script brain


i'm starting the brain script and i'm stuck on how to activate a relay when a led is on
a helping hand please


I wrote a script many years ago and don't remember much.
Have you tried "Ports & Pins" you can select outputs there.

Could you describe in more detail what you are trying to do? I understand activate a relay, but "when a led is on" I don't understand.


On Monday, September 16, 2024 at 06:51:42 AM CDT, perso.gilles via <perso.gilles@...> wrote:

i'm starting the brain script and i'm stuck on how to activate a relay when a led is on
a helping hand please


I have various macros and have attached a pdf of them that may help you sort it out. You will need to get the Input and output numbers from the mach3 manual.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 04:14 AM, Stephen Muscato wrote:
hello everyone
in the meantime, I racked my brain :o) and I managed to make my relay work
I just renamed the OEM code of a led
on the "Ports and Pins" side I understood their usefulness to do external actions
thanks for the info


thanks for the macro example
i will read this carefully and i will not fail to come back to you
as my english is mediocre i will tie myself in knots


Hello everyone
I'm struggling with my brain, but I've made progress. My relay works as I want, but I'm stuck on the lighting of the led linked to the relay.
This led has the code OEMled=1011 and I would like it to light up steadily
Thanks in advance for your help
++ Gilles