SWR vs. Resonance; Heaviside


On 2024-10-15 12:59, W0LEV wrote:

And only last week I read a paper that proposed that in the big picture of
the universe which we are just on the verge of detecting, that as well
obeys quantization rules much like the electrons around the atomic nucleus
and the energy levels of the nuclear particles within the nucleus. The
finer we poke at a problem, the more we discover we don't understand. But
that's the joy and draw of hard science.

Oh, yes, to my last email. Outside of Mr. Einstein, we must give Mr.
Maxwell full credit for bringing electromagnetics to a well defined set of
four equations (even though two of them are plagerized from previous
With the greatest respect, what Mr. Maxwell produced, so very early
on, was a brilliant insight. It was, however, indigestible but for a few. Maxwell's four equations are, really, Oliver Heaviside's four equations.

Heaviside was a man without a formal background. Nonetheless, he was
one of the few who did understand Maxwell's jungle of ideas and "built" his own mathematics to express Maxwell's thesis. (For doing so, Mr. Heaviside was excoriated by his "betters", learned gentlemen all, at first, for having the temerity to fabricate a "do-it-yourself" mathematics that he could not seat upon a formal basis. Heaviside answered his critics by saying, essentially,"It works, you figure it out!")

After all, that's what our VNAs are all about: measuring RF energy
over its many forms and frequencies. And Mendeleev for seeing the
organization of the basic elements.

Dave - WØLEV

On Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 7:47 PM Ray Lulling via groups.io <ray=
innovativetimingsystems.com@groups.io> wrote:

Waves or particles? Quantum Mechanics is stranger than truth
and physicists can’t explain why. The latest read I’ve seen suggests
that everything in the universe is composed of different kinds of
interacting fields. When certain fields interact with the Higgs field,
the interaction creates mass.
Don’t think too much about this or your brain will hurt.😀



Hi All,

Yes, Oliver Heaviside is another of our little known doyens of the electronics world. He was indeed a remarkable man.
Most of us would only know his name, let alone of his existence, if we are involved in amateur radio or radio physics through the naming of the "Heaviside layer" or "E layer" in the ionosphere.
I put Oliver Heaviside in the same category as Nicola Tesla as two of the most under rated contributors to our understanding of the science of electricity and RF propagation.

Just my 2c worth...

Cheers...Bob VK2ZRE

On 16/10/2024 12:11 pm, John Nightingale via groups.io wrote:

On 2024-10-15 12:59, W0LEV wrote:

And only last week I read a paper that proposed that in the big picture of
the universe which we are just on the verge of detecting, that as well
obeys quantization rules much like the electrons around the atomic nucleus
and the energy levels of the nuclear particles within the nucleus.  The
finer we poke at a problem, the more we discover we don't understand.  But
that's the joy and draw of hard science.

Oh, yes, to my last email.  Outside of Mr. Einstein, we must give Mr.
Maxwell full credit for bringing electromagnetics to a well defined set of
four equations (even though two of them are plagerized from previous
With the greatest respect, what Mr. Maxwell produced, so very early
on, was a brilliant insight. It was, however, indigestible but for a few. Maxwell's four equations are, really, Oliver Heaviside's four equations.

Heaviside was a man without a formal background. Nonetheless, he was
one of the few who did understand Maxwell's jungle of ideas and "built" his own mathematics to express Maxwell's thesis. (For doing so, Mr. Heaviside was excoriated by his "betters", learned gentlemen all, at first, for having the temerity to fabricate a "do-it-yourself" mathematics that he could not seat upon a formal basis. Heaviside answered his critics by saying, essentially,"It works, you figure it out!")

   After all, that's what our VNAs are all about: measuring RF energy
over its many forms and frequencies.  And Mendeleev for seeing the
organization of the basic elements.

Dave - WØLEV

On Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 7:47 PM Ray Lulling via groups.io <ray=
innovativetimingsystems.com@groups.io> wrote:

Waves or particles? Quantum Mechanics is stranger than truth
and physicists can’t explain why. The latest read I’ve seen suggests
that everything in the universe is composed of different kinds of
interacting fields. When certain fields interact with the Higgs field,
the interaction creates mass.
Don’t think too much about this or your brain will hurt.😀


On Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 06:11 PM, John Nightingale wrote:

one of the few who did understand Maxwell's jungle of ideas and "built" his
own mathematics to express Maxwell's thesis. (For doing so, Mr. Heaviside was
excoriated by his "betters", learned gentlemen all, at first, for having the
temerity to fabricate a "do-it-yourself" mathematics that he could not seat
upon a formal basis. Heaviside answered his critics by saying, essentially,"It
works, you figure it out!")
Most people are not aware of the debt we owe to Oliver Heaviside (who died in poverty, by the way) and assume that the equations we know as Maxwell's were expressed in their current form by Maxwell. Not so.

For a very good read, check out "The Maxwellians", by Bruce J. Hunt.

And for a short but good read on the development of Vector Analysis, check out this link:


- Jeff, k6jca


I'll just copy/paste from a DM from one of members on this forum. No attribution, not sure if they'd like me to "name names", but content is worth sharing :)

"...the Telegrapher's equation comes from Oliver Heaviside, a self taught mathematician. Is it called the Telegrapher's Equation because it was given to us by a telegrapher? Heaviside was a telegrapher (you know, sending telegrams on the wire) and he was curious to how the telegraph worked, and his work on submarine cables was formative."


In 2014 on a lark, I contributed 10 Pounds to an effort of those in Newcastle seeking to refurbish Heaviside's grave site. They sent a picture. I will grab it of my e-Mail.