Question about supplements

Hello everyone,

A coworker is interested in the Budwig protocol and asked me why she would not be able to take vitamin supplements if she used the diet. She asked if there were certain vitamins that caused the protocol not to work successfully for illness.

I have two of Dr Budwig's books but neither one tells of any potential interactions with Budwig and vitamin supplements... maybe because using supplements was not really popular when she did her research? I'm not sure.

I told my coworker that I would ask this group and let her know.

Thanks for your help!

Barb in Virginia, USA 

Dr B felt all "supplements" should come naturally through diet and did not care for man-made supplements. What particular supplements is she taking that she feels that she cannot live without? I supplemented vit d the entire time because I didn't have much time, nor the climate, for sunbathing. Also k2, magnesium and zinc. B12 is also permitted as a vegan diet is lacking in it.

Rod in MN/USA
On Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 07:38:13 AM CST, Barbara <georgiaz1929@...> wrote:

Hello everyone,

A coworker is interested in the Budwig protocol and asked me why she would not be able to take vitamin supplements if she used the diet. She asked if there were certain vitamins that caused the protocol not to work successfully for illness.

I have two of Dr Budwig's books but neither one tells of any potential interactions with Budwig and vitamin supplements... maybe because using supplements was not really popular when she did her research? I'm not sure.

I told my coworker that I would ask this group and let her know.

Thanks for your help!

Barb in Virginia, USA 

It sounded to me like she was taking a lot of anti-inflammatory supplements. I think she is concerned that they may undermine the effects of the FOCC.

I just couldn't give her an answer about that!

On Thu, Feb 15, 2024, 10:06 AM Rod Holmgren via <> wrote:
Dr B felt all "supplements" should come naturally through diet and did not care for man-made supplements. What particular supplements is she taking that she feels that she cannot live without? I supplemented vit d the entire time because I didn't have much time, nor the climate, for sunbathing. Also k2, magnesium and zinc. B12 is also permitted as a vegan diet is lacking in it.

Rod in MN/USA
On Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 07:38:13 AM CST, Barbara <georgiaz1929@...> wrote:

Hello everyone,

A coworker is interested in the Budwig protocol and asked me why she would not be able to take vitamin supplements if she used the diet. She asked if there were certain vitamins that caused the protocol not to work successfully for illness.

I have two of Dr Budwig's books but neither one tells of any potential interactions with Budwig and vitamin supplements... maybe because using supplements was not really popular when she did her research? I'm not sure.

I told my coworker that I would ask this group and let her know.

Thanks for your help!

Barb in Virginia, USA