Dairy and prostate malignancy


I have been reading that dairy is very bad for the prostate, wouldn't the Budwig protocol be counterproductive?


When quark or cottage cheese is blended with flaxseed oil and ground flaxseeds are added, which is Dr. Budwig's basic  recipe, the combination becomes a cancer fighter.

It's the combination that makes the difference, along with a plant-based diet, sun therapy and stress reduction. We've had various member who stopped prostate cancer  by following the Budwig plan.

Kind regards,


My husband is using the Budwig Protocol to fight prostate cancer. 
He has had "remarkable " results according to his doctors, so much so,  they refer to him as "a very unusual and interesting case."
We know this is due to the protocol as his doctors are a little baffled at his "strong response" to their conventional treatment and also his biopsy result.  His doctors were expecting to find aggressive cancer cells and for him to have a Gleason score of 7 or 8. Instead they found only grade 1 cells with a Gleason score of 6 (3+3), the lowest it could possibly be. 
He had been on the protocol for about 2.5 months before the biopsy was done,  enough time for the protocol to have effect.  His PSA is now at 0.01, it has been this low for some months. His original score was 1919 !!
I hope this helps you to continue with BP. 
Oh and he also eats the permitted cheese too. 
Best wishes
Julie,  UK


I’m always a little confused when people have conventional therapy and then say it was the protocol that it’s been working. It’s the main reason why there’s double blind studies. Not that it didn’t work, but in your situation it’s 100% conjecture. Now how you had no therapy conventional that is and you’re on the protocol. You still wouldn’t know if it worked because you didn’t have the biopsy first how else would you be able to tell his Gleason score or anything else? Because you didn’t know prior. Doctor expecting to find a high Gleason score because of what reason high PSA high PSA high three PSA, you see saw conjecture. I wish people wouldn’t do that because it gives people the wrong idea and wrong. Hope would be a lot better and more constructive if people would find out what they have first and then take care of it and know for a fact of what’s causing the repairs? Of course it’s just my opinion. 

On Mar 11, 2024, at 7:01 AM, jfanciullacci via groups.io <jfanciullacci@...> wrote:

My husband is using the Budwig Protocol to fight prostate cancer. 
He has had "remarkable " results according to his doctors, so much so,  they refer to him as "a very unusual and interesting case."
We know this is due to the protocol as his doctors are a little baffled at his "strong response" to their conventional treatment and also his biopsy result.  His doctors were expecting to find aggressive cancer cells and for him to have a Gleason score of 7 or 8. Instead they found only grade 1 cells with a Gleason score of 6 (3+3), the lowest it could possibly be. 
He had been on the protocol for about 2.5 months before the biopsy was done,  enough time for the protocol to have effect.  His PSA is now at 0.01, it has been this low for some months. His original score was 1919 !!
I hope this helps you to continue with BP. 
Oh and he also eats the permitted cheese too. 
Best wishes
Julie,  UK



Please don't take this personally, but this is a huuuge pet peeve of mine. I promote Budwig to people in all cancer groups, alternative as well a pharma, and so many times get the response "dairy bad, dairy bad". It has been engrained in some people to the point of urban legend. The amount of dairy is less than 6% of a typical daily caloric intake, but it is required to convert the flax oil to a state that the cells can absorb it. In fact, with Budwig you even get additional cheese if you wish.

The same goes for sugar and cancer. Some people think all sugar is the same, regardless of source. Fruit, berries and vegetables provide much needed nutrients and should not be avoided because of "sugar" content. Juicing is a large part of BP.

I know Budwig works, and never had one problem with the cottage cheese. I also treated myself to the "extra" cheese ;-)

All the best, Rod in MN/USA
On Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 06:07:31 PM CDT, <gsixtysix@...> wrote:

I have been reading that dairy is very bad for the prostate, wouldn't the Budwig protocol be counterproductive?


I agree with that assessment. I’d like to know about people who did only the protocol and what the result was. When it’s mixed with conventional treatment it kind of muddies the water.


From: FlaxSeedOil2@groups.io <FlaxSeedOil2@groups.io> On Behalf Of Skip C via groups.io
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2024 12:15 PM
To: FlaxSeedOil2@groups.io
Subject: Re: [FlaxSeedOil2] Dairy and prostate malignancy


I’m always a little confused when people have conventional therapy and then say it was the protocol that it’s been working. It’s the main reason why there’s double blind studies. Not that it didn’t work, but in your situation it’s 100% conjecture. Now how you had no therapy conventional that is and you’re on the protocol. You still wouldn’t know if it worked because you didn’t have the biopsy first how else would you be able to tell his Gleason score or anything else? Because you didn’t know prior. Doctor expecting to find a high Gleason score because of what reason high PSA high PSA high three PSA, you see saw conjecture. I wish people wouldn’t do that because it gives people the wrong idea and wrong. Hope would be a lot better and more constructive if people would find out what they have first and then take care of it and know for a fact of what’s causing the repairs? Of course it’s just my opinion. 

On Mar 11, 2024, at 7:01AM, jfanciullacci via groups.io <jfanciullacci@...> wrote:

My husband is using the Budwig Protocol to fight prostate cancer. 
He has had "remarkable " results according to his doctors, so much so,  they refer to him as "a very unusual and interesting case."
We know this is due to the protocol as his doctors are a little baffled at his "strong response" to their conventional treatment and also his biopsy result.  His doctors were expecting to find aggressive cancer cells and for him to have a Gleason score of 7 or 8. Instead they found only grade 1 cells with a Gleason score of 6 (3+3), the lowest it could possibly be. 
He had been on the protocol for about 2.5 months before the biopsy was done,  enough time for the protocol to have effect.  His PSA is now at 0.01, it has been this low for some months. His original score was 1919 !!
I hope this helps you to continue with BP. 
Oh and he also eats the permitted cheese too. 
Best wishes
Julie,  UK



to their conventional treatment and also his biopsy result.

When he had the MRI, did it spot a lesion? What conventional treatment did the doctors give him?  If it was a proctectomy or radiation, then yes a drop of a psa of 1919 to near zero is expected.  I see this on other boards with other non conventional treatments where they have some "treatment"  while on a protocol and praying to jesus and they are cured, but you never know if it was the protocol, the "treatment" or jesus who was most responsible.

But of course, I hope you don't tell  the doctors what you are up to, I don't know how NHS is, but doctors will always find a way undermine you  with fear and doubt about your unconventional ways.  
Don't smarten up the other poker players.


Please don't take this personally, but this is a huuuge pet peeve of mine. I promote Budwig to people in all cancer groups, alternative as well a pharma, and so many times get the response "dairy bad, dairy bad". It has been engrained in some people to the point of urban legend. The amount of dairy is less than 6% of a typical daily caloric intake, but it is required to convert the flax oil to a state that the cells can absorb it. In fact, with Budwig you even get additional cheese if you wish.

The same goes for sugar and cancer. Some people think all sugar is the same, regardless of source. Fruit, berries and vegetables provide much needed nutrients and should not be avoided because of "sugar" content. Juicing is a large part of BP.

I know Budwig works, and never had one problem with the cottage cheese. I also treated myself to the "extra" cheese ;-)

Well you bring up an interesting point, with regards to protocols, there is a always a counterpoint, or to use a wall street term , another person on the other side of the trade.  This leads to frustration, confusion and worst of all fear as to what your doing is even going to work.  I have read that the info on dairy is mixed.
Having said that, I was a big cheese/carbo  eater prior to my prostate issue.  Two pizzas a week plus three sandwiches a week with two slices of either provolone or swiss cheese..granted it was low fat.I figured the lycopene from the sauce would be good for me, and I ate cheese only sandwiches because  cold cuts have nitrates which  is bad for you.  My only problem with the Budwig is that there is not much sun where I live for half the year and I am indoors most of the day, so cottage cheese/flax and low if any meat consumption is all I can muster.


Ron Muscella

"My only problem with the Budwig is that there is not much sun where I live for half the year and I am indoors most of the day,"

You may have to take a D3/K2 supplement to make up for that during the winter months.

On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 04:45:17 PM EDT, gsixtysix@... <gsixtysix@...> wrote:

Please don't take this personally, but this is a huuuge pet peeve of mine. I promote Budwig to people in all cancer groups, alternative as well a pharma, and so many times get the response "dairy bad, dairy bad". It has been engrained in some people to the point of urban legend. The amount of dairy is less than 6% of a typical daily caloric intake, but it is required to convert the flax oil to a state that the cells can absorb it. In fact, with Budwig you even get additional cheese if you wish.

The same goes for sugar and cancer. Some people think all sugar is the same, regardless of source. Fruit, berries and vegetables provide much needed nutrients and should not be avoided because of "sugar" content. Juicing is a large part of BP.

I know Budwig works, and never had one problem with the cottage cheese. I also treated myself to the "extra" cheese ;-)

Well you bring up an interesting point, with regards to protocols, there is a always a counterpoint, or to use a wall street term , another person on the other side of the trade.  This leads to frustration, confusion and worst of all fear as to what your doing is even going to work.  I have read that the info on dairy is mixed.
Having said that, I was a big cheese/carbo  eater prior to my prostate issue.  Two pizzas a week plus three sandwiches a week with two slices of either provolone or swiss cheese..granted it was low fat.I figured the lycopene from the sauce would be good for me, and I ate cheese only sandwiches because  cold cuts have nitrates which  is bad for you.  My only problem with the Budwig is that there is not much sun where I live for half the year and I am indoors most of the day, so cottage cheese/flax and low if any meat consumption is all I can muster.



Dr. Budwig doesn’t recommend getting sun for the Vitamin D it offers. There’s a whole
Biochemistry explanation that has nothing to do with Vitamin D and everything to do with harnessing the sun for its photons. It’s what activates the focc mixture in the body. I’ve read her books and it’s not Vitamin D she is after when she tells people to get a good amount of sun. 

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 4:49 PM Ron Muscella via groups.io <romus1=verizon.net@groups.io> wrote:

"My only problem with the Budwig is that there is not much sun where I live for half the year and I am indoors most of the day,"
You may have to take a D3/K2 supplement to make up for that during the winter months.



As far as sunlight, I don't think I sat in the sun more than a dozen times when I was actively on Budwig. I just didn't have time, and like you winter makes it difficult. I dosed high on vit d3 along with k2 and magnesium to make up for it and it seems to have worked.

Rod in MN/USA
On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 03:45:17 PM CDT, <gsixtysix@...> wrote:

Please don't take this personally, but this is a huuuge pet peeve of mine. I promote Budwig to people in all cancer groups, alternative as well a pharma, and so many times get the response "dairy bad, dairy bad". It has been engrained in some people to the point of urban legend. The amount of dairy is less than 6% of a typical daily caloric intake, but it is required to convert the flax oil to a state that the cells can absorb it. In fact, with Budwig you even get additional cheese if you wish.

The same goes for sugar and cancer. Some people think all sugar is the same, regardless of source. Fruit, berries and vegetables provide much needed nutrients and should not be avoided because of "sugar" content. Juicing is a large part of BP.

I know Budwig works, and never had one problem with the cottage cheese. I also treated myself to the "extra" cheese ;-)

Well you bring up an interesting point, with regards to protocols, there is a always a counterpoint, or to use a wall street term , another person on the other side of the trade.  This leads to frustration, confusion and worst of all fear as to what your doing is even going to work.  I have read that the info on dairy is mixed.
Having said that, I was a big cheese/carbo  eater prior to my prostate issue.  Two pizzas a week plus three sandwiches a week with two slices of either provolone or swiss cheese..granted it was low fat.I figured the lycopene from the sauce would be good for me, and I ate cheese only sandwiches because  cold cuts have nitrates which  is bad for you.  My only problem with the Budwig is that there is not much sun where I live for half the year and I am indoors most of the day, so cottage cheese/flax and low if any meat consumption is all I can muster.



so I need photons, but if I cant get them from the sun, the Budwig wont work or work as well?


Not denying that. But she did say that vit d supplementation was okay for those who live in northern hemispheres with lots of cloudy skies and colt weather in winter months to compensate for natural d so it is a factor.

Rod in MN/USA
On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 04:11:47 PM CDT, sara.weisel <sara.weisel@...> wrote:

Dr. Budwig doesn’t recommend getting sun for the Vitamin D it offers. There’s a whole
Biochemistry explanation that has nothing to do with Vitamin D and everything to do with harnessing the sun for its photons. It’s what activates the focc mixture in the body. I’ve read her books and it’s not Vitamin D she is after when she tells people to get a good amount of sun. 

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 4:49 PM Ron Muscella via groups.io <romus1=verizon.net@groups.io> wrote:
"My only problem with the Budwig is that there is not much sun where I live for half the year and I am indoors most of the day,"
You may have to take a D3/K2 supplement to make up for that during the winter months.



I don't know squat about "photons, but as I said previously I healed stage 4 lung cancer without sitting in the sun. I did get sunlight from normal activities, but never as a deliberate act, so not sure how important those photons are in the grand scheme.

Rod in MN/USA
On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 04:43:59 PM CDT, <gsixtysix@...> wrote:

so I need photons, but if I cant get them from the sun, the Budwig wont work or work as well?


There are a couple of cancer cases where heavy dosing with vit D shrunk their tumours by two thirds!
I do not remember where I read about them but one turned up on the truth about cancer series, vit D is crucial for health!


The mri scan confirmed prostate cancer with lymph node involvement. He wasn’t offered surgery, as the cancer had already metastasised. His doctor started him on hormone therapy to reduce his testosterone. Before hormone therapy began, he was given another psa test and the reading was 767, a massive drop from 1919, we believe this was due to the protocol, especially as we were told not to expect much of a drop with hormone therapy, when the psa score is so high.
We’ve witnessed this protocol working very quickly, a few times before, which strengthens our belief. This, and the doctors’ astonishment, and comments.
We’ve only told his doctors that he is following a “strict nutritional plan” but they’re not in the least bit interested, unfortunately.

Julie, UK


Does anyone have an idea of the seriousness of PSA at 29?  MRI showed no lesions. Thanks


You probably have a low grade cancer. My PSA WAS 106. my biopsy showed a Gleason 9 which is high. You will need a biopsy to determine that. A PSMA scan will show if it spread which would put you in stage 4. No way to  know without scan. 

On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 5:19 PM, donegoing2002@... via groups.io
<donegoing2002@...> wrote:
Does anyone have an idea of the seriousness of PSA at 29?  MRI showed no lesions. Thanks


Have been reluctant to get biopsy.  Hurts like hell and those needles can spread cancer throughout the body. 

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 05:11:47 PM MDT, jim schaff via groups.io <jimschff@...> wrote:

You probably have a low grade cancer. My PSA WAS 106. my biopsy showed a Gleason 9 which is high. You will need a biopsy to determine that. A PSMA scan will show if it spread which would put you in stage 4. No way to  know without scan. 

On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 5:19 PM, donegoing2002@... via groups.io
<donegoing2002@...> wrote:
Does anyone have an idea of the seriousness of PSA at 29?  MRI showed no lesions. Thanks


You are correct regarding the biopsies. My husband regrets every one. Maybe just start changing your diet and doing the protocol and go for another checkup in a few months?

On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 8:01 PM donegoing2002@... via groups.io <donegoing2002=yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:
Have been reluctant to get biopsy.  Hurts like hell and those needles can spread cancer throughout the body. 

On Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 05:11:47 PM MDT, jim schaff via groups.io <jimschff=yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:

You probably have a low grade cancer. My PSA WAS 106. my biopsy showed a Gleason 9 which is high. You will need a biopsy to determine that. A PSMA scan will show if it spread which would put you in stage 4. No way to  know without scan. 

On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 5:19 PM, donegoing2002@... via groups.io
<donegoing2002=yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:
Does anyone have an idea of the seriousness of PSA at 29?  MRI showed no lesions. Thanks