uc300eth encoder for turning on mach3?


good morning.

short question..

do i need for threading a single pulse encoder or ab z encoder when i use uc300eth with mach3???



I've always believed that Mach3 only works with a single pulse encoder. It's how mine works. I think using an encoder was hoped for but they could not get it to work with a parallel port. They never worked on Mach3 much after it was decided to start again with Mach4 so it was never implemented. Single point threading works with a single pulse per rev within certain limits. You need a lathe with a powerful enough motor, good torque at the spindle and high enough inertia in the drive train to make sure the rpm does not drop during the threading process. A small lathe with not very good electronic speed control will likely cause problems. A lathe with back gear and a powerful motor will work fine for large diameter threads, smaller threads will be doable with higher rpm so back gear will not be needed. If you have a mini lathe you may have trouble.

Some external controllers may have the ability to work with an encoder but I know the Warp9 Smooth Stepper I have only works with a single pulse and I have used a controller that did not work at all for threading, but they have been further developed since then. I have never seen any posts by people saying they have got Mach3 working with an encoder so I think people who want that option probably go straight to Mach4 as this is a more recent development and there are videos of threading using Mach4, external controllers and encoders.


I had mach3 reading encoder pulses from a digikey 400ppr magnetic encoder straight on to the paralell port.. really cool stuff.. But there is a but.. it was slow throught the paralell port. Depending on the application it was usable..  I believe the ESS could read much much faster.

On Wednesday, 31 January 2024 at 07:46:13 pm AEDT, Martin Connelly <martin.at.leasingham@...> wrote:

I've always believed that Mach3 only works with a single pulse encoder. It's how mine works. I think using an encoder was hoped for but they could not get it to work with a parallel port. They never worked on Mach3 much after it was decided to start again with Mach4 so it was never implemented. Single point threading works with a single pulse per rev within certain limits. You need a lathe with a powerful enough motor, good torque at the spindle and high enough inertia in the drive train to make sure the rpm does not drop during the threading process. A small lathe with not very good electronic speed control will likely cause problems. A lathe with back gear and a powerful motor will work fine for large diameter threads, smaller threads will be doable with higher rpm so back gear will not be needed. If you have a mini lathe you may have trouble.

Some external controllers may have the ability to work with an encoder but I know the Warp9 Smooth Stepper I have only works with a single pulse and I have used a controller that did not work at all for threading, but they have been further developed since then. I have never seen any posts by people saying they have got Mach3 working with an encoder so I think people who want that option probably go straight to Mach4 as this is a more recent development and there are videos of threading using Mach4, external controllers and encoders.



i have a uc300eth... and a ess... with thd ess it works but uc300eth not... so i search for reason...

i dont know where bit i remember that i tead that the uc300eth need abz sensor?!


The UC300ETH Plugin for Mach3 can read an encoder and be used for rigid tapping.  This not common and not well documented, but there is a macro for it.  The Mach4 Plugin cannot process the encoder to lathe threading or rigid tapping.   For Lathe threading, The ESS or the PoKeys would do a great job on Mach4.  Mach4 has awesome features for advanced lathe operations. It is worth looking at.
Note also that the latest UCCNC (1.2116) also supports lathe operations.  You may want to consider that.

Do not worry about encoder signal coupling, we have hardware on our website for this is you need.

Arturo Duncan


ok.. so if i use uc300eth in mach3.. for threading.. index pulse is needed.. do i need more?!