Homemade Quark


How do I know if my homemade quark turned out successful with the right properties for the Budwig mix? I used organic ‘baking milk’ in Norway, lightly pasteurised, non-homogenised containing 50% skimmed milk, 50% buttermilk and ‘dense cultures’. I left it sitting on the kitchen counter for 24 hours, followed by 1/2 a day in the oven (first warmed to 50 degrees celsius then turned off). Then I drained it for 1/2 a day and it turned out like the consistency of quark or non-thick yoghurt. It didn’t curdle like I thought it should and didn’t look like cottage cheese when straining. Do you think it still has the properties needed for the Budwig recipe? 


Sounds okay.  Is the moisture content similar to cottage cheese or quark?  The acid test is to mix 40g FSO with 100g of your cheese and mix with an immersion blender or equivalent for a couple minutes.  If they combine, you're good!!

I do think your process is more complicated than it needs to be.  I mix about 100g yogurt with live cultures (Siggi's drinkable) with 2 litres of lowfat milk, put it in a yogurtmaker at 100F, let it ferment for 10 hours, then strain.  The result is perfect for making fso/cc

On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 9:19 AM <catrionaleo@...> wrote:
How do I know if my homemade quark turned out successful with the right properties for the Budwig mix? I used organic ‘baking milk’ in Norway, lightly pasteurised, non-homogenised containing 50% skimmed milk, 50% buttermilk and ‘dense cultures’. I left it sitting on the kitchen counter for 24 hours, followed by 1/2 a day in the oven (first warmed to 50 degrees celsius then turned off). Then I drained it for 1/2 a day and it turned out like the consistency of quark or non-thick yoghurt. It didn’t curdle like I thought it should and didn’t look like cottage cheese when straining. Do you think it still has the properties needed for the Budwig recipe?