Seriously struggling to get NanoVNA-H working on Windows 11 #firmware #general #nanovna-h #newbie #usb

Hi all,

I'd like to first start out that I am a noob to nanovna, but not pc's in general. I'd like to think I know my way around a PC.

Love it or hate it, I'm currently on Windows 11. Trying desperately to get this thing working using Nanovna-APP or Nanovna-Saver.

The device I currently have is a NanoVNA-H in a white case with a lizard on it, running Version 1.2.14. Architecture: ARMv6-M core Variant: Cortex-M0. Platform STM32F072xB

I have followed the absolute beginners guide to finally get the STM driver link. I downloaded and ran the Windows 8 x64 driver installer.

After doing the install, I am getting the a driver install issue (see image 1).

As a side note, I tried other cables, tried booting into dfu mode, and I get the following driver note (see image 2)

I also tried a Windows 7 pc and am also having a bit of a headache trying to get it to work.

Any advice on what to do here? Feel like I'm bashing my head against the keyboard and getting no where.

I am also using windows 11.
First I would remove the driver you installed as I have a feeling that is causing your problems. For the record, I didn't even bother installing a driver and on my system it just showed up as com5.

I would also use the NanoVNA app by DisLord instead of those other two. It worked better for me and has far more features.
Available from here

Try those suggestions and get back to us with the results.

Good Luck
