Manual / user guide?


Is there a good manual or how to user's guide for this VNA? I need to study up on how to use this device. I have the large foldout menu map which is good for getting an idea of what it can do but it would be nice to have a good study guide to refresh the old mental juices.


Many YouTube videos. Search "nanovna" I spent some hours with them... You will learn grasshopper!

After you learn the basics you can spend a few hours with more videos on the Smith Chart!


There is an excellent guide in the WiKi to this group.

Dave - WØLEV

On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 11:30 PM Dave Robinson via <kb7gp=> wrote:

Is there a good manual or how to user's guide for this VNA? I need to
study up on how to use this device. I have the large foldout menu map which
is good for getting an idea of what it can do but it would be nice to have
a good study guide to refresh the old mental juices.


*Dave - WØLEV*

Dave - WØLEV


Hi DaveR,

I have found the following book useful.

NanoVNAs Explained
A practical guide to Nano Vector Network Analysers

Mike Richards G4WNC

Published by the RSGB.

I bought my copy from a UK hamfest in Dec 2023 for £12. It may be
obtainable through the ARRL bookshop. I am an
ARRL member and I see they often list RSGB publications in QST. Otherwise
you could contact the RSGB.

73 Phil G3SES


On Sat, 28 Sept 2024 at 02:44, W0LEV via <davearea51a=> wrote:

There is an excellent guide in the WiKi to this group.

Dave - WØLEV

On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 11:30 PM Dave Robinson via <kb7gp=> wrote:

Is there a good manual or how to user's guide for this VNA? I need to
study up on how to use this device. I have the large foldout menu map
is good for getting an idea of what it can do but it would be nice to
a good study guide to refresh the old mental juices.


*Dave - WØLEV*

Dave - WØLEV