TSW-x70 and the SG Weather App v2


Anyone seeing issues crop up recently with the weather app on x70 panels??
Of course, I know its a dumpster fire to begin with, but...It was working...


I have a client with (10) 1060's that just reported issues also...:(


We now have 4-5 sites reporting Weather App issues...
iPads of course still work on these sites, but we're seeing issues on x70, x60, and x52 panels. these sites have been working without issue for months/years...
Is anyone else seeing this with the TSWs??


Yep.  Clients are just asking for the controls to be removed.  We are just not including it moving forward, reliability is a must in this industry.

On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 12:09 PM, ckangis wrote:
We now have 4-5 sites reporting Weather App issues...
iPads of course still work on these sites, but we're seeing issues on x70, x60, and x52 panels. these sites have been working without issue for months/years...
Is anyone else seeing this with the TSWs??


Yes I'd like to remove them however many clients really like the features, particularly the 5-day. 
It just sux that Crestron cannot keep these things going...  
Eventually we'll be forced to delete all features as they become more unreliable...

"Here's your invoice Mr. Client, sorry we couldn't deliver anything..."   :(:(:(


Just a suggestion, WeatherFlow Tempest smart weather system is a really nice wy of delivering weather conditions and forecast information. You also get local notifications from the Tempest for rain and high wind which can be used to close skylights, retract awnings, etc.

There is a module on my GitHub.

Hope this helps


On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 1:16 PM ckangis via groups.io <chris=eicustom.com@groups.io> wrote:
Yes I'd like to remove them however many clients really like the features, particularly the 5-day. 
It just sux that Crestron cannot keep these things going...  
Eventually we'll be forced to delete all features as they become more unreliable...

"Here's your invoice Mr. Client, sorry we couldn't deliver anything..."   :(:(:(


Thanks Jay! Yes going forward I think this might be a good solution, however:
a. Crestron should fix their shit!
b. To migrate to your solution would be a major undertaking - i.e adding hardware and a full interface/code update for many clients...most would not want to spend$$ so we're put in the position of donating or eliminating features...  Thank Crestron....
and c. Did I mention, Crestron should fix their shit!...



This isn't the first time that there has been an issue with Crestron's providing weather data.  

I realize that changing over to a WeatherFlow tempest would be a significant undertaking for customers that had a perfectly working system up until just a day, or two, ago.  However, it can be a good solution for new systems in that it eliminates Crestron's weather feed as a failure point and provides hyper-local weather that no Internet based weather feed can provide.

I've had a WeatherFlow Tempest for years and have never had a problem with it. 


On 7/2/2024 4:46 PM, ckangis via groups.io wrote:

Thanks Jay! Yes going forward I think this might be a good solution, however:
a. Crestron should fix their shit!
b. To migrate to your solution would be a major undertaking - i.e adding hardware and a full interface/code update for many clients...most would not want to spend$$ so we're put in the position of donating or eliminating features...  Thank Crestron....
and c. Did I mention, Crestron should fix their shit!...


Still more sites complaining about failed Weather App function...  All TSWs don't work (x52, x60, x70) but the Crestron App/GO still work.
Could the TSWs use a different server for Weather Info???   its weird to me that just the panels just all stopped about 1.5-2 weeks ago...


I'm currently at a site with several TSW-1070s, and the Weather Widget and Smart Object works on all of them.

--- On Monday, July 8, 2024 at 12:47 PM, ckangis wrote:

Still more sites complaining about failed Weather App function... All TSWs
don't work (x52, x60, x70) but the Crestron App/GO still work.
Could the TSWs use a different server for Weather Info??? its weird to me
that just the panels just all stopped about 1.5-2 weeks ago...


That is so freaky!!...:(


On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 01:49 PM, XSDS wrote:
Yep.  Clients are just asking for the controls to be removed.  We are just not including it moving forward, reliability is a must in this industry.
What part of the country are you located in? I'm in the Northeast and I know that Tony G is in Georgia (last I checked!)

My Crestron TS guy is in central California and is not seeing an issue with his test rig either...
So Frustrating!!...


Also all,
What ISP?  and are you using static addressing? if so, what are your DNS addresses?


The current project is in Kansas City, but none of my projects back in Atlanta have reported issues either - although I haven't asked. However, it was working fine when I left my house about a week ago, but I only have TSW-1052s.

I was at another project in California last month, which has several TSW-1060s and a few TS-1542s, and they all worked.

--- On Monday, July 8, 2024 at 8:22 PM, ckangis wrote:

What part of the country are you located in? I'm in the Northeast and I know
that Tony G is in Georgia (last I checked!)

My Crestron TS guy is in central California and is not seeing an issue with his
test rig either...
So Frustrating!!...

On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 01:49 PM, XSDS wrote:

Yep. Clients are just asking for the controls to be removed. We are just
not including it moving forward, reliability is a must in this industry.


Just checked the panels at my house which are all xx50s converted to xx52s and one is a 1060 and also a DGE-100 and the weather app works fine on all mine and also the advanced weather widget. Usually when these issues happen my system always is one to have issues but all looks normal on my end. 52s are on 1.004.0014 and 1.004.0021, and 1060 is on 2.009.0122.


We're global, but a majority of the occurences have been happening in the Southern California region.  I understand the frustration, but after the last bout of this a few years back, I just told my guys, if this happens again we are just pulling all the widgets off as problems arise.  We like to find, fix and explain problems to our clients, its kind of necessary these days, not just some "oh it fixed itself", that doesn't really fly in multi-million dollar projects.

 I just don't see the value in troubleshooting this since it could just break again for no apparent reason and no accountability taken.  Most of the time we would go in, cross check and document firmware on panels, processor, compiler versions, error logs, advanced troubleshooting efforts.  But for something that is completely out of our control even if we found the problem?  Nah, just easier to remove it IMO.  May suggest what Jay said to clients who really want weather information as a good solution.

And let's be honest, if we want the weather for now or the week its kind of easier to just pull out your phone and tap an icon.  ;)

On Mon, Jul 8, 2024 at 08:21 PM, ckangis wrote:
On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 01:49 PM, XSDS wrote:
Yep.  Clients are just asking for the controls to be removed.  We are just not including it moving forward, reliability is a must in this industry.
What part of the country are you located in? I'm in the Northeast and I know that Tony G is in Georgia (last I checked!)

My Crestron TS guy is in central California and is not seeing an issue with his test rig either...
So Frustrating!!...


On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 09:33 AM, XSDS wrote:
just easier to remove it IMO.
Agreed on all XSDS. I just see that when things are continually not designed right and/or not fixed that's out of our control, eventually we'll remove everything and de-value our work!
Just because Crestron's new girlfriend is Home, they still have a wife and kids for the last 30 years that they should take care of!!  We'll still be here after the GF exits (like the last 12 of them...)  And I personally have 100+ clients that use this thing...

FTR, I'm talking about the original Widget and the V2 app, not the Advanced Weather widget. This probably still works but it doesn't have the 5-day feature...

Also interesting: I set up a client's system that's having issues on my bench system. Same ISP, 770, CP4, same FW and it works!...   The Digital age SUX!!...:)


Just a follow-up...
If you factory default the panels, re-configure and reload the same VTP file, this seems to fix the problem. Done it on x60 and x70 panels....


I was messing with weather app/widget issues today. The issue I was trying to solve was the widget not displaying any weather data. Long story short, when I selected the zip code I had entered and set it as default, the widget immediately showed weather data again. A few of the TSWs around our office had to be power cycled before the weather app would show anything and let me get to the location page, but once there, setting location as default brought widget data back. To be clear, I think they'd all been set as default in the past, but setting it again today helped.
I still don't think that's a "fix" per say, but it's way faster than defaulting, re-configuring, reloading, etc... so I wanted to share. Hope it helps.


Interesting. I think the issue for most of my sites was even after a reboot, you couldn't get to the settings page to re-setup the default location. it just said something like 'please wait'...