bananas & dates


Hi everyone,

What do you think aboout bananas and dates, are they ok on Budwig protocol or too much sugar (even though it is natural)? I do not have any blood sugar problems but still try not to it too much of sweet fruits having cancer.

1. I know Budwig had some recipes with bananas but not in FO/CC mix. Do you think it's ok to add bananas to it or better not?
2. Are dates ok to eat while drinking herbal teas? Just as a treat sometimes I crave something sweet and thought of dates but not sure if they are ok.

Thank you,


Hi Irena,

Sorry for the delay in answering your questions. There is no problems regarding eating dates or bananas,

1. Dr. Budwig does mention including a banana in the FO/CC mixture … at the bottom of page 15, in my book, which was published in English in 1994. As long as natural sugar is within fruit, it does not damage the body.
2. Dr. Budwig recommends dates, figs, and raisins whenever you’re craving sweets. They have many healthy benefits. She names them at the bottom of page 9 in my book.

Kind regards,
Sandra Olson 


There are nations they feed their new born baby a small price of soft date first thing after birth to cleanse their body. Dates are full of nutrients. Yum. 


Hi Sandra,

Thank you very much!
