Latest success stories/To Sarah Weisel


Hi Sarah,

Are you saying I should not be following modified Budwig protocol at all as it will not bring results?

As I have expleined in my message there is a good reason why I do modified protocol. I can not use flax seeds as they drop my blood preassure too low to the point where I can not function and feel really bad and then the bleeding starts which is dangerous for me as I am seriously anemic. Yes, this is purely from flax seeds and when I do not use them I do not have all of the above. So when you say they can not hurt the body I agree with you but not in my case and not for me at the moment. Papaya and pineapple are not sold where I live and as I live in Russia there is no sun here till mid May so sitting in front of the sun with minimum clothes is out of question untill then. I do drink sauerkrat juice in the morning, eat musli twice a day (without flax seeds though) and eat sauerkrat often as it is a part of russian cuisine. I do not eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, wheat, processed foods or anything else restricted by the protocol.

So are you saying it will have no benefit for me to continue on with the Budwig protocol this way? Because if it is so I will denfinitly switch to some other protocol as I do not want to waste my time.

Are you a doctor by any chance? I always thought that triglycerides are important when they are above the norm by 110 points, so if you are a doctor please advise why I should not worry about them being so high and how they influence overall health.

Thank you,


Shalom Irina,
Sara wrote:
"Doing a modified version of Budwig will not get you results. Whatever protocol you decide on, it's best to go all in."
It is true that, usually, doing "PART but not ALL" of the  Budwig Protocol is less successful than doing it all without exception.  However, clearly, some people cannot do that.  Someone that is lactose intolerant can do the protocol only if using FERMENTED MILK PRODUCTS, like strained kefir or yogurt.  That would change the protocol very little.
Someone ALLERGIC to casein cannot, under any circumstances, eat the cottage cheese/flaxseed oil mixture - but, usually, can eat ground flaxseeds.

It seems that you have a different sensitivity, as you wrote: "I can not use flax seeds as they drop my blood preassure too low to the point where I can not function and feel really bad and then the bleeding starts which is dangerous for me as I am seriously anemic. Yes, this is purely from flax seeds and when I do not use them I do not have all of the above."  It is well known that flaxseeds are a blood thinner.  I believe that flaxseed oil is also a blood thinner.  Are you sure that it is the flax SEEDS that cause this drop in blood pressure?  Are you saying that the flaxseed OIL does not do this to you?

I am puzzled as to why the seeds would do this but the oil would not do this, but if that is really the case, then certainly, consuming the oil/protein mixture of flaxseed OIL and cottage cheese twice daily is to your advantage, even without the ground flax seeds.

If I have misread your explanation, and in fact the flaxseed OIL is also to be avoided, that does not mean that you cannot benefit at all from the  Budwig Protocol.  The main nutritional goal is to increase the amount of Omega-3 oils in your body.  If you are not able to get these oils from flaxseeds, you can try, as much as possible, to increase your consumption of omega-3 oils by consuming other foods rich in omega-3.  These include HEMP seeds and walnuts.  Fish oils or KRILL oils are also rich in omega-3, but are not vegetarian sources.  Perhaps a combination of Hemp Seeds, Walnuts, and KRILL would work for you.

If you are careful about eliminating all of the forbidden foods, and concentrate on the permitted foods, including a source of omega-3 oils, you will be supporting your healing.  It might not be as efficient as the oil/protein mixture with the ground flaxseeds, but it will be much better than nothing.

Sara also wrote:
"Triglycerides are the least of your worries at this point and flax seeds and their oil cannot hurt the body."
I imagine that she meant that the threat of cancer is more serious than increased triglycerides.

You wrote "I always thought that triglycerides are important when they are above the norm by 110 points, ..."

I am also not a doctor.

What's considered normal?  from

A simple blood test can reveal whether your triglycerides fall into a healthy range:

  • Normal — Less than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), or less than 1.7 millimoles per liter (mmol/L)
  • Borderline high — 150 to 199 mg/dL (1.8 to 2.2 mmol/L)
  • High — 200 to 499 mg/dL (2.3 to 5.6 mmol/L)
  • Very high — 500 mg/dL or above (5.7 mmol/L or above)

If Normal is (see above) — Less than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), and you have 110more, or 260milligrams per deciliter, then you have "Borderline high" and not very high triglycerides.   From what I have read, restricting your carbohydrate consumption, and exercising, should result in a decrease in triglycerides.  NOTE that Dr.  Budwig insisted that cancer patients should NOT exercise extensively, but rather gently.  Be careful. 

Since you  live in Russia where there is no sun till mid May, clearly you cannot enjoy the sunlight; it would probably be advised for you to supplement with Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2.
You drink sauerkraut juice in the morning, eat the flaxseed oil/quark mixture (without flax seeds) twice daily.  As part of the Russian cuisine, you eat sauerkraut often (it must not be cooked) - very good.  You do not eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, wheat, processed foods or anything else restricted by the protocol.  I believe that you are doing as well as you can, and that the protocol will help you.

I would be interested to know how flaxSEEDS lower your blood pressure, while flaxseed OIL does not.  Do you have an explanation for that?

wishing you good healing, 
with warm wishes from war torn Israel,


On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 2:25 PM Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:
Hi Sarah,

Are you saying I should not be following modified Budwig protocol at all as it will not bring results?

As I have expleined in my message there is a good reason why I do modified protocol. I can not use flax seeds as they drop my blood preassure too low to the point where I can not function and feel really bad and then the bleeding starts which is dangerous for me as I am seriously anemic. Yes, this is purely from flax seeds and when I do not use them I do not have all of the above. So when you say they can not hurt the body I agree with you but not in my case and not for me at the moment. Papaya and pineapple are not sold where I live and as I live in Russia there is no sun here till mid May so sitting in front of the sun with minimum clothes is out of question untill then. I do drink sauerkrat juice in the morning, eat musli twice a day (without flax seeds though) and eat sauerkrat often as it is a part of russian cuisine. I do not eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, wheat, processed foods or anything else restricted by the protocol.

So are you saying it will have no benefit for me to continue on with the Budwig protocol this way? Because if it is so I will denfinitly switch to some other protocol as I do not want to waste my time.

Are you a doctor by any chance? I always thought that triglycerides are important when they are above the norm by 110 points, so if you are a doctor please advise why I should not worry about them being so high and how they influence overall health.

Thank you,


Hi Irina,

I have been following the Budwig protocol for under 2 months and am already seeing progress. People at my job have commented that my tumor (under my jaw) is considerably smaller.

I follow the diet strictly. I also drink 3-3oz.cups of essiac tea every day. I do take supplements, especially D because I work inside all day (I leave for work in the dark, and it is dark when I go home!) I also drink at least 32 oz. of green tea every day.

I was encouraged to follow the diet from reading success stories with Budwig and other diet-related protocols on the Templeton Wellness website. I followed the Anti-cancer mom (Courtney Campbell) stories and was impressed with her success.

There are other stories on the Templeton site of people using a macrobiotic diet or Gerson diet and having great results. If Budwig is not right for you, perhaps one of the others would help. As it has been said, whatever you choose, do it completely without modifications to get the most benefit.

I chose not to have any other treatment for my tumor, so I do not have the complications of trying to heal from chemo or radiation.

I wish you the best,

Barb, USA 

On Thu, Dec 14, 2023, 7:25 AM Irina <ipravdina@...> wrote:
Hi Sarah,

Are you saying I should not be following modified Budwig protocol at all as it will not bring results?

As I have expleined in my message there is a good reason why I do modified protocol. I can not use flax seeds as they drop my blood preassure too low to the point where I can not function and feel really bad and then the bleeding starts which is dangerous for me as I am seriously anemic. Yes, this is purely from flax seeds and when I do not use them I do not have all of the above. So when you say they can not hurt the body I agree with you but not in my case and not for me at the moment. Papaya and pineapple are not sold where I live and as I live in Russia there is no sun here till mid May so sitting in front of the sun with minimum clothes is out of question untill then. I do drink sauerkrat juice in the morning, eat musli twice a day (without flax seeds though) and eat sauerkrat often as it is a part of russian cuisine. I do not eat meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, wheat, processed foods or anything else restricted by the protocol.

So are you saying it will have no benefit for me to continue on with the Budwig protocol this way? Because if it is so I will denfinitly switch to some other protocol as I do not want to waste my time.

Are you a doctor by any chance? I always thought that triglycerides are important when they are above the norm by 110 points, so if you are a doctor please advise why I should not worry about them being so high and how they influence overall health.

Thank you,


Dr. Budwig stated that cancer cells are weak and vulnerable.  Her cancer killing protocol consists of mixing flaxseed oil and lowfat quark/cottage cheese with an immersion blender.  The cottage cheese(positively charged sulfur particles) when mixed with the flaxseed oil(negatively charged electrons) creates a water soluble substance that gets into a body's smallest capillaries and infuses oxygen into all your cells.  This kills cancer cells.  Dr. Budvig also stated that a cancer patient needs to sunbathe 20 minutes per day in order to get the sun's photons into their cells.  I do not understand this at all since it is quantum physics and way above my pay grade..  This is the main part of the Budwig protocol and many people have had great success with it.  I hope this helps.



Budwig is a cancer HEALING protocol, not a cancer KILLING protocol. Thei excerpt is taken from Sanda's site:

Dr. Budwig identified the damaging effects of hydrogenated and other denatured fats upon human health and discovered the powerfully healing nature of cold-pressed, liquid flaxseed oil on various degenerative diseases, including cancer. She showed that highly unsaturated flaxseed oil contains electrons and essential fatty acids that can revitalize cells, heal the cell membrane and improve oxygen absorption.

She discovered and proved that the adhesive capacity of sulfurated proteins (found in quark and cottage cheese) bond with highly unsaturated flaxseed oil to render the oil water soluble – making flaxseed oil much more easily absorbed and effectively used by the body’s cells. Additionally important, once bonded with the sulphurated proteins, flaxseed oil becomes bioavailable to the tiniest capillaries, which may have become blocked by damaging, saturated fats.

Dr. Otto Warburg, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1931 for his research on cellular respiration, explained: “The growth of cancer cells is initiated by a relative lack of oxygen. Cancer cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.” Yet, Warburg was unable to find a way to restore oxygen to the cells.

Twenty-one years later, in a paper entitled “On Fat Biology V. Paper Chromatography of Blood Lipoids, the Tumour Problem and Fat Research,” Dr. Budwig wrote, “It is basically proven that highly unsaturated fatty acids are the heretofore undiscovered decisive factor in respiratory enzyme function, i.e. constitute the second part of the ‘equation’ that nobelist Otto Warburg had been unable to find.”

It is a common misconception by many.

All the best, Rod in MN/USA
On Friday, December 15, 2023 at 02:06:08 PM CST, sara.weisel <sara.weisel@...> wrote:

Dr. Budwig stated that cancer cells are weak and vulnerable.  Her cancer killing protocol consists of mixing flaxseed oil and lowfat quark/cottage cheese with an immersion blender.  The cottage cheese(positively charged sulfur particles) when mixed with the flaxseed oil(negatively charged electrons) creates a water soluble substance that gets into a body's smallest capillaries and infuses oxygen into all your cells.  This kills cancer cells.  Dr. Budvig also stated that a cancer patient needs to sunbathe 20 minutes per day in order to get the sun's photons into their cells.  I do not understand this at all since it is quantum physics and way above my pay grade..  This is the main part of the Budwig protocol and many people have had great success with it.  I hope this helps.



Hi Rod,

Which part of your message concerns common misconception?

Kind regards,
Joost · NL

Op 15-12-2023 om 23:38 schreef Rod Holmgren via

Budwig is a cancer HEALING protocol, not a cancer KILLING protocol. Thei excerpt is taken from Sanda's site:

Dr. Budwig identified the damaging effects of hydrogenated and other denatured fats upon human health and discovered the powerfully healing nature of cold-pressed, liquid flaxseed oil on various degenerative diseases, including cancer. She showed that highly unsaturated flaxseed oil contains electrons and essential fatty acids that can revitalize cells, heal the cell membrane and improve oxygen absorption.

She discovered and proved that the adhesive capacity of sulfurated proteins (found in quark and cottage cheese) bond with highly unsaturated flaxseed oil to render the oil water soluble – making flaxseed oil much more easily absorbed and effectively used by the body’s cells. Additionally important, once bonded with the sulphurated proteins, flaxseed oil becomes bioavailable to the tiniest capillaries, which may have become blocked by damaging, saturated fats.

Dr. Otto Warburg, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1931 for his research on cellular respiration, explained: “The growth of cancer cells is initiated by a relative lack of oxygen. Cancer cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.” Yet, Warburg was unable to find a way to restore oxygen to the cells.

Twenty-one years later, in a paper entitled “On Fat Biology V. Paper Chromatography of Blood Lipoids, the Tumour Problem and Fat Research,” Dr. Budwig wrote, “It is basically proven that highly unsaturated fatty acids are the heretofore undiscovered decisive factor in respiratory enzyme function, i.e. constitute the second part of the ‘equation’ that nobelist Otto Warburg had been unable to find.”

It is a common misconception by many.


thank you, Rod.
now I need not respond.
appreciate it.


On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 12:38 AM Rod Holmgren via <> wrote:

Budwig is a cancer HEALING protocol, not a cancer KILLING protocol. Thei excerpt is taken from Sanda's site:

Dr. Budwig identified the damaging effects of hydrogenated and other denatured fats upon human health and discovered the powerfully healing nature of cold-pressed, liquid flaxseed oil on various degenerative diseases, including cancer. She showed that highly unsaturated flaxseed oil contains electrons and essential fatty acids that can revitalize cells, heal the cell membrane and improve oxygen absorption.

She discovered and proved that the adhesive capacity of sulfurated proteins (found in quark and cottage cheese) bond with highly unsaturated flaxseed oil to render the oil water soluble – making flaxseed oil much more easily absorbed and effectively used by the body’s cells. Additionally important, once bonded with the sulphurated proteins, flaxseed oil becomes bioavailable to the tiniest capillaries, which may have become blocked by damaging, saturated fats.

Dr. Otto Warburg, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1931 for his research on cellular respiration, explained: “The growth of cancer cells is initiated by a relative lack of oxygen. Cancer cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.” Yet, Warburg was unable to find a way to restore oxygen to the cells.

Twenty-one years later, in a paper entitled “On Fat Biology V. Paper Chromatography of Blood Lipoids, the Tumour Problem and Fat Research,” Dr. Budwig wrote, “It is basically proven that highly unsaturated fatty acids are the heretofore undiscovered decisive factor in respiratory enzyme function, i.e. constitute the second part of the ‘equation’ that nobelist Otto Warburg had been unable to find.”

It is a common misconception by many.

All the best, Rod in MN/USA
On Friday, December 15, 2023 at 02:06:08 PM CST, sara.weisel <sara.weisel@...> wrote:

Dr. Budwig stated that cancer cells are weak and vulnerable.  Her cancer killing protocol consists of mixing flaxseed oil and lowfat quark/cottage cheese with an immersion blender.  The cottage cheese(positively charged sulfur particles) when mixed with the flaxseed oil(negatively charged electrons) creates a water soluble substance that gets into a body's smallest capillaries and infuses oxygen into all your cells.  This kills cancer cells.  Dr. Budvig also stated that a cancer patient needs to sunbathe 20 minutes per day in order to get the sun's photons into their cells.  I do not understand this at all since it is quantum physics and way above my pay grade..  This is the main part of the Budwig protocol and many people have had great success with it.  I hope this helps.



Many people think Budwig kills cancer, when in reality Budwig actually heals cancer cells. Same end, different path.

Rod in MN/USA
On Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 05:57:41 AM CST, Joost <joost@...> wrote:

Hi Rod,

Which part of your message concerns common misconception?

Kind regards,
Joost · NL

Op 15-12-2023 om 23:38 schreef Rod Holmgren via
> Budwig is a cancer HEALING protocol, not a cancer KILLING protocol.
> Thei excerpt is taken from Sanda's site:
> Dr. Budwig identified the damaging effects of hydrogenated and other
> denatured fats upon human health and discovered the powerfully healing
> nature of cold-pressed, liquid flaxseed oil on various degenerative
> diseases, including cancer. She showed that highly unsaturated
> flaxseed oil contains electrons and essential fatty acids that can
> revitalize cells, heal the cell membrane and improve oxygen absorption.
> She discovered and proved that the adhesive capacity of sulfurated
> proteins (found in quark and cottage cheese) bond with highly
> unsaturated flaxseed oil to render the oil water soluble – making
> flaxseed oil much more easily absorbed and effectively used by the
> body’s cells. Additionally important, once bonded with the sulphurated
> proteins, flaxseed oil becomes bioavailable to the tiniest
> capillaries, which may have become blocked by damaging, saturated fats.
> Dr. Otto Warburg, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or
> Medicine in 1931 for his research on cellular respiration, explained:
> “The growth of cancer cells is initiated by a relative lack of oxygen.
> Cancer cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.” Yet, Warburg was
> unable to find a way to restore oxygen to the cells.
> Twenty-one years later, in a paper entitled “On Fat Biology V. Paper
> Chromatography of Blood Lipoids, the Tumour Problem and Fat Research,”
> Dr. Budwig wrote, “It is basically proven that highly unsaturated
> fatty acids are the heretofore undiscovered decisive factor in
> respiratory enzyme function, i.e. constitute the second part of the
> ‘equation’ that nobelist Otto Warburg had been unable to find.”
> It is a common misconception by many.


Hi Joost,

I believe Rod means that the misconception of the Budwig Diet is that it KiLLS cancer when the actual methodology would seem to help the body deal with the cancer on a more equal footing and hopefully the outcome would be the body HEALS. That is the way I took what he wrote to be.


On Dec 16, 2023, at 6:57 AM, Joost <joost@...> wrote:

Hi Rod,

Which part of your message concerns common misconception?

Kind regards,
Joost · NL

Op 15-12-2023 om 23:38 schreef Rod Holmgren via
Budwig is a cancer HEALING protocol, not a cancer KILLING protocol. Thei excerpt is taken from Sanda's site:

Dr. Budwig identified the damaging effects of hydrogenated and other denatured fats upon human health and discovered the powerfully healing nature of cold-pressed, liquid flaxseed oil on various degenerative diseases, including cancer. She showed that highly unsaturated flaxseed oil contains electrons and essential fatty acids that can revitalize cells, heal the cell membrane and improve oxygen absorption.

She discovered and proved that the adhesive capacity of sulfurated proteins (found in quark and cottage cheese) bond with highly unsaturated flaxseed oil to render the oil water soluble – making flaxseed oil much more easily absorbed and effectively used by the body’s cells. Additionally important, once bonded with the sulphurated proteins, flaxseed oil becomes bioavailable to the tiniest capillaries, which may have become blocked by damaging, saturated fats.

Dr. Otto Warburg, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1931 for his research on cellular respiration, explained: “The growth of cancer cells is initiated by a relative lack of oxygen. Cancer cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.” Yet, Warburg was unable to find a way to restore oxygen to the cells.

Twenty-one years later, in a paper entitled “On Fat Biology V. Paper Chromatography of Blood Lipoids, the Tumour Problem and Fat Research,” Dr. Budwig wrote, “It is basically proven that highly unsaturated fatty acids are the heretofore undiscovered decisive factor in respiratory enzyme function, i.e. constitute the second part of the ‘equation’ that nobelist Otto Warburg had been unable to find.”

It is a common misconception by many.