Another Softrock Build project (and around, around, around I GO :)


Well, I'm doing it again!   In years past I've built a number of Softrock receivers, primarily the Ensemble LF versions and inevitably sold, traded or gave them away.  The last time a friend was kind enough to give me one he'd built years ago and wasn't using (he once loaned it to me).  Well, awhile back I gave that one to a local ham friend who was very interested in listening to some longwave ham activity and found his hf rig was a very poor performer down in the basement.

Now, before I go any further, let me say that my longtime primary DX interest are NDBs (longwave nav beacons), and I DON'T really need a Softrock receiver as my primary go-to LF receiver is a very nice and capable Perseus (the older version, the new Perseus 22 is WAY out of my price range).

No, this is more of an exercise and experiment as I have VERY BAD RA (arthritis) in my hands, joint soreness and stiffness.  I sort of want to prove to myself "I can still do it", and I'm certain I can, just need to take my time at it!!!  In other words, I refuse to give in to it.

So, I ordered TWO of the Softrock II receiver kits.   All they have left are the HF version but Ben was kind enough to include extra wire for the coils and capacitors for the BPFs  and the divider chips needed for the LF LO.   Thank you Ben.  I just got on Amazon and found I could order 10 packs of the different Toroid Cores needed for the LF version.  My intent is to build one HF version and one LF version, but who knows.  I might build two of the LF versions.  I'll "play it by ear" (or hands ;-)

Now I DO have a question.  I downloaded and printed the build instructions for bot the HF and LF version and it mentioned something about different board builds.  Shown is the board layouts for the 6/20/2013 dated board, my boards are dated 12/28/2020.  Is that just a later "Manufacturing Run" of the board, or are there differences?

Thank all.  I'll keep the list informed as the build progresses (probably be a long slow process).

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>
Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB,


YAESU: FTDX-101MP Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020)
YAESU: FTDX-3000 Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019).
Portables: Eton Elite 750, AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020)
Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021)
SDRs: Perseus, Softrock II LF
ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher.
HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's.
HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp.
Ratzlaff 440Hz, 6.5Hz BW Audio Filter
Autec Research QF1 Audio Filter.
ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF.
Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element).
Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M
Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For LF/MW/HF.
Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL
Discone at ~35 Feet AGL For Scanner
QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh