Sark 110


I have an old Sark 110 vna. How does it compare to the newer nanoVNAs? Imrarely use it. It does what I need but has a rather steep learning curve.

Dave K8WPE


Dave and others:

Your Sark-110 was a brilliantly defined and well supported one-port VNA, capable of accurate sweeps, presentation of Z, Rs, Xs, SWR, and export of CSV data as may have been of interest. Screen was easy to read, easily charged by USB from PC.

Its companion SW, SarkPlots, was easy to use, parallel to Dan Maguire’s Z-Plots.

It was incredibly well-supported by its Spanish creator Melchor, who still answers queries.

Overtaken by price-point and second port capabilities of the nano-VNA family.

Documents still available on the website at:

All the software is available in the pages under the following link:

Specifically, you can find Sark Plots at

Ed McCann

On Sep 18, 2024, at 6:29 AM, David Wilcox K8WPE via <Djwilcox01@...> wrote:
I have an old Sark 110 vna. How does it compare to the newer nanoVNAs? Imrarely use it. It does what I need but has a rather steep learning curve.

Dave K8WPE


Though not personally familiar with the Sark 110 unit, it appears to have
features very similar to my nanovna SAA-2N. It too has a rather steep
learning curve, but I have found it to be very useful for antenna tuning
and coax inspections as I continue to explore its many other capabilities.
I also suspect that the Sark may be closer to laboratory grade versus the
budget friendly nanovna, but an advantage to the nanovna may be the
compatibility with pc software packages such as nanovna-saver at
This software provides enhancements that are orders of magnitude greater
than the stand-alone-unit.

Mike Huskins, KC8GZK

On Wed, Sep 18, 2024, 9:29 AM David Wilcox K8WPE via <Djwilcox01=> wrote:

I have an old Sark 110 vna. How does it compare to the newer nanoVNAs?
Imrarely use it. It does what I need but has a rather steep learning curve.

Dave K8WPE


I also suspect that the Sark may be closer to laboratory grade versus the
budget friendly nanovna, but an advantage to the nanovna may be the
compatibility with pc software packages such as nanovna-saver at
In the frequency range that Sark supports, NanoVNA is lab grade.
Only nice feature that Sark has is the sinusoidal output that is adjustable.



*any* VNA will, by its very nature, have a steep learning curve! Unless you really need a 2 port VNA your single port VNA—the Sark-110—is a very functional piece of kit.


Robin, G8DQX

On 18/09/2024 11:33, David Wilcox K8WPE via wrote:
It does what I need but has a rather steep learning curve.