I have a TAIG desktop Mill with a PMDX – 122 motion control board that utilizes a parallel port.
The machine has always run without problem and in the middle of a 15 minute milling job it stopped about halfway and I cannot get the machine to respond no matter what I try.
I even replaced the control box, which I had a spare, that included the PMDX -122 motion control, and Gecko drivers, and that did not help.
anybody have any ideas what could’ve caused this?
Limit switch & wires all good ?
On 1/12/24 10:02 AM, Chuck Kahler
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I have a TAIG desktop Mill with a PMDX – 122 motion control board
that utilizes a parallel port.
The machine has always run without problem and in the middle
of a 15 minute milling job it stopped about halfway and I cannot
get the machine to respond no matter what I try.
I even replaced the control box, which I had a spare, that
included the PMDX
-122 motion control, and Gecko drivers, and that did not help.
anybody have any ideas what could’ve caused this?
Mike, That was my thought At first, then I remembered this little guy doesn’t have any limit switches on it.
I’m wondering if something could’ve happened to the parallel port itself within the laptop computer.
I say this because I tried two different control boxes and it made no difference.
Thanks for your input, Chuck
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On Jan 12, 2024, at 10:36 AM, mike allen <animal@...> wrote:
Limit switch & wires all good ?
On 1/12/24 10:02 AM, Chuck Kahler
I have a TAIG desktop Mill with a PMDX – 122 motion control board
that utilizes a parallel port.
The machine has always run without problem and in the middle
of a 15 minute milling job it stopped about halfway and I cannot
get the machine to respond no matter what I try.
I even replaced the control box, which I had a spare, that
included the PMDX
-122 motion control, and Gecko drivers, and that did not help.
anybody have any ideas what could’ve caused this?
Mach3 notorious for not working well on a laptop, usually power savings features of a laptop cause issues
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From: MachCNC@groups.io <MachCNC@groups.io> On Behalf Of Chuck Kahler Sent: Friday, January 12, 2024 12:14 PM To: MachCNC@groups.io Subject: Re: [MachCNC] Mach3 mill stopped in the middle of a job. Mike, That was my thought At first, then I remembered this little guy doesn’t have any limit switches on it. I’m wondering if something could’ve happened to the parallel port itself within the laptop computer. I say this because I tried two different control boxes and it made no difference.
On Jan 12, 2024, at 10:36 AM, mike allen <animal@...> wrote:
Limit switch & wires all good ? animal On 1/12/24 10:02 AM, Chuck Kahler wrote: I have a TAIG desktop Mill with a PMDX – 122 motion control board that utilizes a parallel port. The machine has always run without problem and in the middle of a 15 minute milling job it stopped about halfway and I cannot get the machine to respond no matter what I try. I even replaced the control box, which I had a spare, that included the PMDX -122 motion control, and Gecko drivers, and that did not help.
anybody have any ideas what could’ve caused this?
Mark I haven’t had a problem for many years running it on this same laptop.
I am currently trying to find another computer with a parallel port connection to see if I can get any joy that way.
Thanks for your input, Chuck
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On Jan 12, 2024, at 11:28 AM, Mark Zirinsky <gemcarver@...> wrote:
Mach3 notorious for not working well on a laptop, usually power savings features of a laptop cause issues From: MachCNC@groups.io <MachCNC@groups.io> On Behalf Of Chuck Kahler Sent: Friday, January 12, 2024 12:14 PM To: MachCNC@groups.io Subject: Re: [MachCNC] Mach3 mill stopped in the middle of a job. Mike, That was my thought At first, then I remembered this little guy doesn’t have any limit switches on it. I’m wondering if something could’ve happened to the parallel port itself within the laptop computer. I say this because I tried two different control boxes and it made no difference.
On Jan 12, 2024, at 10:36 AM, mike allen <animal@...> wrote:
Limit switch & wires all good ? animal On 1/12/24 10:02 AM, Chuck Kahler wrote: I have a TAIG desktop Mill with a PMDX – 122 motion control board that utilizes a parallel port. The machine has always run without problem and in the middle of a 15 minute milling job it stopped about halfway and I cannot get the machine to respond no matter what I try. I even replaced the control box, which I had a spare, that included the PMDX -122 motion control, and Gecko drivers, and that did not help.
anybody have any ideas what could’ve caused this?
There can be random errors introduced into hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays. I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So there is a possibility that one of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it may be worth renaming the current Mach3 folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to see if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be a case of copying over the configuration file, license file and part files and carrying on. If it does not work you can delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup copy of my Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I can replace it if I suspect the working one has been corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then you may have to go down the route of either a USB port controller or a network port controller. I use laptops without issues having set them up to never shut down when external power is on, I think it was just a case of setting them up to act like a desktop.
Martin C
Martin, Thank you for the detailed response,
I will do what you suggest and report back to the group.
Thank you again, Chuck
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On Jan 12, 2024, at 11:59 PM, Martin Connelly <martin.at.leasingham@...> wrote:
There can be random errors introduced into hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays. I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So there is a possibility that one of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it may be worth renaming the current Mach3 folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to see if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be a case of copying over the configuration file, license file and part files and carrying on. If it does not work you can delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup copy of my Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I can replace it if I suspect the working one has been corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then you may have to go down the route of either a USB port controller or a network port controller. I use laptops without issues having set them up to never shut down when external power is on, I think it was just a case of setting them up to act like a desktop.
Martin C
I once had the problem, that a connection of one of the limit switches got loose…. FYI
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On 13 Jan 2024, at 11:46, Chuck Kahler <chuck767@...> wrote:
Martin, Thank you for the detailed response,
I will do what you suggest and report back to the group.
Thank you again, Chuck On Jan 12, 2024, at 11:59 PM, Martin Connelly <martin.at.leasingham@...> wrote:
There can be random errors introduced into hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays. I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So there is a possibility that one of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it may be worth renaming the current Mach3 folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to see if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be a case of copying over the configuration file, license file and part files and carrying on. If it does not work you can delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup copy of my Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I can replace it if I suspect the working one has been corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then you may have to go down the route of either a USB port controller or a network port controller. I use laptops without issues having set them up to never shut down when external power is on, I think it was just a case of setting them up to act like a desktop.
Martin C
I missed the beginning of the thread and it looks like you got many suggestions. Before trying everything, try to isolate the problem: Is Mach3 starting up and look normal? Can you load an old known good program and run it? The X_Y_Z should be changing even if the hardware is dead. If OK, look at that status LEDs. Turn air or coolant on and off. The LEDs should change. If OK, check the matching pin on your printer port. If OK, check the matching pin on your interface card if one is used. Does the air/gas turn on off? Check status LEDs for limit switches and test that they work. Good luck! Bertho
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From: MachCNC@groups.io <MachCNC@groups.io> On Behalf Of Chuck Kahler Sent: 13 January, 2024 5:46 To: MachCNC@groups.io Subject: Re: [MachCNC] Mach3 mill stopped in the middle of a job. Thank you for the detailed response, I will do what you suggest and report back to the group. There can be random errors introduced into hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays. I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So there is a possibility that one of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it may be worth renaming the current Mach3 folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to see if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be a case of copying over the configuration file, license file and part files and carrying on. If it does not work you can delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup copy of my Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I can replace it if I suspect the working one has been corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then you may have to go down the route of either a USB port controller or a network port controller. I use laptops without issues having set them up to never shut down when external power is on, I think it was just a case of setting them up to act like a desktop.
Martin C
Martin, I reinstalled Mach3 and I still can’t get anything to work.
I can move the axis and I can see movement on the DRO but the machine is not reacting at all.
Currently in search of another computer with a parallel port to see if the problem is within my parallel port on my laptop.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Chuck
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On Jan 12, 2024, at 11:59 PM, Martin Connelly <martin.at.leasingham@...> wrote:
There can be random errors introduced into hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays. I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So there is a possibility that one of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it may be worth renaming the current Mach3 folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to see if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be a case of copying over the configuration file, license file and part files and carrying on. If it does not work you can delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup copy of my Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I can replace it if I suspect the working one has been corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then you may have to go down the route of either a USB port controller or a network port controller. I use laptops without issues having set them up to never shut down when external power is on, I think it was just a case of setting them up to act like a desktop.
Martin C
Patrick, That was my initial thought, limit switches, then I realize this little machine doesn’t have limit switches is on it. Thanks for your input, Chuck
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On Jan 13, 2024, at 2:49 AM, Patrick <patrick.marugg@...> wrote:
I once had the problem, that a connection of one of the limit switches got loose…. FYI
Patrick On 13 Jan 2024, at 11:46, Chuck Kahler <chuck767@...> wrote:
Martin, Thank you for the detailed response,
I will do what you suggest and report back to the group.
Thank you again, Chuck On Jan 12, 2024, at 11:59 PM, Martin Connelly <martin.at.leasingham@...> wrote:
There can be random errors introduced into hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays. I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So there is a possibility that one of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it may be worth renaming the current Mach3 folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to see if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be a case of copying over the configuration file, license file and part files and carrying on. If it does not work you can delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup copy of my Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I can replace it if I suspect the working one has been corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then you may have to go down the route of either a USB port controller or a network port controller. I use laptops without issues having set them up to never shut down when external power is on, I think it was just a case of setting them up to act like a desktop.
Martin C
Bertho Thanks for your input. I currently cannot get the machine to do anything. I can command the axis to move, but nothing happens even though the DRO moves.
I have reinstalled Mach3 and tried a different, identical controller, it was a spare, and that didn’t help.
So I’m at a loss as to what is going on
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On Jan 13, 2024, at 3:57 AM, Bertho <boman33@...> wrote:
I missed the beginning of the thread and it looks like you got many suggestions. Before trying everything, try to isolate the problem: Is Mach3 starting up and look normal? Can you load an old known good program and run it? The X_Y_Z should be changing even if the hardware is dead. If OK, look at that status LEDs. Turn air or coolant on and off. The LEDs should change. If OK, check the matching pin on your printer port. If OK, check the matching pin on your interface card if one is used. Does the air/gas turn on off? Check status LEDs for limit switches and test that they work. Good luck! Bertho From: MachCNC@groups.io <MachCNC@groups.io> On Behalf Of Chuck Kahler Sent: 13 January, 2024 5:46 To: MachCNC@groups.io Subject: Re: [MachCNC] Mach3 mill stopped in the middle of a job. Thank you for the detailed response, I will do what you suggest and report back to the group. There can be random errors introduced into hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays. I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So there is a possibility that one of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it may be worth renaming the current Mach3 folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to see if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be a case of copying over the configuration file, license file and part files and carrying on. If it does not work you can delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup copy of my Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I can replace it if I suspect the working one has been corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then you may have to go down the route of either a USB port controller or a network port controller. I use laptops without issues having set them up to never shut down when external power is on, I think it was just a case of setting them up to act like a desktop.
Martin C
Try to verify if Mach can talk to your controller at
If your setup has an eStop switch, does Mach respond to
Does your setup allow on/off control of the spindle and does
that work?
Can you see the LED's on your breakout board? If so try
jogging the machine left and right (remembering that you said the DRO's did
move, and look to see if you can see the LED for direction signal output turning
on an off.
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Thanks for your input.
I currently cannot get the machine to do anything. I can command the axis
to move, but nothing happens even though the DRO moves.
I have reinstalled Mach3 and tried a different, identical controller, it
was a spare, and that didn’t help.
So I’m at a loss as to what is going on
On Jan 13, 2024, at 3:57 AM, Bertho
<boman33@...> wrote:
I missed the beginning of the
thread and it looks like you got many suggestions.
Before trying everything, try
to isolate the problem:
Is Mach3 starting up and look
normal? Can you load an old known good program and run it? The X_Y_Z
should be changing even if the hardware is dead.
If OK, look at that status
LEDs. Turn air or coolant on and off. The LEDs should
If OK, check the matching pin
on your printer port.
If OK, check the matching pin
on your interface card if one is used.
Does the air/gas turn on
Check status LEDs for limit
switches and test that they work.
From: MachCNC@groups.io
<MachCNC@groups.io> On Behalf Of Chuck Kahler Sent: 13
January, 2024 5:46 To: MachCNC@groups.io Subject: Re:
[MachCNC] Mach3 mill stopped in the middle of a
Thank you for the detailed
I will do what you suggest and report back to the
There can be random errors
introduced into hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays.
I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is rare it does
happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So there is a possibility that
one of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it may be worth renaming
the current Mach3 folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to
see if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be a case of
copying over the configuration file, license file and part files and
carrying on. If it does not work you can delete the new Mach3 folder and put
the name of the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup
copy of my Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I can
replace it if I suspect the working one has been corrupted. If the parallel
port is the fault then you may have to go down the route of either a USB
port controller or a network port controller. I use laptops without issues
having set them up to never shut down when external power is on, I think it
was just a case of setting them up to act like a desktop.
Martin C
As previously posted. Look at the simple stuff. If you have MACH3 running configure one of the outputs (if you haven’t already) as the Spindle ON/OFF output. Then look at the diagnostic screen. Here I’ve set up Outputs 1 and 2 for parallel port 16,17 
Under relay control make sure the disable check box isn’t checked and set 1,2 
Then in the diagnostic screen click on spindle toggle. The red LED for output 1 should blink. 
Now look at the physical pin for CW (M3 command) and see if it changes using a voltmeter. If it doesn’t there’s something wrong with your parallel port. If it does follow the signal into your control box. Etc. John
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From: MachCNC@groups.io [mailto:MachCNC@groups.io] On Behalf Of Chuck Kahler Sent: January 13, 2024 11:02 AM To: MachCNC@groups.io Subject: Re: [MachCNC] Mach3 mill stopped in the middle of a job. I currently cannot get the machine to do anything. I can command the axis to move, but nothing happens even though the DRO moves. I have reinstalled Mach3 and tried a different, identical controller, it was a spare, and that didn’t help. So I’m at a loss as to what is going on
On Jan 13, 2024, at 3:57 AM, Bertho <boman33@...> wrote: I missed the beginning of the thread and it looks like you got many suggestions. Before trying everything, try to isolate the problem: Is Mach3 starting up and look normal? Can you load an old known good program and run it? The X_Y_Z should be changing even if the hardware is dead. If OK, look at that status LEDs. Turn air or coolant on and off. The LEDs should change. If OK, check the matching pin on your printer port. If OK, check the matching pin on your interface card if one is used. Does the air/gas turn on off? Check status LEDs for limit switches and test that they work. Good luck! Bertho From: MachCNC@groups.io <MachCNC@groups.io> On Behalf Of Chuck Kahler Sent: 13 January, 2024 5:46 To: MachCNC@groups.io Subject: Re: [MachCNC] Mach3 mill stopped in the middle of a job. Thank you for the detailed response, I will do what you suggest and report back to the group. There can be random errors introduced into hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays. I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So there is a possibility that one of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it may be worth renaming the current Mach3 folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to see if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be a case of copying over the configuration file, license file and part files and carrying on. If it does not work you can delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup copy of my Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I can replace it if I suspect the working one has been corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then you may have to go down the route of either a USB port controller or a network port controller. I use laptops without issues having set them up to never shut down when external power is on, I think it was just a case of setting them up to act like a desktop.
Martin C
Sometimes thrift stores are a source for old PC's
On 1/13/24 10:54 AM, Chuck Kahler
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I reinstalled Mach3 and I still can’t get anything to work.
I can move the axis and I can see movement on the DRO but the
machine is not reacting at all.
Currently in search of another computer with a parallel port
to see if the problem is within my parallel port on my laptop.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
There can be random errors introduced into
hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays.
I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is
rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So
there is a possibility that one of your Mach3 files has been
corrupted and so it may be worth renaming the current Mach3
folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to see
if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be
a case of copying over the configuration file, license file
and part files and carrying on. If it does not work you can
delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of the oldmach3
folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup copy of my
Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I
can replace it if I suspect the working one has been
corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then you may
have to go down the route of either a USB port controller or
a network port controller. I use laptops without issues
having set them up to never shut down when external power is
on, I think it was just a case of setting them up to act
like a desktop.
Martin C
Try swapping the stepper motors to different axis's.
On 1/13/24 11:02 AM, Chuck Kahler
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Thanks for your input.
I currently cannot get the machine to do anything. I can
command the axis to move, but nothing happens even though the
DRO moves.
I have reinstalled Mach3 and tried a different, identical
controller, it was a spare, and that didn’t help.
So I’m at a loss as to what is going on
missed the beginning of the thread and it looks like
you got many suggestions.
trying everything, try to isolate the problem:
Mach3 starting up and look normal? Can you load an old
known good program and run it? The X_Y_Z should be
changing even if the hardware is dead.
If OK,
look at that status LEDs. Turn air or coolant on and
off. The LEDs should change.
If OK,
check the matching pin on your printer port.
If OK,
check the matching pin on your interface card if one
is used.
the air/gas turn on off?
status LEDs for limit switches and test that they
Thank you for the detailed
I will do what you suggest and
report back to the group.
There can be
random errors introduced into hard disks files
that some people attribute to cosmic rays. I know
this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it
is rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not
last forever. So there is a possibility that one
of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it
may be worth renaming the current Mach3 folder
something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to
see if that gets it to work again. If it does then
it should be a case of copying over the
configuration file, license file and part files
and carrying on. If it does not work you can
delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of
the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally
keep a backup copy of my Mach3 folder on a
separate machine and a USB stick just so I can
replace it if I suspect the working one has been
corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then
you may have to go down the route of either a USB
port controller or a network port controller. I
use laptops without issues having set them up to
never shut down when external power is on, I think
it was just a case of setting them up to act like
a desktop.
Martin C
John, I followed the procedure you outlined, and I am not getting any flashing red light on the output 1 when I click “spindle toggle“.
Strange thing is, when I click on the “flood toggle” I get a flashing light on output 3 and when I click on “mist toggle” I get a flashing light on output 4. What makes this really strange is, in the output signal box, output, 3 and 4 are disabled with no pins or port selected.
So John, what does this tell you?
Thanks, Chuck
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On Jan 13, 2024, at 11:27 AM, John Dammeyer <johnd@...> wrote:
As previously posted. Look at the simple stuff. If you have MACH3 running configure one of the outputs (if you haven’t already) as the Spindle ON/OFF output. Then look at the diagnostic screen. Here I’ve set up Outputs 1 and 2 for parallel port 16,17
Under relay control make sure the disable check box isn’t checked and set 1,2
Then in the diagnostic screen click on spindle toggle. The red LED for output 1 should blink.
Now look at the physical pin for CW (M3 command) and see if it changes using a voltmeter. If it doesn’t there’s something wrong with your parallel port. If it does follow the signal into your control box. Etc. John From: MachCNC@groups.io [mailto:MachCNC@groups.io] On Behalf Of Chuck Kahler Sent: January 13, 2024 11:02 AM To: MachCNC@groups.io Subject: Re: [MachCNC] Mach3 mill stopped in the middle of a job. I currently cannot get the machine to do anything. I can command the axis to move, but nothing happens even though the DRO moves. I have reinstalled Mach3 and tried a different, identical controller, it was a spare, and that didn’t help. So I’m at a loss as to what is going on
On Jan 13, 2024, at 3:57 AM, Bertho <boman33@...> wrote: I missed the beginning of the thread and it looks like you got many suggestions. Before trying everything, try to isolate the problem: Is Mach3 starting up and look normal? Can you load an old known good program and run it? The X_Y_Z should be changing even if the hardware is dead. If OK, look at that status LEDs. Turn air or coolant on and off. The LEDs should change. If OK, check the matching pin on your printer port. If OK, check the matching pin on your interface card if one is used. Does the air/gas turn on off? Check status LEDs for limit switches and test that they work. Good luck! Bertho From: MachCNC@groups.io <MachCNC@groups.io> On Behalf Of Chuck Kahler Sent: 13 January, 2024 5:46 To: MachCNC@groups.io Subject: Re: [MachCNC] Mach3 mill stopped in the middle of a job. Thank you for the detailed response, I will do what you suggest and report back to the group. There can be random errors introduced into hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays. I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So there is a possibility that one of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it may be worth renaming the current Mach3 folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to see if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be a case of copying over the configuration file, license file and part files and carrying on. If it does not work you can delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup copy of my Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I can replace it if I suspect the working one has been corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then you may have to go down the route of either a USB port controller or a network port controller. I use laptops without issues having set them up to never shut down when external power is on, I think it was just a case of setting them up to act like a desktop.
Martin C
Yeah, I’ve checked two of them so far and have not found one.
There are some strange things going on, check the post that I just replied back to John
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On Jan 13, 2024, at 11:36 AM, mike allen <animal@...> wrote:
Sometimes thrift stores are a source for old PC's
On 1/13/24 10:54 AM, Chuck Kahler
I reinstalled Mach3 and I still can’t get anything to work.
I can move the axis and I can see movement on the DRO but the
machine is not reacting at all.
Currently in search of another computer with a parallel port
to see if the problem is within my parallel port on my laptop.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
There can be random errors introduced into
hard disks files that some people attribute to cosmic rays.
I know this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it is
rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not last forever. So
there is a possibility that one of your Mach3 files has been
corrupted and so it may be worth renaming the current Mach3
folder something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to see
if that gets it to work again. If it does then it should be
a case of copying over the configuration file, license file
and part files and carrying on. If it does not work you can
delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of the oldmach3
folder back to Mach3. I personally keep a backup copy of my
Mach3 folder on a separate machine and a USB stick just so I
can replace it if I suspect the working one has been
corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then you may
have to go down the route of either a USB port controller or
a network port controller. I use laptops without issues
having set them up to never shut down when external power is
on, I think it was just a case of setting them up to act
like a desktop.
Martin C
The problem is, I can’t get anything to move even though the DRO is saying things are moving.
As I mentioned in the earlier post, I have switched out the complete controller box which I had a spare and I still cannot get any of the axis to move even though the DRO says they’re moving.
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-sent from my iphone --
On Jan 13, 2024, at 11:38 AM, mike allen <animal@...> wrote:
Try swapping the stepper motors to different axis's.
On 1/13/24 11:02 AM, Chuck Kahler
Thanks for your input.
I currently cannot get the machine to do anything. I can
command the axis to move, but nothing happens even though the
DRO moves.
I have reinstalled Mach3 and tried a different, identical
controller, it was a spare, and that didn’t help.
So I’m at a loss as to what is going on
missed the beginning of the thread and it looks like
you got many suggestions.
trying everything, try to isolate the problem:
Mach3 starting up and look normal? Can you load an old
known good program and run it? The X_Y_Z should be
changing even if the hardware is dead.
If OK,
look at that status LEDs. Turn air or coolant on and
off. The LEDs should change.
If OK,
check the matching pin on your printer port.
If OK,
check the matching pin on your interface card if one
is used.
the air/gas turn on off?
status LEDs for limit switches and test that they
Thank you for the detailed
I will do what you suggest and
report back to the group.
There can be
random errors introduced into hard disks files
that some people attribute to cosmic rays. I know
this sounds a bit conspiracy theory and though it
is rare it does happen. Also hard disks do not
last forever. So there is a possibility that one
of your Mach3 files has been corrupted and so it
may be worth renaming the current Mach3 folder
something like oldmach3 and reinstalling Mach3 to
see if that gets it to work again. If it does then
it should be a case of copying over the
configuration file, license file and part files
and carrying on. If it does not work you can
delete the new Mach3 folder and put the name of
the oldmach3 folder back to Mach3. I personally
keep a backup copy of my Mach3 folder on a
separate machine and a USB stick just so I can
replace it if I suspect the working one has been
corrupted. If the parallel port is the fault then
you may have to go down the route of either a USB
port controller or a network port controller. I
use laptops without issues having set them up to
never shut down when external power is on, I think
it was just a case of setting them up to act like
a desktop.
Martin C
Chuck, OK so Mach3 appears to run. If you watch the status LEDs for the gas or coolant, they should change when clicking the respective button on/off. Measure the corresponding pin on the printer port with the machine disconnected. The matching pins should also toggle between high and low. The gas / coolant should activate if they are connected on the machine. If you are running a program, the direction pins should be switching. An independent quick check that your controller/driver is working: With power off, you should be able to manually turn an axel. Power on and Mach3 enabled but not running a program, try to turn the same axel. If locked, the stepper & the driver are active. Also, the motors should get warm. Bertho
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From: MachCNC@groups.io <MachCNC@groups.io> On Behalf Of Chuck Kahler Sent: 13 January, 2024 14:02 To: MachCNC@groups.io Subject: Re: [MachCNC] Mach3 mill stopped in the middle of a job. I currently cannot get the machine to do anything. I can command the axis to move, but nothing happens even though the DRO moves. I have reinstalled Mach3 and tried a different, identical controller, it was a spare, and that didn’t help. So I’m at a loss as to what is going on