Mach4-ESS- No Motion


Hello group, I am looking for some assistance with a self-assembled CNC Knee mill.

I used the PC the other night for another ethernet machine application, when I switched back to the ESS we weren’t communicating.

So, I downloaded new plugin, which required a Mach update. Now we are getting communication, limit switches work, eStop works, but no spindle or motors.

The ClearPath motor are looking for a motor Enable signal which is on Port1, Pin 3. If I set this to active low in the ESS, it will activate them and we can run the machine, but the spindle relays don’t work.

Can someone explain how Mach4 toggles the Motor #0 enable signal on and off? Is there a setting in the new ESS plugin we are missing?  

We are using Mach4 ver. 5036, Ethernet Smooth Stepper ver.289, PMDX 126 BOB, and ClearPath hybrid servos.



Brian Martin