older Ensemble 1, not working


I put one of these together back in 2011 or so, it has worked flawlessly, but when we moved it was packed away for years, when I got it out, it would not work. That was two years ago.
Tony helped me get it going again.
I occasionally use it and afew days ago I hooked it up again . . . nothing.

The USB cable CFGSR is recognizable by unit, because with the USB cable disconnected it points out it is not seeing the circuit it controls on Ensemble.

With all cables connected, USB, I & Q, 12 volts DC & Antenna - it does not see any signals in the waveform nor to I hear anything but slight noise.

I checked the 5 Volt supplies on board, and all is OK, voltages seem to be OK in the few area I checked.

It seems the BPF is not working correct, but that is just a guest. The only bands that show are 80 & 40 meters on Rocky. I can't change them via software, etc.

I am using the software versions that have always worked . . . 3.8 for Rocky and 2.6 for CFGSR.



Hi Al;
It sounds like your computer is seeing the Ensemble 1, but it is not seeing your I/Q which comes from your modem.
Is your computer seeing the modem?
Do you have the modem selected in Rocky? under the audio tab. You must select the input and output modem.

the CFGSR shows that it can connect to the softrock.. so does Rocky... its your modem my thoughts.


guy (at) eastroad (dot) org

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Have a good day!


Thank You Guy
for the help,

I kept thinking it was my Modem too, but I did something that might not be correct to do . . . I put a headset to the I & Q outputs from the Ensemble and there is nothing there, shouldn't there be something to hear if the Ensemble was generating a I & Q signal???

Also the AUDIO SETTINGS are correct on Rocky, but the one thing that does not open is the tab under TOOLS - Soundboard Info . . . if I go under TOOLS & Settings in Rocky I do see the settings for the PC's boards, etc.
They are correctly set.

I use a SEWELL SoundBox to go from the I & Q out of Ensemble to the USB input my PC looks for, there are no regular audio inputs L & R in on my PC, just USB . . . this has always worked in the pass with the Ensemble.
The Soundbox takes the L & R in ( or I & Q ) and puts it on the USB cable so my PC can use it.

Like I said this has worked in the pass.



Hi Al;

I am happy to help if I can.  I need to go look at the sewell soundbox and look at its description and schematic.

While I am doing this.. with the soundbox connected what do you see  in the Windows Device Manager under "sound, video and game controllers?  When you disconnect the usb for the Sewell Device you should see a device go away and when plugged back in a device should  appear. what is the name of that device?

One other thing.. do you have the VAC (Virtual Audio Cable) software installed?

73 Guy N1GMM

The Sewell is a nice device.. but have not used it. I use the creative x-fi stereo card.

On 2/13/2024 12:03 PM, al2ok wrote:
Thank You Guy
for the help,

I kept thinking it was my Modem too, but I did something that might not be correct to do . . . I put a headset to the I & Q outputs from the Ensemble and there is nothing there, shouldn't there be something to hear if the Ensemble was generating a I & Q signal???

Also the AUDIO SETTINGS are correct on Rocky, but the one thing that does not open is the tab under TOOLS - Soundboard Info . . . if I go under TOOLS & Settings in Rocky I do see the settings for the PC's boards, etc.
They are correctly set.

I use a SEWELL SoundBox to go from the I & Q out of Ensemble to the USB input my PC looks for, there are no regular audio inputs L & R in on my PC, just USB . . . this has always worked in the pass with the Ensemble.
The Soundbox takes the L & R in ( or I & Q ) and puts it on the USB cable so my PC can use it.

Like I said this has worked in the pass.


guy (at) eastroad (dot) org

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^( @ @ )^

Have a good day!


On Tue, Feb 13, 2024, 9:58 AM al2ok <al2@...> wrote:

With all cables connected, USB, I & Q, 12 volts DC & Antenna - it does
not see any signals in the waveform nor to I hear anything but slight noise.
What about the OS driver for the sound card? That's the problem that I
had. The OS dropped the driver from the kernel, thus no IQ signals from the

73, Mike


Hi Mike and Al,
Yes that is probably the problem. Al, you did not state what system you are using? Window 10, 11 or lower?
What is the sound box part number? I am having a heck of a time finding something or drivers.


guy (at) eastroad (dot) org

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.. .
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^( @ @ )^

Have a good day!


On 13/02/2024 15:57, al2ok wrote:
it does not see any signals in the waveform nor to I hear anything but slight noise.

Is this on Windows 10 or 11?
If so have you checked microphone privacy?

Have you used CFGSR to check operation? I think that's what you mean.

73 Alan G4ZFQ


To Guy, Mike & Alan,

Played with it more, still nothing. Like I said the only bands Rocky displays now is 80 & 40, it use to display awhole bunch when it was working. I use to be able to tune the CFGSR on its own but while I can tune it, I can't get it to control the Ensemble like I could in the past.

The SEWELL I am sure is OK. I put audio from my ham transceiver into my PC via the SEWELL, for digital modes and that works . . . feed transceiver audio OUT into SEWELL IN and I can hear and decode various ham digital modes on my PC.

Again to all, Thanks for your help, I'll keep messing with in.



On 13/02/2024 20:43, al2ok wrote:
Rocky displays now is 80 & 40,

It is a long time since I used Rocky, I feel you have to add the extra bands.
Up to a few years ago I used Softrocks on W10.

Going back to the beginning all my pages on Softrocks are here https://sites.google.com/site/g4zfqradio/configuring-a-softrock-sdr and other associated pages.

USB connection problems here https://sites.google.com/site/g4zfqradio/configuring-a-softrock-sdr/attiny_usb
Modern computers do have problems with old USB1 devices, different outlets work differently, a hub might work.

73 Alan G4ZFQ


Hello all,

Got it working. Mike mentioned the kernal, here is what I found.

I took one of the I & Q signals and plugged it into the MONO INPUT on the Sewell, I done this before just to see what I'd hear, and when I did, I heard & saw signals, they didn't sound good since it was only one of the I or Q signals . . . but it worked!

I then remembered that about a year ago I reinstalled Windows 10, in doing so Windows pointed out I'd lose some things and they would have a list on my Desktop after the newly installed windows 10 was up running showing exactly what I had to re-install.
I thought I did re-install everything, but nope . . . I never re-installed the driver for the SEWELL.
Finding the driver proved to be a challenge but I got one that would work, seems like SEWELL no longer supports my older SoundBox I have since they have not responded to me.
I found the driver and it works, maybe not perfect but it works . . . so the Ensemble is OK.

I'll try to find a better driver, but for now the Ensemble is working.



Hi Al.
I’m happy you have it running now. I hope you have much fun listening to
Best regards

From his iPhone :
Guy Mengel

On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 9:39 AM al2ok <al2@...> wrote:

Hello all,

Got it working. Mike mentioned the kernal, here is what I found.

I took one of the I & Q signals and plugged it into the MONO INPUT on the
Sewell, I done this before just to see what I'd hear, and when I did, I
heard & saw signals, they didn't sound good since it was only one of the I
or Q signals . . . but it worked!

I then remembered that about a year ago I reinstalled Windows 10, in doing
so Windows pointed out I'd lose some things and they would have a list on
my Desktop after the newly installed windows 10 was up running showing
exactly what I had to re-install.
I thought I did re-install everything, but nope . . . I never re-installed
the driver for the SEWELL.
Finding the driver proved to be a challenge but I got one that would work,
seems like SEWELL no longer supports my older SoundBox I have since they
have not responded to me.
I found the driver and it works, maybe not perfect but it works . . . so
the Ensemble is OK.

I'll try to find a better driver, but for now the Ensemble is working.


guy (at) eastroad (dot) org

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^( @ @ )^

Have a good day!