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Prostate and Budwig/FSCC
Back in February-March, I started on the FSCC diet after learning of a lesion on prostate. Medical people wanted me to do a biopsy, but was reluctant as the first person I spoke with (not a dr, but someone who offers dietary advice leaning towards vegetarian) strongly told me not to get a biopsy because of seeding potentials. Although I could not find any evidence of this, I did read of two anecdotal reports of women who had breast biopsies and who shortly thereafter had metastasis. There also seems to be spread after prostate is removed, so I think it is valid. Dr. Thomas Seyfried also seems to believe this as well At any rate, in lieu of a biopsy, I opted for a test that is supposed to point you towards whether you should have a biopsy called the EXO DX urine test. The way it works is based on a score of 0-100, with a score above 15.6 as needing a biopsy (and a possible gleason 7). Mine was I believe a 16.3 or maybe a little less. So back in march I was on a FSCC once day, then after discovering original handwritten note from Doc Budwig, I increased to twice a day at higher CC amounts. I also found an immersion blender that mixes the CC and FO to a nice tasty cream as well. Except for 2 weeks where I was on a liquid fast, I have been on this protocol. I also have been using other items, variety of supplements as well as FenBen, apricot kernels, green tea, ozone, cimetidine, and recently Ivermectin. What I was wondering, is it seems like people who had luck with it FSCC had within three months remission. Now I may still have benign malignancy and wont know unless I have biopsy, this test seems to point to a malignancy. What is the time frame for FSCC before a person should throw in the towel, and are there any other ways to measure, such as Navarro test? Right now, I will use the exomed as a barometer for future progress. I would say my diet is similar to Budwig, some whole grain, some fish/turkey, many salads, little to no sugar with only violation being with some cheese and an olive oil/butter mixture. No sauerkraut juice, and as I live in the cloudy Midwest, I must get my sunshine rays thru upping vitamin D consumption. . |
Hello FlaxseedOil
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Peter Køpke had a psa level above 600 and metastatic prostate cancer. Peter hasn't been on any kind of treatment for prostate cancer, only FSCC. Peter has been cancer free since 2007.
Peter - is this story available anywhere in English? On Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 4:14 PM Jens Dahl Christensen via <> wrote:
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|||| I am not aware if there is an English version available or if it is possible to add subtitles. Please contact Tidslerne, which is a Danish association for alternative cancer treatment. Refer to the "Contact Us" section under Tidslerne or at the bottom of the page under "Admin" where Peter's contact information is listed.
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I don't think you ever throw in the towel. Budwig can work in conjunction with other protocols. Myself, for the first month I felt I was losing ground but people said it would take some time to begin to reverse course. After about 3 months I started to notice a reduction in symptoms and aches and pains. After six months I was feeling really good, but for the headache I had 24/7 for over a year. I added coffee enemas, not sure whether that was the reason, and a couple of month later I woke up without a headache for the first time in a long time. I had a tumor pressing against my throat which made swallowing difficult, and that tumor stayed around for a couple of years before I finally could swallow without food getting stuck. I used a lot of different things during that period as well, Essiac Tea, artemisinin, apricot kernels, lots of vit D3 and K2, etc. I never did see a doctor after initial dx so no pharma at all. October will be 9 years, stage 4 nsclc. Rod in MN/USA On Monday, June 10, 2024 at 02:30:22 PM CDT, <gsixtysix@...> wrote: Ok but can someone give me a ballpark figure of when to throw in the towel, that it is not working? The man from denmark said he did not get results for 3 1/2 years? |
Peter Køpke says he had prostate cancer in his hips, shoulder, back, and a few large tumors inside his body. He started the Budwig diet and felt much better after a year. Peter adds that Johanna Budwig recommended following the diet for at least three years before deviating from it slightly. Peter also uses bicarbonate, one teaspoon which he mixes in lukewarm water and sips before the Budwig diet in the morning. This makes the body alkaline and enhances the diet. Additionally, I see that he uses a teaspoon of hemp protein in the mixture, which provides the cells with the necessary amino acids.
Peter says that his father and brother died of cancer. Therefore, he chose not to undergo chemotherapy because he had seen what it did to his relatives. Peter further explains that he decided to take one last trip to Tuscany with his wife. During the trip, he met a woman who worked at a clinic that offered, among other things, vitamin C treatments. Peter visited the clinic, received vitamin C, and had his prostate treated with heat (up to around 50 degrees Celsius with microwaves, I believes). Peter also mentions that at this clinic he was introduced to Johanna Budwig and her alternative treatment methods. Additionally, he says that Johanna Budwig personally treated over 2,500 people in her career and had a success rate of about 90 percent. He also notes that she was nominated for the Nobel Prize seven times but never received it. Best regards and good luck in the future, Jens.
How is he doing now? This clinic would be very helpful to so many 🙏🏻
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Sent from Grace’s iPhone ✨ On Jun 13, 2024, at 4:34 AM, Jens Dahl Christensen via <jensdahlchristensen@...> wrote:
Hello Grace!
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I can see that Peter is giving a lecture at the Alternative Cancer Society "Tidslerne" in Odense here in 2024. Peter was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the age of 60 in 2007, so he must be 77 years old today. Assuming he is in good health since he is giving lectures. Peter doesn't mention the name of the clinic, but he says it is located in Lyngby. I assume there aren't many clinics that treat with vitamin C, so I will provide a link to a clinic in Lyngby that offers vitamin C treatment. Here is a link to "Foreningen for Oplysning Om komplementær Kræftbehandling i Danmark," which offers vitamin C intravenous therapy. I noticed there is a reference to a Facebook link on the page. Here on this website, you can sign up for lectures with Peter in October 2024 in Odense. It's possible to contact the email address provided on the page if you're interested. Jens. 3.5
Hello Grease . From homepage IV-C treatment, or high-dose intravenous vitamin C, is an example of immunotherapy specifically suited for treating cancer diseases. In high concentrations, vitamin C is lethal to cancer cells because they cannot break down the accumulated hydrogen peroxide. Additionally, vitamin C strengthens immune response and has a general anti-inflammatory effect. In 1972, author Irving Stone compiled hundreds of scientific references in his highly acclaimed book "The Healing Factor: Vitamin C against Disease." In the book, he demonstrated vitamin C's healing effect in numerous diseases, including cancer, when administered in large concentrations directly into the bloodstream. When delivered intravenously, vitamin C gram for gram is 2.5 times stronger than orally taken supplements. This is because it bypasses the gastrointestinal tract, allowing for rapid achievement of blood concentrations that other mammals routinely experience during illness, which isn't achievable with oral vitamin C alone. Vitamin C is a healing factor with numerous vital functions, strengthening the immune system both locally and throughout the body. It's important to supplement vitamin C levels significantly reduced during illness in any case. Specifically, in sufficiently high blood concentrations, vitamin C acts as a cell killer on cancer cells in a manner resembling chemotherapy. This cell-killing effect is achieved through the formation of hydrogen peroxide in cancer cells when high-dose vitamin C is administered intravenously, either alone or as a supplement to chemotherapy. IV-C is administered as a drip over approximately three hours. This method allows patients to achieve blood concentrations up to 70 times higher than those achievable through regular vitamin C supplements. Bruce Phillip Kyle, founder of Aarhus Private Clinic, introduced high-dose intravenous vitamin C treatment in Denmark in 1990, initially for mercury poisoning and later for cancer treatment. Claus Hancke, founder of the IOM Clinic in Lyngby, has the same experience base as Bruce and advocates strongly for IV-C treatment for cancer patients. The treatment harnesses the body's own formidable ability to heal itself using the impressive versatility of vitamin C in clinical medicine. Clinical studies have demonstrated vitamin C's cell-killing effect on cancer cells both "in vitro" and "in vivo." In practice, these effects can only be achieved with intravenous infusions, dependent on achieving sufficiently high blood concentrations of vitamin C. IV-C can therefore rightly be termed a natural form of chemotherapy. There is substantial research evidence that the cytotoxic effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is significantly enhanced when combined with IV-C treatment. High-dose vitamin C stimulates the production of new lymphocytes in bone marrow and interferon production in T-lymphocytes. The immune cell's infiltration ability, encapsulation of tumor processes, inhibition of foreign cell proliferation, and neutralization of free radicals are initiated. Recent studies have shown increased activation of natural killer (NK) cells, with the greatest effect occurring 24-48 hours after intake. Activation of killer cells is a crucial goal in immunotherapy because these cells are responsible for destroying cancer cells and viruses. With intravenous vitamin C infusions, it is possible to effectively treat severe hospital infections, chronic virus infections (herpes, mononucleosis, hepatitis), and autoimmune diseases with intense inflammatory reactions. The individual dosage depends on the severity of the disease. Vitamin C's anti-inflammatory effect results from several processes: (1) direct antimicrobial action against viruses, bacteria, and fungi; (2) halting of free radical reactions in the inflammation process; (3) reduction of inflammation-promoting signals from PGE2; and (4) increase in anti-inflammatory signals from PGE1. During an IV-C course, most patients typically experience increased strength, more energy, less pain, and increased appetite. This improvement in overall well-being should be seen in relation to vitamin C's pronounced detoxifying effect. For example, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy commonly feel unwell due, in part, to toxic breakdown products left by dead cancer cells. There is solid evidence that the toxic side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy are significantly reduced with IV-C treatment. Additionally, there is extensive literature on vitamin C's detoxifying effect against a wide range of chemical toxins. As an antioxidant, vitamin C counters the large quantities of destructive free radicals constantly bombarding the body from the environment (smoke, radiation, chemicals) and the body's own processes (inflammation, energy metabolism, detoxification). Free radicals are highly reactive oxygen compounds that can pierce through cell membranes and DNA. Even our own immune cells use free radicals' "irradiation" to destroy cancer cells and viruses. During chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the cytotoxic effect is mediated through free radicals. Antioxidants like vitamin C block free radicals and protect DNA from mutation damage. For normal cells, antioxidants act as a shield, enabling them to better survive the fight against cancer cells. For cancer cells, antioxidants are ineffective due to their abnormal metabolic state. 3.5
|||| C Vitamin
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Hello Grace, I apologize, sometimes the autocorrect suggestions can be a bit too quick, and I don't catch all the errors. I hope I'm forgiven. The English translation is of course from this website.
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thanks for this information. I just had my IV c today. I can highly recommend it to everyone. It’s great treatment. Best wishes, Ninni On Thursday, June 13, 2024, 9:14 PM, Jens Dahl Christensen via <jensdahlchristensen@...> wrote:
Heat Treatment of the ProstateRead about the process before, during, and after the treatment. About the TreatmentHeat treatment is an outpatient procedure for an enlarged prostate. Using microwaves, the prostate is heated to 55-60 degrees Celsius. The heat breaks down the tissue in the part of the prostate gland surrounding the urethra, improving urine flow. The treatment lasts between 30 minutes to an hour. Local anesthesia is administered to the prostate immediately before the treatment. Important PreparationIf you are taking blood-thinning medication, you must pause as agreed with the doctor at the clinic. You should not drive home after the treatment. On the Day of the TreatmentTwo hours before the scheduled time, take the prescribed medication:
You do not need to fast, and you may take your usual medication. The treatment begins with the administration of local anesthesia to the prostate through a catheter. Then, the treatment catheter is inserted into the bladder, a temperature sensor is placed around the penis, and another temperature sensor is inserted into the rectum. Everything is connected to a computer, and the treatment starts. The temperature sensors ensure constant monitoring of the surrounding area’s temperature. During the treatment, you may feel discomfort in the form of a strong urge to urinate and possibly a bowel movement due to the heat. If the discomfort is significant, you can receive pain relief or relaxing medication. The urethra and prostate swell during the treatment, making it necessary to place a catheter in the bladder after the heat treatment. The catheter must remain in place for four weeks. After the TreatmentPain You may experience aching or pain for the first few days. This can be alleviated with 2 tablets of Panodil (500 mg) or 2 tablets of Ipren (200 mg), up to three times daily. Bladder Catheter The catheter is connected to a urine bag. Once a day, the area around the catheter should be washed with mild soap. Avoid pulling or bending the catheter. Lay it in a soft loop in your underwear. The catheter tube can be fastened to the thigh with tape. Bleeding There may be blood in the urine for the first 2-3 days. It is important to drink plenty of fluids (2-3 liters daily) and ensure the catheter functions properly with urine flow. If the catheter becomes blocked, a home nurse can flush it, or you can contact the Emergency Telephone at 1813. There will be some bloody discharge along the catheter, especially initially. This is because there is a wound in the prostate that gradually sheds tissue debris. If there is no blood in the urine after three days, the urine bag can be disconnected, and the valve can be opened during the urge to urinate, at least every three hours during the day. At night, connect the urine bag with a long tube. There may also be some urine leakage along the catheter due to bladder irritation. This can be managed by reattaching the urine bag. It is necessary to use male pads for a period. You will be provided with the necessary aids before you go home. Antibiotics You will need antibiotic treatment with Bioclavid 500 mg tablets, three times daily for three days. The medication will be provided by the nurse at the clinic. Catheter Removal The catheter will be removed at the clinic you are affiliated with 4-5 weeks after the treatment. Follow-up will occur via a telephone consultation approximately six months after your treatment. Effect of Heat TreatmentThe full effect of the treatment can only be assessed after 3 to 6 months. There will be frequent urination and sudden urges, which can be difficult to control. These symptoms will gradually disappear. Up to 5% of patients may experience problems achieving a normal erection, and the treatment may result in the absence of ejaculation. There is a very small risk of permanent urinary incontinence. Contact for ComplicationsIf you need help, you can contact Urological Diseases, Clinic 1, or your general practitioner during daytime hours. Outside of these hours and on weekends, you should contact the Emergency Telephone at 1813, which may refer you to the Emergency Department. Contact Information for the Department of Urological Diseases
Hi - may use this link for translation
On Saturday, 15 June 2024 at 21:52:55 BST, Jens Dahl Christensen via <jensdahlchristensen@...> wrote:
Heat Treatment of the ProstateRead about the process before, during, and after the treatment. About the TreatmentHeat treatment is an outpatient procedure for an enlarged prostate. Using microwaves, the prostate is heated to 55-60 degrees Celsius. The heat breaks down the tissue in the part of the prostate gland surrounding the urethra, improving urine flow. The treatment lasts between 30 minutes to an hour. Local anesthesia is administered to the prostate immediately before the treatment. Important PreparationIf you are taking blood-thinning medication, you must pause as agreed with the doctor at the clinic. You should not drive home after the treatment. On the Day of the TreatmentTwo hours before the scheduled time, take the prescribed medication:
You do not need to fast, and you may take your usual medication. The treatment begins with the administration of local anesthesia to the prostate through a catheter. Then, the treatment catheter is inserted into the bladder, a temperature sensor is placed around the penis, and another temperature sensor is inserted into the rectum. Everything is connected to a computer, and the treatment starts. The temperature sensors ensure constant monitoring of the surrounding area’s temperature. During the treatment, you may feel discomfort in the form of a strong urge to urinate and possibly a bowel movement due to the heat. If the discomfort is significant, you can receive pain relief or relaxing medication. The urethra and prostate swell during the treatment, making it necessary to place a catheter in the bladder after the heat treatment. The catheter must remain in place for four weeks. After the TreatmentPain You may experience aching or pain for the first few days. This can be alleviated with 2 tablets of Panodil (500 mg) or 2 tablets of Ipren (200 mg), up to three times daily. Bladder Catheter The catheter is connected to a urine bag. Once a day, the area around the catheter should be washed with mild soap. Avoid pulling or bending the catheter. Lay it in a soft loop in your underwear. The catheter tube can be fastened to the thigh with tape. Bleeding There may be blood in the urine for the first 2-3 days. It is important to drink plenty of fluids (2-3 liters daily) and ensure the catheter functions properly with urine flow. If the catheter becomes blocked, a home nurse can flush it, or you can contact the Emergency Telephone at 1813. There will be some bloody discharge along the catheter, especially initially. This is because there is a wound in the prostate that gradually sheds tissue debris. If there is no blood in the urine after three days, the urine bag can be disconnected, and the valve can be opened during the urge to urinate, at least every three hours during the day. At night, connect the urine bag with a long tube. There may also be some urine leakage along the catheter due to bladder irritation. This can be managed by reattaching the urine bag. It is necessary to use male pads for a period. You will be provided with the necessary aids before you go home. Antibiotics You will need antibiotic treatment with Bioclavid 500 mg tablets, three times daily for three days. The medication will be provided by the nurse at the clinic. Catheter Removal The catheter will be removed at the clinic you are affiliated with 4-5 weeks after the treatment. Follow-up will occur via a telephone consultation approximately six months after your treatment. Effect of Heat TreatmentThe full effect of the treatment can only be assessed after 3 to 6 months. There will be frequent urination and sudden urges, which can be difficult to control. These symptoms will gradually disappear. Up to 5% of patients may experience problems achieving a normal erection, and the treatment may result in the absence of ejaculation. There is a very small risk of permanent urinary incontinence. Contact for ComplicationsIf you need help, you can contact Urological Diseases, Clinic 1, or your general practitioner during daytime hours. Outside of these hours and on weekends, you should contact the Emergency Telephone at 1813, which may refer you to the Emergency Department. Contact Information for the Department of Urological Diseases
Hi Kyle. It's not a problem. The text is from Herlev Hospital in Denmark. Urology department. Jens.
Thomas Levy also recommended a person take all the types of vitamin c, regular, intravenous and liposomal. As intravenous is expensive in the states (not sure about Europe) I take regular time released c as well as liposomal or "poor mans intravenous c" daily. Liposomal has an advantage over intravenous in that it gets into the cells themselves