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Exporting data
Where is the file that Helmut Sennewald refers to in the help file under "exporting waveform data" that is used for manipulating data?
"There is also a 3rd party free utility written by Helmut Sennewald. It is available from the independent users' group hosted on Yahoo). This utility allows various forms of manipulation of the data including the ability to merge waveforms from different simulation runs." |
On 02/03/2024 09:01, Richard Andrews via wrote:
Where is the file that Helmut Sennewald refers to in the help file under "exporting waveform data" that is used for manipulating data?In the waveform viewer, Menubar > File > Export data as text BTW, Helmut didn't write the Help file. That was originally written by LTspice's creator: Mike Engelhardt. The greater amount of that is unchanged sine almost the beginning You're probably referring to ltsputil. You can find it, and more information here: ltsputil. There are quite a lot of other free utilities related to LTspice in and --
Regards, Tony |
The "3rd party free utility written by Helmut Sennewald" is indeed "ltsputil". Although I have not often used it, it has many capabilities. including merging waveforms from separate simulations. It is not for manipulating waveform data that was exported from LTspice to ASCII files, but rather for manipulating the .raw files themselves. Once that is done, it could make it easier to later export the waveforms to other programs such as Excel. Andy |
When I run Ltsputil.exe -ca MyFile.raw MyFile.txt, I get this but no output:
Ltsputil.exe: LTspiceIV/SwitcherCADIII utility version 2.95a
Ltsputil.exe -command [param1] [param2] [param3] [..] ... [paramN] Options for commands:
-a About this utility program. -c[o][a|b][s][z] source destination Converts (binary file <--> ASCII file, zero x-offset) -e[o][a|b][l|v] source dest stepnum [varext] [xstart xend] Equalize steps, new stepsize is x-axis/(stepnum-1) Extension string is added to the variable(node) names. -m[o][a|b][l|v] source1 source2 destination extension1 extension2 Merge two raw files and extend variable names. -n[o][a|b][l|v] source1 source2 destination extension1 extension2 N-Merge data of two raw files and extend variable names. -t[o][a|b][z] source dest [sweepNo] Convert text file to raw file -x[o][s|t][nn][list] source dest varfmt delimfmt infofmt sig1 [sig2] .. Export data from raw file to different column formatted file(s). 'nn' selects different headers in output file(s). [list]: Any combination of [i][d,a,p,r,c] d=dB, a=abs, p=phase, q=phase +/-pi, r=real, c=complex, i=index. inffmt is the preceeding string of the info line. varfmt and delimfmt are C-syntax printf() controls -i source Info about raw file -h[n] n = a|c|e|h|i||m|n|t|x|z '-hz' prints all help pages. General options:
[o]verwrite existing output files, [s]eperate swept files, [l|v] linear/vector interpolation, [z]ero x-axis offset [a|b] ASCII or binary format of result file. It appears that the utility is interpreting the -ca as -a. What am I missing here?
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