Rugged box and a discoverynanovna beginner's guide


On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 09:44 AM, Steve G4EDG wrote:

You may say RTFM...well as there is no M to was down to me discovering
this on my own!
Do a quick Web search on "nanovna beginner's guide" and what do you know....numerous both written and video beginner's guides.

I like what you did with that case. Those UHF connectors are going to limit the high end of the VNA, but if you are just using it at HF it will be OK. It's easy enough to swap them out if you want to later
73, Don N2VGU


Thanks Dan

I only joined the group a few days ago and have now found the beginners guide...all good stuff, thank you.

It appears I have a non genuine model as there is no CONFIG item in the first menu...strangely the NanoVNA Menu Structure Map (figure 24, page 13) doesn't show this either, although it refers to this the text and photos.

Just using it for HF at the moment, but see there is a wealth of knowledge in the archive if I need to delve deeper.

73 Steve G4EDG