SCTP Protocol



Have you ever heard it? It is improved Budwig protocol.

Please check it out:

He says that the Budwig protocol is excellent but could be modified with the latest cancer research to achieve even better results.

There are additions like hyperbaric ozone therapy, fish oil and algae.

Best Wishes,




Hi Mucahit,

thanks for sharing! Looks interesting. I have used chlorella and I found it helpful. Also ozone therapy has been really good.

Good to try this protocol.

Best wishes,

On Sunday, October 29, 2023, 2:57 AM, Mücahit <mucoti@...> wrote:


Have you ever heard it? It is improved Budwig protocol.

Please check it out:

He says that the Budwig protocol is excellent but could be modified with the latest cancer research to achieve even better results.

There are additions like hyperbaric ozone therapy, fish oil and algae.

Best Wishes,




Hello Mucahit,

Notice the first line of the information you posted. It says: "This research introduces Sorush Cancer Treatment Ptotocol (SCTP) based on successful cancer treatment methodology which has done by Dr. Somayeh Zaminpira and Dr. Sorush Niknamian in 54 cancer patients in Violet Cancer Institute (VCI),"

The program being promoted has been done with 54 cancer patients - 54. That's a very small study. Dr. Budwig's plan has worked successfully with thousands of people over the years. That's something to consider. Remember that it takes 3 or 4 months for the Budwig plan to take effect in a cancer patient's body. Be sure that you are following it carefully for your father.

Kind regards,


Hello Sandra,
I'm only following the Budwig diet, I just wanted to share this post to get your opinion on this protocol.
In fact, I don't think that they have brought major innovations to the Budwig protocol as they claim.
They mentioned the necessity of some vitamins and minerals, but these can already be obtained to a large extent from natural vegetables and fruits. I know that Budwig allows this.
For my father we use CC/FO, Sauerkraut, carrot juice, pumpkin, boiled celery-spinach juice and freshly ground flaxseed and honey in carrot juice as much as possible.
Apart from these, we also use some herbal teas, but we take care not to take any extra supplements, to stay natural and to eat a vegan diet.
I hope we're not doing anything that violates protocol.
Thank you for the warning and valuable information.
Best wishes,


Hello Mucahit,

Thank you for the follow-up message. I appreciate your posting a list of foods and juices that you are including in your father's daily menu. I noticed that you included 
"boiled celery-spinach juice." Boiling any juice will damage the valuable enzymes as well as other nutrients. Also, celery-spinach juice isn't one that Dr. Budwig recommended.
Luckily, you did list carrot juice which she strongly recommends, and she recommended beet juice with added celery or apple. Beet juice can be pretty strong to drink on its own.

I also want to add something to my previous post. I wrote that it takes 3 or 4 months for the Budwig plan to take effect, however, that doesn't mean that it isn't working within the 
patient's body. It's doing the work to heal, it's just that it will take 3 or 4 months for that healing to begin showing in tests or to the patient, who hopefully, will begin feeling better.

Kind regards,


Hello Sandra
Celery and spinach juice boiled very lightly over low heat contains a lot of iron, but we don't use it all the time. Only once or twice a week.
I also combine beetroot and green apple juices with carrot juice.
In fact, my goal is to prevent my father from losing weight by providing him with the necessary vitamins and minerals. There has been a drastic change in his lifestyle, he doesn't eat meat, he doesn't eat bread, he doesn't eat pastries. This is not something he is used to. 😊
I don't want the symptoms to be confused because when the cancer is very advanced, patients lose weight. If my father loses weight, I may not be able to tell if it is due to diet or the progression of the cancer.
In fact, my father has been feeling very well since the beginning, the blood in his sputum has completely disappeared in the last 15 days.
The only thing that shocked us was that the tumor continued to grow. But we had just started the Budwig protocol. We are now two months in and I hope that by the beginning of January the cancer will have stopped and will be in remission.
Best wishes,