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Need info on this dummy load rf output detector
Sorry to insert this in this email site but I have to begin somewhere.
I built this rf output detector years ago as part of a kit rig I bought but don’t have any written info on it. It is quite different from the single diode detectors all the other QRP Kit providers describe. Anyone recognize it? Looking for the math formula for rf output using two diodes, one on each side of the sine wave if I have it correct. Be the REASON someone smiles today. Dave K8WPE Be the REASON someone smiles today. Dave K8WPE |
3 150 ohm resistors inparallel = 50 ohms. Not good for much over a watt though
Double diode detector gives 2x peak as output. Capacitor makes it frequency sensitive though so not ideal,waveform%20could%20also%20be%20used). |
All one has to do is look up the 1N5711 online. Here is a link to a data
sheet from MaCOM: Dave - WØLEV On Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 12:58 PM Robert via <rdiamant36=> wrote: My guess: see image.-- *Dave - WØLEV* -- Dave - WØLEV |
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