Keyboard Shortcuts
Strange Z behavior
Hi Everyone,
Wishing you full tables, joy, and no difficult relatives tomorrow.
I’m having a problem with my Z axis in Mach 3. I open Mach 3 , set my X, Y, and Z., load in my .NC file, and press start. I’m cutting a part out of 70# density tooling board. It cuts like butter on my mill. My stick out on a .250 3Flt FEM is just over 3 inches. When I press start, everything looks normal. Except the Z.
I’ve zeroed the Z to the top of my part, which is 2.520”. At this point, my scale shows that I have milled just over an inch. The reading on Mach shows: 2.24”. It seems that for every .250: on Mach is really about an inch off of the part’s Z.
I have shut down the system and waited a couple of minutes before starting the computer and mill. Then rinse, wash, repeat.
Does anyone have any experience with this and what did you do to fix it?
Terry Wellman |
Is there a tool length off set in your tool table? You could be setting your z zerowith the tool length off and when you run the g code it gets switched on.
First thing to do is run above material with the spindle turned off. If it doesn't do it, then you have a noisy spindle.