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An OSL box at the antenna?
Just run the calibration with the feed line included.
73 Peter -----Original-Nachricht----- Betreff: [nanovna-users] An OSL box at the antenna? Datum: 2024-10-22T22:59:12+0200 Von: "Leif M" <leif.michaelsson@...> An: "" <> Antennas on high towers are difficult to test. How about an relay box with OSL standards inside at the antenna terminals. |
that's what I've done modified a RCS-8 to add a load and a shortpython script steps it through the csl sequenceSent via the Samsung Galaxy S24, an AT&T 5G smartphone
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-------- Original message --------From: Peter Voelpel <dj7ww@...> Date: 10/22/24 2:35 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: [nanovna-users] An OSL box at the antenna? Just run the calibration with the feed line included.73Peter-----Original-Nachricht-----Betreff: [nanovna-users] An OSL box at the antenna?Datum: 2024-10-22T22:59:12+0200Von: "Leif M" <leif.michaelsson@...>An: "" <>Antennas on high towers are difficult to test. How about an relay box with OSL standards inside at the antenna terminals.
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