Contest Program Updates!


Hi All,

Kimberly, Chris and I hope that you are having a wonderful summer!  This is just a super quick note to let you know that we've updated the following programs:

ARRL IARU HF 5.0.6 - Corrected scoring for two character IARU station designation multipliers.
New Jersey QSO Party 2.5.6 (In State and Out of State) - Modified Cabrillo file header per contest sponsor's request.
Washington Salmon Run (State QSO Party)  4.3.7 - Updated In State version per the latest rule changes for new Canadian multipliers.

As always, upgrades and new programs are free to registered users. If you are currently running a version of our software released after January 2021 and are Internet connected, each program should detect the new upgrade and offer to retrieve it for you on start. If you have any problem with the automatic upgrade, or you are running an older version, you can install the latest versions directly from our web site.

It's still hot now, but another exciting fall / winter contest season is right around the corner and it will be here before we know it.  Let's get ready!!!

1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...