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Barlean’s 40% off retail
Yes, it is shipped to wherever you want it to be shipped .. If your order is $90 or more and if you live in the USA, it is free shipping. It ships quite fast. For the discount, you cannot order online, you must call the company.
On Friday, April 12, 2024 at 09:33:45 AM CDT, Sandy Heerspink <sheerspi@...> wrote:
FYI - Barlean’s has an assistance program (40% off retail). They apply this to those fighting cancer, autism, brain injury, etc., and also to service members (first responders, military, health care providers). |
Good on Barleans for doing this, but it is still a lot more expensive than the generic brands that do the same thing. I was on a tight budget when I began so had to save at every opportunity. Rod in MN/USA On Friday, April 12, 2024 at 11:20:58 PM CDT, pat.siegel@... via <pat.siegel@...> wrote: Yes, it is shipped to wherever you want it to be shipped .. If your order is $90 or more and if you live in the USA, it is free shipping. It ships quite fast. For the discount, you cannot order online, you must call the company. On Friday, April 12, 2024 at 09:33:45 AM CDT, Sandy Heerspink <sheerspi@...> wrote: FYI - Barlean’s has an assistance program (40% off retail). They apply this to those fighting cancer, autism, brain injury, etc., and also to service members (first responders, military, health care providers). |
Yes, I get Barlean's cheaper than the 40% discount at my local HEB store in Texas. I can't order the $90 for free shipping, so the discount didn't work out for me.
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