Keyboard Shortcuts
ctrl + shift + ? :
Показати всі комбінації клавіш
ctrl + g :
Не доступний для безкоштовних груп.
ctrl + shift + f :
ctrl + / :
esc to dismiss
A possible threat to all of us suffering cancer.
I've been a member since 2019 but have posted seldom. I'm still fighting cancer of my larynx.
I have a doctorate in Psychology (Cognitive Science) from Queens University Canada. I wish to post something of extraordinary importance to our whole group but it's potentially controversial. I think Sandra Olsen might help me but can she or someone refer me to current guidelines on posts please? Regards Barry -- email:brlund007@... |
Not seeing any links or post at all. Now I am curious
переключити цитоване повідомлення
Показати цитований текст
On Jan 27, 2024, at 1:47 AM, Barry Richardson <brlund007@...> wrote:
переключити цитоване повідомлення
Показати цитований текст
Додаткові параметри
to navigate to use esc to dismiss