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Budwig vs. keto
The keto approach to cancer at least recognizes that cancer is a metabolic disease, which is better than the chemo approach. But it is highly "medicalized," requires several strong drugs to really be effective (per its founder, Thomas Seyfried), and is very "artificial." And VERY difficult to do. The Budwig approach, by contrast, requires no medical drugs, totally works by harnessing the healing power of nature, and is not so difficult to do. Having looked closely at both of them, I would do Budwig, hands down. On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 9:31 AM Barbara <georgiaz1929@...> wrote:
I have done Keto, and had no problems achieving ketogenesis. Its basic concept is starving cancer cells by limiting glucose and glutamine. Seyfried's successes with glioblastoma are impressive. Some of the Budwig-approved foods contain glucose or fructose and will feed cancer. my opinion only, doug On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 10:08 AM Dean <acudean5@...> wrote:
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