Nano VNA reference with 4'' screen


Hi All

I am looking to get a Nano VNA reference that have 4'' screen and an open source code below 150Euro price

if possible to pointed me to some reference with possible links to the vendors .

73's Nizar


-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Team-SIM SIM-Mode via
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 11:47 AM
Subject: [nanovna-users] Nano VNA reference with 4'' screen

Hi All

I am looking to get a Nano VNA reference that have 4'' screen and an open source code below 150Euro price

if possible to pointed me to some reference with possible links to the vendors .

73's Nizar


Thank you very much Karl


On Tuesday 22 October 2024 12:32:16 pm Karl Henry wrote: - I recommend this unit based on previous research.

Karl D. Henry, Architect, EIT
286 Arona Road, New Stanton, PA 15672
(724) 493-0531
The problem I have with amazon for this is that you have absolutely no guarantee that you'll get a unit from any particular supplier -- they'll ship what they find convenient to ship, so you may get a good one, or you may end up with a clone. For some stuff it doesn't matter but I'd prefer to order from one of the recommended vendors;.

For whatever it's worth, I got mine from R&L.

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Team-SIM SIM-Mode via
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 11:47 AM
Subject: [nanovna-users] Nano VNA reference with 4'' screen

Hi All

I am looking to get a Nano VNA reference that have 4'' screen and an open source code below 150Euro price

if possible to pointed me to some reference with possible links to the vendors .

73's Nizar

Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and
ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
be killed but can't be tamed.  --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Puppet Masters"
Information is more dangerous than cannon to a society ruled by lies. --James
M Dakin


On Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 10:27 AM, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:

you have absolutely no guarantee that you'll get a unit from any particular
That's not my experience - if you order something that is listed from the Aursinc store, you'll get one from Aursinc. Same with other stores on Amazon. But maybe this doesn't happen if an item isn't listed by a store.
But I also got my NanoVNA from R&L - they are a great business to support.


check out r and l electronics, u wont get a clone, and u can talk via phone if need be.


I second R&L for USA purchasers. They have a very good reputation. I purchased my Ultra from them. My original first run Tiny was purchased direct from Erik's supplier in the days before the vendor list. These days I prefer that all of my money go direct to the vendor rather than giving Amazon a cut. Some of the users in this group can advise on where to get the good VNAs. I got lucky and accidentally bought my early -H from the right eBay vendor before I learned about bad clones.



On Wed, 23 Oct 2024 18:20:17 GMT
"ae1th@... via" <ae1th@...> wrote:

check out r and l electronics, u wont get a clone, and u can talk via phone if need be.




R&L form too....

John K0JHL


Thanks all for your advices and valuable guidance , very informative .

Please did NANO-VNA H4 V4.3 has an STM32F407 microcontroler inside or STM32F10X ??

Did NANO-VNA H4 V4.3 has a reliable touchscreen function as it should or it's vary bugy ??

indeed i Have a NAno-VNA F , it run OK except very bugy touchscreen function especially when working over the menu, very desappointed and i would like to try this time an other Nano-VNA H4 V4.3 wich has approximatly the same features but no idea about it's touchscreen function reliability ?

if any known commun bugs still not resolved with Nano-VNA H4 V4.3 ??

73's Nizar


On Sat, Oct 26, 2024 at 12:29 AM, Team-SIM SIM-Mode wrote:

Did NANO-VNA H4 V4.3 has a reliable touchscreen function as it should or it's
vary bugy ??
NanoVNA-H4 has a reliable touch screen. I have never had a problem with it. And no, there are no common 'bugs' not resolved.
It is a very nice device, with lots of features.


Hi Stan
Thank you very much for all this nice infos about nano vna H4 v3.1.
I will select a supplyer from to have some advices from you and others ..

Thanks again
73's Nizar


Hello Nizar,
Before you buy another NanoVNA, what brand of NanoVNA-F do you have Sysjoint or Deepelec?
Have you upgraded to the latest firmware?
If it is a Sysjoint, they no longer support the NanoVNA-F, but the Deepelec FW has been found to work on the Sysjoint unit OK.
You just need to be careful to flash the correct file from the download. The latest Deepelec FW is V1.0.5.
You should do a complete recalibration including the touchscreen calibration.
I have a Deepelec NanoVNA-F HW V3.1 (3 button) and the touch screen is very reliable.

On 26/10/2024 6:29 pm, Team-SIM SIM-Mode via wrote:
Thanks all for your advices and valuable guidance , very informative .

Please did NANO-VNA H4 V4.3 has an STM32F407 microcontroler inside or STM32F10X ??

Did NANO-VNA H4 V4.3 has a reliable touchscreen function as it should or it's vary bugy ??

indeed i Have a NAno-VNA F , it run OK except very bugy touchscreen function especially when working over the menu, very desappointed and i would like to try this time an other Nano-VNA H4 V4.3 wich has approximatly the same features but no idea about it's touchscreen function reliability ?

if any known commun bugs still not resolved with Nano-VNA H4 V4.3 ??

73's Nizar


Hi Bob

I have Deeplec Nano-VNA F 4.3'' V2.3 V3.1 FW 1.0.5 but very disappointed by touchscreen on the menu even with good calibration as shown on youtube video, very erratic and bugy , otherwise all is OK even -80db stable range . sweep points limited to 301 right now.
Wondering if it's a good deal to have an other Nano-VNA H4 V4.3 .
73's Nizar .


Hi Nizar,

I am surprised you are having touchscreen troubles with your Deepelec NanoVNA-F.
Try clearing your calibration data and do another touch screen calibration.
Leon changed the touchscreen cal points in the V1.0.5 FW to make it more responsive as some people were having problems getting a good cal previously.
Hopefully this is your problem.

As for buying a NanoVNA-H4, as I said, I am pretty sure the latest HW version uses a 4" IPS screen, so it should perform as well as the -F in sunlight.
The other plus is if you are into frequency references. Erik, the designer of the TinySA products, has written an alternative FW to turn the -H4 into an extremely sensitive Phase-Frequency comparator, the TinyPFA. The FW only works on the -H4, nothing else. You can swap between PFA and VNA capability simply by loading the appropriate FW.
BTW, the FW "update" process can be a bit overwhelming on the -H4 compared to the beautiful simplicity of the -F.
And last, but not least, between Hugen and DiSlord, the development of all the "bells and whistles" on the -H4 runs rings around the -F.

I love my Deepelec NanoVNA-F, but I am thinking seriously about buying an -H4. At the moment, I am torn between the -H4 (and TinyPFA capability) and the SAA-6 6GHz VNA also manufactured by Hugen and supported by DiSlord FW to get the extended frequency capability.


On 29/10/2024 4:36 am, Team-SIM SIM-Mode via wrote:
Hi Bob

I have Deeplec Nano-VNA F 4.3'' V2.3 V3.1 FW 1.0.5 but very disappointed by touchscreen on the menu even with good calibration as shown on youtube video, very erratic and bugy , otherwise all is OK even -80db stable range . sweep points limited to 301 right now.
Wondering if it's a good deal to have an other Nano-VNA H4 V4.3 .
73's Nizar .


Hi Karl Hi All

Pse what do you think about this NanoVna-H4 V4.3 provider from (Germany) : SeeSii brand:

73's Nizar


Why would you buy a clone when you can get the original for less?

On Sat, 2 Nov 2024 at 10:31, Team-SIM SIM-Mode via
<sim31_team@...> wrote:

Hi Karl Hi All

Pse what do you think about this NanoVna-H4 V4.3 provider from (Germany) : SeeSii brand:

73's Nizar


Hi Dragan
Thanks for pointing me to an original brand via or , may be directly to the constructor site ..

73s Nizar


Authorized stores are listed at

On Sat, 2 Nov 2024 at 14:47, Team-SIM SIM-Mode via
<sim31_team@...> wrote:

Hi Dragan
Thanks for pointing me to an original brand via or , may be directly to the constructor site ..

73s Nizar