On Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 03:40 PM, Talmadge Pipkin- KQ4KIO wrote:
Hi Talmadge
Looks like you have your hands full with that storm...hope all is OK
The SO239 to SMA bulkhead adaptors and the patch cables are all available on eBay as is the case.
If you remove the front panel with the logo on you can use it as a template to cut out the hole for the screen. When you have the hole cut mark the the position of the holes for securing the front panel, then sandwich the case between the nanovna and the front panel, the original screws are too short for this. I found screws from a scrap laptop were just a bit longer and secured the panel perfectly.
I removed the multi function switch and established how it worked and what contacts closed/opened in the various positions...including pushing the switch down, with a continuity tester, I then replicated this with small push switches as you can see on the left in the photo.
The on/off switch can be left in place (and turned to off) and the new power switch wired in parallel...In hindsight I would not have used a rocker switch as it tends to get switched on when it gets bumped etc...a slide switch with a stiffer action would be better.
The battery, also from eBay was a 1500mA type and is stuck to the rear panel of the nanovna with double sided tape.
I cut a hole in the top of the case (where you can see the light shining through) for the USB plug to fit...its quite easy to fit the plug in the USB C socket even though it is a little deep.
As always measure twice cut once.
Hope this gives you the basics.
73 Steve G4EDG