test (to Guy Mengel N1GMM)


Hi Guy,

Sorry, I just realized that I failed to answer your email.  Seems to happen more often than I like.
YES, I've always loved homebrewing radio stuff.  First got my interest in 1953 (I'm 80 now) when a neighbor gave me an old defunct console radio that he was going to toss out.  I was 10 years old and knew nothing about radio.  But I dragged it home and played with it.  Burnt my fingers on hot tubes and it threw me across the room a few times when I touched things I shouldn't. Don't know what I did, probably a loose wire or tube in a dirty tube socket but I got that beast playing.  WOW, BBC London, Quito Ecuador and so forth.  Those stations were a LOOOOONNNNNG way off.  I was hooked!

I've built many many different radios, bought many 'junkers' and fixed them and sold/swapped them.  Probably hundreds if the truth be known.  Don't do as much now-a-days, fingers being stiff and sometimes  painful due to RA (arthritis).   But I'm not going to let me get it down :)

Anyway Guy (had an Uncle on mom's side named Guy).  Keep on doing what you enjoy most and keep us posted about all those Softrocks.

<>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><>

Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons)
Phil, KO6BB, http://www.qsl.net/ko6bb/


YAESU: FTDX-101MP Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020)
YAESU: FTDX-3000 Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019).
Portables: Eton Elite 750, AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020)
Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021)
SDRs: Perseus, Softrock II LF
ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher.
HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's.
HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp.
Ratzlaff 440Hz, 6.5Hz BW Audio Filter
Autec Research QF1 Audio Filter.
ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF.
Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element).
Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M
Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For LF/MW/HF.
Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL
Discone at ~35 Feet AGL For Scanner
QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh

On 6/21/2024 9:17 PM, Guy Mengel N1GMM wrote:
My my;
What a joy to have someone post a "test". I was just on the phone with an old parts supplier friend (you might know him.."dans small....". I was lamenting that there were not more builders out there but he said that there are! (mostly of the older bunch) but many are still building. This makes me happy.
I enjoyed looking at both your sites and loved seeing what you are doing or have done!

I currently have a box full of softrock units some built some not but I am hoping to build these into usable rigs for me. I just bought a bunch of older softrock units in boxes and the such with a ton of extra sound devices to use for a song and a dance. I do have a perseus too for listening too. Phil lists all the nice things he has. He has a wonderful site to behold. And then there is Mike living in the sticks (like me) but with far far fewer trees. Mikes site is also something to behold.

And to boot this is on the softrock40 site, which has be dear to my heart for many years... and now that I have the time I can do something after going into disability at 66. After dreaming of doing something like Phil and Mike...I am 68 now.. with lots and lots of time and some equipment... now where did I put that energy.. strokes do some horrible things.

Thanks for the "test" I really appreciate that.