Latest success stories


Dear all,
I am new on this forum and would like to know if there are any success stories wih Budwig protocol from years 2021, 2022, 2023. I need a little encouragement :-)
I have read the files section with success stories and on the website but would like to know if there are more recent ones.
If you do have such a story please advise if you've done just Budwig or used conventional treatments as well or if ou added supplements (which ones would be also nice to know).

Thank you,


Good morning, Irena. Not quite as current as you specified, although I was still doing the protocol up until 2022, but Budwig is the reason I am still alive now over 8 years since dx stage 4 lung cancer. What type of cancer are you trying to heal?

Cancer hassn't gotten smarter over time, so I wouldn't be too concerned with how current a testmonial is. The protocol and diet work in concert. I found that when I strayed too far from the fundamentals of the diet, I regressed. If you are already doing a plant based diet you are ahead of the game. I struggled with that aspect.

Due to work, and long winters, I did not do much sunbathing so I took high doses (10-20k IU) of Vitamin D3, with K2 and magnesium. Obviously natural sunshine is the best, but if you can't sit in the sun there are options.

If you have any particular questions feel free to ask.

All the best, Rod in MN/USA

On Friday, December 8, 2023 at 03:56:31 PM CST, Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:

Dear all,
I am new on this forum and would like to know if there are any success stories wih Budwig protocol from years 2021, 2022, 2023. I need a little encouragement :-)
I have read the files section with success stories and on the website but would like to know if there are more recent ones.
If you do have such a story please advise if you've done just Budwig or used conventional treatments as well or if ou added supplements (which ones would be also nice to know).

Thank you,


Hi Rod,

Thanks so much for your reply and congrats on your healing, this is really impressive! I understand from the files that Budwig protocol has some very good statistics for lung cancer (and some other cancers I guess).

I am trying to heal stage 4 ovarian cancer (I was first dx in 2014 with stage 1, had surgery and that was it but a recurrance in 2020 with stage 4). Surgery/radiation is not an option and I refused chemo. My dad and two of my aunts had cancers and all died after chemo. My sister is the only one who survived chemo but she had a type of cancer which has a very high rate of 'cure' with chemo. Her experience with chemo was so bad that I do not want to put myself through that. Doctors think I am stupid (and maybe I am) and that I am loosing time. Although they don't say chemo will heal cancer but maybe just stop it for a while (no guarantee for that either) and don't give much time (I have aleady outlived some of their prognosys) but the cancer is progressing and I wasn't able to stop it on my own.

I am 9 years vegan (with no sugar, processed foods, animal protein, alcohol, coffee, wheat, up until rercently oils) and I still had a recurrance. So I do not think cancer always comes from poor nutrition although it definitly plays its role. I've been doing tons of supplements, juicing, eating only raw for prolong times, coffee enemas, herbal teas, Essiac, Pau-d-Arco, colloidal silver, jumping on mini trampoline, ozonated water, PEMF and some other things I could get my hands on (not much is available in my country) but with no results.

Now there is ascites in abdominal area, right lung is fully shut down due to fluid build up (they used to drain it but it is no longer possible) and many other health problems due to cancer. I almost died the last time they drained ascites from abdominal area and it took me 3 months to get myself back together more or less (to get rid of high fever, start walking again and feel more energy), so I dread going through this procedure again and am looking for ways to get rid of it without the doctors.

It is a pretty tough situation and I wonder if Budwig can be of help. I've started modified Budwig protocol almost 2 months ago and so far I do not see much result (a bit more energy but I still feel very tired most of the time). Modified because my blood preassure is typically in the low range and if I add flax seeds to the FOCC or to juices it just drops so much that I feel really bad and can not function. So I use flax seeds once a week (with abovementioned consequences) and only 1tsp. I can not eat pineapples and papaya is not available most of the time. But I keep the rest of the protocol.

Also my triglycerides went up 110 points after starting Budwig mix and after some research I understand it happens when we consume too much fat (all the other reasons are not applilcable to me). I get my blood checked every 1,5-2 months and triglycerides were always in the normal range so I am sure it is from the oil as it is the most fat containing food I eat now (it is about 80g per day which is way more than the "norm"). Not sure what to do about that and how to get them down consuming that much oil.

So this is my story in short :-) I do hope Budwig can help yet am scared to "put all the eggs in one busket" since I have no idea how much time my body has. I am 47 and I really want to live. I take D3 as I live in the northern country with not much sun most of the year and blood thinners (I have to) but this is it for now since Budwig did not recommend any supplements or drugs.

It does seem to me like not that many survivor stories with Budwig protocol only nowadays which makes me worried a little but I may be wrong.

Thanks again for your reply!


Irina, I was diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer in 2016.  I have been clear since then.  I strictly followed the protocol for 6 years  I admit I have "slipped" some this past year but am working on getting back on track. I have gotten so use to not eating processed foods and junk foods that when I do try a bite here and there I don't really care for the taste of them anymore.  I did not use any supplements. I did have 4 rounds of chemo in the beginning but I believe the diet is the path to success.


I see. I often think I was blessed to not have insurance or much money during my time because I wasn't able to have all the tests and scans that some do. If I knew the numbers I might have been scared away. I see so many people post worries about increased CEA or cholesterol or PSA, or whatever, that I was oblivious to.

Since you are already doing coffee enemas I have one thing that you may want to try. I had experimented with artemisinin several times during my journey, but there was always the issue with bioavailability. The extract doesn't absorb well and the intestines built up a tolerance in a few days so pulsing is required. Then I was discussing the topic with another fellow and he suggested I try the actual herb, artemisia annua, as the herb is 50 times more bioavailable than the extract artemisinin and requires no pulsing. So, I started adding powdered herb to my juices twice a day and after a bit I did feel something. Hard to explain, but I just felt better. But, my stomach began to bother me and I traced the pain to the powder so had to stop. After failed experiments to try and get it past my stomach before the acids went to work, it hit me. If it can't go in through the front door......

I started cooking a "tea" along with my coffee for morning enemas. After a few months I was feeling great, all symptoms gone, even though I was not following the diet. If you want to try this I would say to start with only a tablespoon of powdered herb and work up. I was cooking 5 tbls at the peak, but just a couple would give me Herxhiemer feels early on at times. I just used a drip coffee maker.

There a quite a few alternative protocols in circulation right now, so I think less people are finding Budwig. I feel Budwig can be use in concert with some other protocols, such as arte. I also think the fenbendazole (Tippens) protocol could be used with it, but I didn't get any improvement after 6 months of trying that.

All the best, Rod in MN/USA
On Monday, December 11, 2023 at 08:47:32 AM CST, Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:

Hi Rod,

Thanks so much for your reply and congrats on your healing, this is really impressive! I understand from the files that Budwig protocol has some very good statistics for lung cancer (and some other cancers I guess).

I am trying to heal stage 4 ovarian cancer (I was first dx in 2014 with stage 1, had surgery and that was it but a recurrance in 2020 with stage 4). Surgery/radiation is not an option and I refused chemo. My dad and two of my aunts had cancers and all died after chemo. My sister is the only one who survived chemo but she had a type of cancer which has a very high rate of 'cure' with chemo. Her experience with chemo was so bad that I do not want to put myself through that. Doctors think I am stupid (and maybe I am) and that I am loosing time. Although they don't say chemo will heal cancer but maybe just stop it for a while (no guarantee for that either) and don't give much time (I have aleady outlived some of their prognosys) but the cancer is progressing and I wasn't able to stop it on my own.

I am 9 years vegan (with no sugar, processed foods, animal protein, alcohol, coffee, wheat, up until rercently oils) and I still had a recurrance. So I do not think cancer always comes from poor nutrition although it definitly plays its role. I've been doing tons of supplements, juicing, eating only raw for prolong times, coffee enemas, herbal teas, Essiac, Pau-d-Arco, colloidal silver, jumping on mini trampoline, ozonated water, PEMF and some other things I could get my hands on (not much is available in my country) but with no results.

Now there is ascites in abdominal area, right lung is fully shut down due to fluid build up (they used to drain it but it is no longer possible) and many other health problems due to cancer. I almost died the last time they drained ascites from abdominal area and it took me 3 months to get myself back together more or less (to get rid of high fever, start walking again and feel more energy), so I dread going through this procedure again and am looking for ways to get rid of it without the doctors.

It is a pretty tough situation and I wonder if Budwig can be of help. I've started modified Budwig protocol almost 2 months ago and so far I do not see much result (a bit more energy but I still feel very tired most of the time). Modified because my blood preassure is typically in the low range and if I add flax seeds to the FOCC or to juices it just drops so much that I feel really bad and can not function. So I use flax seeds once a week (with abovementioned consequences) and only 1tsp. I can not eat pineapples and papaya is not available most of the time. But I keep the rest of the protocol.

Also my triglycerides went up 110 points after starting Budwig mix and after some research I understand it happens when we consume too much fat (all the other reasons are not applilcable to me). I get my blood checked every 1,5-2 months and triglycerides were always in the normal range so I am sure it is from the oil as it is the most fat containing food I eat now (it is about 80g per day which is way more than the "norm"). Not sure what to do about that and how to get them down consuming that much oil.

So this is my story in short :-) I do hope Budwig can help yet am scared to "put all the eggs in one busket" since I have no idea how much time my body has. I am 47 and I really want to live. I take D3 as I live in the northern country with not much sun most of the year and blood thinners (I have to) but this is it for now since Budwig did not recommend any supplements or drugs.

It does seem to me like not that many survivor stories with Budwig protocol only nowadays which makes me worried a little but I may be wrong.

Thanks again for your reply!


Hi Irina,
My father is in Budwig Protocol for 3 months. He feels good and his health status is also good.
I hope he will heal, because I believe that BP is the best alternative protocol as my research.
You will be write a successful story, too. I believe this.
Maria Treben, another famous German healer, says that horsetail is incredibly useful for removing water from the body. She says that patients with a lot of water retention in their body should consume up to five cups of this tea a day. You can research this or try it.
I also know that water with organic apple cider vinegar is very useful for the body's fight against acidity.
Please update this thread over time and I will do so.
Best Wishes,


Hi Janet,
I am so hapy you are in the clear now! May I ask what was the result of 4 chemos - did the tumor/nodules regressed or dissapeared after chemo or while on Budwig? Do you also keep the other parts of the protocol (like wearing only natural materials for clothes, not watching TV, getting to bed at 9:30-10pm)? It is kind of hard to find natural clothes where I live and being in bed at 9:30 is something I am working on.


Rod, thanks so much for the info, how often did you do enemas with coffee/artemesinin? Like how many times a day or a week?


Every morning during the week, in two parts. First was 8 ounces for 10 - 15 minutes, then the remaining 24 ounces for 20 - 30 minutes. I found doing the smaller dose first opened up the colon for the larger second. Once I felt I was ahead of the curve I backed off to 3 times a week, M/W/F. I was usually away from home on weekends.

Rod in MN/USA
On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 06:13:21 AM CST, Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:

Rod, thanks so much for the info, how often did you do enemas with coffee/artemesinin? Like how many times a day or a week?


"Do you also keep the other parts of the protocol (like wearing only natural materials for clothes, not watching TV, getting to bed at 9:30-10pm)?"

I did the protocol for 7 years and never did any of those things. I was not even aware that it was part of the protocol.

I guess it isn't all that critical?

All the best, Rod in MN/USA
On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 06:13:09 AM CST, Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:

Hi Janet,
I am so hapy you are in the clear now! May I ask what was the result of 4 chemos - did the tumor/nodules regressed or dissapeared after chemo or while on Budwig? Do you also keep the other parts of the protocol (like wearing only natural materials for clothes, not watching TV, getting to bed at 9:30-10pm)? It is kind of hard to find natural clothes where I live and being in bed at 9:30 is something I am working on.


Where did you get your coffee for the enemas? 

On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 9:15 AM, Rod Holmgren via <s4sindus@...> wrote:

Every morning during the week, in two parts. First was 8 ounces for 10 - 15 minutes, then the remaining 24 ounces for 20 - 30 minutes. I found doing the smaller dose first opened up the colon for the larger second. Once I felt I was ahead of the curve I backed off to 3 times a week, M/W/F. I was usually away from home on weekends.

Rod in MN/USA
On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 06:13:21 AM CST, Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:

Rod, thanks so much for the info, how often did you do enemas with coffee/artemesinin? Like how many times a day or a week?


I use organic medium to dark roast coffee, usually Seattle's Best when in stock as it is affordable. As suggested by Dr. Wilson:


We recommend:

1. A medium or dark roast coffee. Research in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research found that dark roast coffee restored blood levels of the antioxidants vitamin E and glutathione more effectively than light roast coffee. The dark roast also led to a significant body weight reduction in pre-obese volunteers, whereas the light roast did not.

Separate research also showed that dark roast coffee produces more of the chemical, N-methylpyridinium. This chemical is produced during the roasting process, and the darker the roast, the more N-methylpyridinium is present.

Caffeine levels vary depending on the degree of roasting of the coffee. However, darker roasts often contain less caffeine than lighter roasts.

2. A less-oily coffee is best. Some coffee beans are quite oily, while other coffees are quite dry. We suggest using ones that are drier, not oily. The reason is that the oil can be rancid, adding a toxin to the coffee.

3. Non-moldy coffee is best. Fresher coffee is better in this regard. Some coffee such as Peet’s Coffee, in the USA, has the roast date on the package. Otherwise, the roast date is hard to identify. Some brands, such as Bulletproof coffee, advertise that they are very careful about mold.

4. Keep coffee in the freezer.

5. AVOID Starbucks coffee and light-roast ‘enema’ coffees.

Rod in MN/USA

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 11:49:32 PM CST, buffalo-check via <buffalo-check@...> wrote:

Where did you get your coffee for the enemas? 

On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 9:15 AM, Rod Holmgren via <s4sindus@...> wrote:

Every morning during the week, in two parts. First was 8 ounces for 10 - 15 minutes, then the remaining 24 ounces for 20 - 30 minutes. I found doing the smaller dose first opened up the colon for the larger second. Once I felt I was ahead of the curve I backed off to 3 times a week, M/W/F. I was usually away from home on weekends.

Rod in MN/USA
On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 06:13:21 AM CST, Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:

Rod, thanks so much for the info, how often did you do enemas with coffee/artemesinin? Like how many times a day or a week?


Hi Irina,

Doing a modified version of Budwig will not get you results. Whatever protocol you decide on, it's best to go all in. Triglycerides are the least of your worries at this point and flax seeds and their oil cannot hurt the body. The science of the protocol is almost entirely based on the Flax oil cottage cheese combo so at the very least I would make sure to get two servings of those every day. It sounds like you have the nutrition down so that is good. Maybe ensure that you're drinking quality water as well and eat sauerkraut. Sit by a sunny window with as few clothes as possible as often as you can. It is quite important. Wishing you lots of luck and good health. 

On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 9:47 AM Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:
Hi Rod,

Thanks so much for your reply and congrats on your healing, this is really impressive! I understand from the files that Budwig protocol has some very good statistics for lung cancer (and some other cancers I guess).

I am trying to heal stage 4 ovarian cancer (I was first dx in 2014 with stage 1, had surgery and that was it but a recurrance in 2020 with stage 4). Surgery/radiation is not an option and I refused chemo. My dad and two of my aunts had cancers and all died after chemo. My sister is the only one who survived chemo but she had a type of cancer which has a very high rate of 'cure' with chemo. Her experience with chemo was so bad that I do not want to put myself through that. Doctors think I am stupid (and maybe I am) and that I am loosing time. Although they don't say chemo will heal cancer but maybe just stop it for a while (no guarantee for that either) and don't give much time (I have aleady outlived some of their prognosys) but the cancer is progressing and I wasn't able to stop it on my own.

I am 9 years vegan (with no sugar, processed foods, animal protein, alcohol, coffee, wheat, up until rercently oils) and I still had a recurrance. So I do not think cancer always comes from poor nutrition although it definitly plays its role. I've been doing tons of supplements, juicing, eating only raw for prolong times, coffee enemas, herbal teas, Essiac, Pau-d-Arco, colloidal silver, jumping on mini trampoline, ozonated water, PEMF and some other things I could get my hands on (not much is available in my country) but with no results.

Now there is ascites in abdominal area, right lung is fully shut down due to fluid build up (they used to drain it but it is no longer possible) and many other health problems due to cancer. I almost died the last time they drained ascites from abdominal area and it took me 3 months to get myself back together more or less (to get rid of high fever, start walking again and feel more energy), so I dread going through this procedure again and am looking for ways to get rid of it without the doctors.

It is a pretty tough situation and I wonder if Budwig can be of help. I've started modified Budwig protocol almost 2 months ago and so far I do not see much result (a bit more energy but I still feel very tired most of the time). Modified because my blood preassure is typically in the low range and if I add flax seeds to the FOCC or to juices it just drops so much that I feel really bad and can not function. So I use flax seeds once a week (with abovementioned consequences) and only 1tsp. I can not eat pineapples and papaya is not available most of the time. But I keep the rest of the protocol.

Also my triglycerides went up 110 points after starting Budwig mix and after some research I understand it happens when we consume too much fat (all the other reasons are not applilcable to me). I get my blood checked every 1,5-2 months and triglycerides were always in the normal range so I am sure it is from the oil as it is the most fat containing food I eat now (it is about 80g per day which is way more than the "norm"). Not sure what to do about that and how to get them down consuming that much oil.

So this is my story in short :-) I do hope Budwig can help yet am scared to "put all the eggs in one busket" since I have no idea how much time my body has. I am 47 and I really want to live. I take D3 as I live in the northern country with not much sun most of the year and blood thinners (I have to) but this is it for now since Budwig did not recommend any supplements or drugs.

It does seem to me like not that many survivor stories with Budwig protocol only nowadays which makes me worried a little but I may be wrong.

Thanks again for your reply!


Gerson centre recommends cafe mam coffee!

On 13 Dec 2023, at 14:20, Rod Holmgren via <s4sindus@...> wrote:

I use organic medium to dark roast coffee, usually Seattle's Best when in stock as it is affordable. As suggested by Dr. Wilson:


We recommend:

1. A medium or dark roast coffee. Research in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research found that dark roast coffee restored blood levels of the antioxidants vitamin E and glutathione more effectively than light roast coffee. The dark roast also led to a significant body weight reduction in pre-obese volunteers, whereas the light roast did not.

Separate research also showed that dark roast coffee produces more of the chemical, N-methylpyridinium. This chemical is produced during the roasting process, and the darker the roast, the more N-methylpyridinium is present.

Caffeine levels vary depending on the degree of roasting of the coffee. However, darker roasts often contain less caffeine than lighter roasts.

2. A less-oily coffee is best. Some coffee beans are quite oily, while other coffees are quite dry. We suggest using ones that are drier, not oily. The reason is that the oil can be rancid, adding a toxin to the coffee.

3. Non-moldy coffee is best. Fresher coffee is better in this regard. Some coffee such as Peet’s Coffee, in the USA, has the roast date on the package. Otherwise, the roast date is hard to identify. Some brands, such as Bulletproof coffee, advertise that they are very careful about mold.

4. Keep coffee in the freezer.

5. AVOID Starbucks coffee and light-roast ‘enema’ coffees.

Rod in MN/USA

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 11:49:32 PM CST, buffalo-check via <buffalo-check@...> wrote:

Where did you get your coffee for the enemas? 

On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 9:15 AM, Rod Holmgren via <s4sindus@...> wrote:

Every morning during the week, in two parts. First was 8 ounces for 10 - 15 minutes, then the remaining 24 ounces for 20 - 30 minutes. I found doing the smaller dose first opened up the colon for the larger second. Once I felt I was ahead of the curve I backed off to 3 times a week, M/W/F. I was usually away from home on weekends.

Rod in MN/USA
On Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 06:13:21 AM CST, Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:

Rod, thanks so much for the info, how often did you do enemas with coffee/artemesinin? Like how many times a day or a week?

Ron Muscella

"Sit by a sunny window"
......unfortunately,  you can't get adequate UVB exposure sitting indoors or in a car. Virtually all commercial and automobile glass blocks UVB rays. As a result, you will not be able to increase your vitamin D levels by sitting in front of a sunny window, though much of the UVA radiation will penetrate the glass and may be harmful.

On Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 09:06:57 PM EST, sara.weisel <sara.weisel@...> wrote:

Hi Irina,

Doing a modified version of Budwig will not get you results. Whatever protocol you decide on, it's best to go all in. Triglycerides are the least of your worries at this point and flax seeds and their oil cannot hurt the body. The science of the protocol is almost entirely based on the Flax oil cottage cheese combo so at the very least I would make sure to get two servings of those every day. It sounds like you have the nutrition down so that is good. Maybe ensure that you're drinking quality water as well and eat sauerkraut. Sit by a sunny window with as few clothes as possible as often as you can. It is quite important. Wishing you lots of luck and good health. 

On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 9:47 AM Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:
Hi Rod,

Thanks so much for your reply and congrats on your healing, this is really impressive! I understand from the files that Budwig protocol has some very good statistics for lung cancer (and some other cancers I guess).

I am trying to heal stage 4 ovarian cancer (I was first dx in 2014 with stage 1, had surgery and that was it but a recurrance in 2020 with stage 4). Surgery/radiation is not an option and I refused chemo. My dad and two of my aunts had cancers and all died after chemo. My sister is the only one who survived chemo but she had a type of cancer which has a very high rate of 'cure' with chemo. Her experience with chemo was so bad that I do not want to put myself through that. Doctors think I am stupid (and maybe I am) and that I am loosing time. Although they don't say chemo will heal cancer but maybe just stop it for a while (no guarantee for that either) and don't give much time (I have aleady outlived some of their prognosys) but the cancer is progressing and I wasn't able to stop it on my own.

I am 9 years vegan (with no sugar, processed foods, animal protein, alcohol, coffee, wheat, up until rercently oils) and I still had a recurrance. So I do not think cancer always comes from poor nutrition although it definitly plays its role. I've been doing tons of supplements, juicing, eating only raw for prolong times, coffee enemas, herbal teas, Essiac, Pau-d-Arco, colloidal silver, jumping on mini trampoline, ozonated water, PEMF and some other things I could get my hands on (not much is available in my country) but with no results.

Now there is ascites in abdominal area, right lung is fully shut down due to fluid build up (they used to drain it but it is no longer possible) and many other health problems due to cancer. I almost died the last time they drained ascites from abdominal area and it took me 3 months to get myself back together more or less (to get rid of high fever, start walking again and feel more energy), so I dread going through this procedure again and am looking for ways to get rid of it without the doctors.

It is a pretty tough situation and I wonder if Budwig can be of help. I've started modified Budwig protocol almost 2 months ago and so far I do not see much result (a bit more energy but I still feel very tired most of the time). Modified because my blood preassure is typically in the low range and if I add flax seeds to the FOCC or to juices it just drops so much that I feel really bad and can not function. So I use flax seeds once a week (with abovementioned consequences) and only 1tsp. I can not eat pineapples and papaya is not available most of the time. But I keep the rest of the protocol.

Also my triglycerides went up 110 points after starting Budwig mix and after some research I understand it happens when we consume too much fat (all the other reasons are not applilcable to me). I get my blood checked every 1,5-2 months and triglycerides were always in the normal range so I am sure it is from the oil as it is the most fat containing food I eat now (it is about 80g per day which is way more than the "norm"). Not sure what to do about that and how to get them down consuming that much oil.

So this is my story in short :-) I do hope Budwig can help yet am scared to "put all the eggs in one busket" since I have no idea how much time my body has. I am 47 and I really want to live. I take D3 as I live in the northern country with not much sun most of the year and blood thinners (I have to) but this is it for now since Budwig did not recommend any supplements or drugs.

It does seem to me like not that many survivor stories with Budwig protocol only nowadays which makes me worried a little but I may be wrong.

Thanks again for your reply!


This would be outside the budwig protocol and you may want to search the archives. 
But for vitamins I would add high dose melatonin all day long in few hundred mg to gram dose. There are some Facebook groups practicing this and have found good results. 

On Dec 8, 2023, at 1:56 PM, Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:

Dear all,
I am new on this forum and would like to know if there are any success stories wih Budwig protocol from years 2021, 2022, 2023. I need a little encouragement :-)
I have read the files section with success stories and on the website but would like to know if there are more recent ones.
If you do have such a story please advise if you've done just Budwig or used conventional treatments as well or if ou added supplements (which ones would be also nice to know).

Thank you,