


Does anyone has solve the problem to read under the sun?



This has been discussed several times before. If you resurch past posts, you will fine that " SUN SHADES" made for digital cameras and displays, anti glare screen savers for cellphones and tablets, cut to fit , I use them, on the display are a few ways to take care of the problem.

I have also used polarized sunglasses, like those used for fishing, to cut down the glare reflection.
No, not on the display, on your face. The reason I just said that, is because someone actually asked how to mount the sunglasses on the display.

YOU, just have to do a little resurching.
Anyway, hope this helps.
Clyde KC7BJE


Clyde . . .

On Fri, Oct 18, 2024 at 03:32 PM, Clyde Lambert wrote:

I have also used polarized sunglasses, like those used for fishing, to cut
down the glare reflection.
No, not on the display, on your face. The reason I just said that, is because
someone actually asked how to mount the sunglasses on the display.
I'd like to see that done!!!

Donald KX8K


That helps..

Part of the problem is the brightness that is lacking.



I guess VERY carefully? And maybe more than one pair in a mosaic pattern.



Here is my reasoning regarding this problem of visibility of the NanoVNA screen outside. This case only applies to an antenna that will be connected to the station by a coaxial transmission line.

I will make my measurement to the NanoVNA from the station by doing an OSL calibration on the end of the coaxial, which may not be in its final position (it simplifies) but within reach. I use the nanaovna-saver software which thus connects my PC to the nanoVNA.

Then I connect the rest of the antenna, in real position, on this end (where I did the OSL calibration) and I still make my measurement with nanaovna-saver.

The measurement therefore corresponds to the whole: antenna + external conductor of the coaxial + any additional device such as chock-balun, ground connection, etc. The interest of taking into account the induction on the coaxial line seems fundamental to me.

Measuring the antenna, totally isolated from its feed line is not useful; it will never be used in this configuration.

The advantage of the proposed method is that you see your curves in the shade and that you easily save the .s1p files