Updated QMX Condensed Menu plus Excerpts from the QMX Operating Manual with Comments

The more I play with my QMX, the more impressed I am.  The attached QMX Condensed Menu offers only a quick way to locate a particular setting.  The Excerpts from the QMX Manual address VFO functions, Frequency Presets, Automated message transmission mode and Terminal Applications.  I have included quick access instructions for using the PuTTY terminal emulator for a PC.  As Hans has said "it is an easier way to add stored messages or frequency presets."  Everything but my comments can be found in the QMX Operating Manual.

10 Люди сподобалось це

Very nice! All printed here and in my QRP Labs binder...

3 Люди сподобалось це


Very helpful..thanks!
John N6TRC

1 Людина сподобалось це

Ken Kirkley

Printed out! Thanks. 

On Sep 7, 2024, at 11:03 AM, Karl via groups.io <karlshumaker@...> wrote:

Very nice! All printed here and in my QRP Labs binder...

1 Людина сподобалось це

I used this file in part along with a QMX in a Better Light - Better Viewing and "Somewhat" Better Explanation Youtube video and the Operating manual for firmware 1_00_026/1_00_027 to create a QMX+ Menu for my radio I await for Dec 2024 or January 2025.  I no longer see the file online, but it was helpful to me in attempting to try to make a make a complete Quick Menu for the QMX+.  Thank you.

QMX Quick Menu Reference - Firmware 1.00.027
Major update now that have a QMX radio in hand and am able go through the Menu system myself.
If you notice something that needs changed let me know.

1 Людина сподобалось це

    I want to thank the ones who contributed to this document whether  from the videos I watched on YT to the main document from Hans and the one that was posted here in the group files 'Excerpts from QMX Operation Manual' but I can no longer find online.  I also Thank the direct editors' of the Google document we created together whether from here, or from https://www.facebook.com/groups/1026574931765550/posts/1341044343651939
Whether be, formating or motivation to research more, it is helpful. Your help will make this document more useful to others.  When I see I am getting no more input I will figure it is done.  I do not know that I will be updating my QMX when the SSB so I may not update the document at at that time.  I am curious and would not mine experimenting with the QMX/+ SSB though. 
    I will not be updating it right away as at this point I have not been able to get my QMX to connect to my PC using two different USB cables(They could both be just charge cables?).  The Win11 PC says it is connected, but sees it as an unrecognizable serial connection.  As I recall 'Putty' showed some random ascii characters and symbols in its terminal.  I may make a special effort to buy a USB cable definitely labeled as a data cable one day.

Thanks Paul; great effort much appreciated. John WA6YSY

I want to thank the ones who contributed to this document from here on groups.io/g/QRPLabs or QRP Labs QMX enthusiasts.  Whether be formating, corrections, or motivation to research more.  I feel I am a good stopping point for now.

Derek, I may be confused but I am unable to find any document(s) or other file(s) attached.