shows a dump of data in the display. I am assuming this is the device memory. I clicked on the "Read" drop down and selected "Save as" and saved to my computer. I'm guessing I now have the bin file of what is currently on the device? If a flash goes back I could revert to this? I've loaded this file and compared with memory and get good result. To flash, I would download the FW (bin) I wish to flash, click the download icon, browse to the downloaded bin, and click "Start Programming." Anything wrong with my theory? Anything to add? 73, Peter WB3IZU |
I am doing something wrong. I uploaded bin file of memory to my computer (NanoVNA.H.v1.1.00FromVanoVNA.bin). If I compare what I saved to my computer to memory, I get a match. I then downlodaed from dislord what I think is my firmware (NanoVNA.H.v1.1.00.dfu). I used to convert to bin (NanoVNA.H.v1.1.00.bin). If I compare what I think is my FW (converted to bin) to memory, no match. The converted bin is 95KB. What I extract from memory is 1KB. I am not too concerned about the download (DFU) and converted (BIN) not matching. It may not be correct FW. What does concern me is the size mismatch. Something does not add up.
I have made some progress. I wanted to be able to extract the FW from my device for backup. I can't seem to find FW that matches mine online. This ( seems to be the closest. However, if I download the DFU, convert it to BIN and compare using STM32CubeProgrammer, they do not match. I extracted the firmware using "dfu-util -d 0483:df11 -a 0 -s 0x08000000:leave -U /Users/USERID/DELETE/test.bin". The log is attached. The extracted file is 130K and most of the FWs I see online are under 100K. That concerns me? If I compare using STM32CubeProgrammer, they do match. I then flashed this back to my NanoVNA using STM32CubeProgrammer. The log is attached. If I compare the versions from the VanoVNA (config | version) pre and post, they are identical. I guess next I will flash an updated FW, maybe the one that removes SDcard support and allows for 8 saved calibrations. My only concern at this point is the discrepancy in file sizes. If anyone can explain, I would appreciate it?
73 Peter NanoVNA.H.v1.1.00ExtractedFromVanoVNA.log
On Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 07:26 PM, Peter (WB3IZU) wrote:
That is OK, because the upload to the PC reads the complete 128KByte from the flash including the unused bytes after the program at the memory end while the FW files of about 100K contain only the program bytes. |
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