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Motor Cuts using Steady Rest
The motor on my LMS 7x16 cuts out turning down 360 brass when using a steady rest with a HSS tool. The 7" 1.25" brass rod is centered in my 4-jaw cuck to 0.005" and the Steady Rest is 2.25" back from the end. I'm using reversed Emery Cloth under the brass points with liberal and frequent oilling. The rod turns by hand w/o much friction. Cuts deeper than 0.010" stall the motor when the lead screw is engaged.
Thoughts appreciated! |
Is it only when using a steady rest that this happens? You probably need to check the amps. On Sun, Oct 20, 2024 at 4:05 PM CBJessee-N4SRN via <> wrote:
Which 7x16 is it? That doc is for the older Brushed DC motors.
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If it's a BLDC 7x16 it'd be a different drive and motor... On 10/20/2024 7:12 PM, Roy via wrote:
Try the excellent troubleshooting guide from LMS: |
It’s a LMS 4100 upgraded to a 16” bed - it has a brushless motor. I know it has an over-current cut-off and that’s what’s kicking in. What I can’t figure is why I’m might be over-feeding with a 0.010” cut with the standard lead screw rate of 0.004”/rev. It seems to cut-out less with Tap-Magic vs WD40. I tried 350-700rpm but the rpm range doesn’t seem to matter.
Might it be the tool is forcing the rod towards the rear steady rest finger and the friction goes up too high? |
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