LTSpice Error log version 24.0.12 log


Does anyone know where is the error log in Version 24.0.12.  I can't seem to find it?


On Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 10:20 AM, <w.a.lewis@...> wrote:
Does anyone know where is the error log in Version 24.0.12.  I can't seem to find it?
It should be in the same place where you ran your simulation.  Same place as the .raw output file.
Did you by any chance change the directory for saving your .raw, .plt, and .log data files?  It is an option in the Waveforms portion of Settings / Control Panel.
When all else fails - Run a simulation and wait until it finishes.  Then press Ctrl-L to open the Error Log in LTspice.  The pop-up window with the file shows the full filespec at the top.  Write that down.


I wonder if you ran a simulation from "inside" a .ZIP file, forgetting to unzip it first.  That would explain the difficulty.
There is no directory inside the .ZIP file, but Windows makes it look as if there is.  If you run a simulation of a schematic in the .ZIP file, Windows creates a temporary directory behind the scenes, where the results from your simulation go.  It is typically a subdirectory of %AppData%\Local\Temp.  That temporary subdirectory becomes the "working" or local directory for that simulation, and LTspice's output files would be saved to that directory.  Windows doesn't intend for it to be easily accessible to you; you can get to it OK, but it is out of the way and often does not have ALL the files in it.
Morale:  Don't try running simulations (or anything else) from "within" a .ZIP file.  Always unzip the .zip file first.


Nothing has changed in my environment.  I am not referring to the log file; instead, it is the Spice error log file, which usually shows up under the pull-down view menu in the previous versions of LTspice.  I am doing a .meas command to look at the value
.meas OP MaxP Max I(R5)*V(vo)
The output for the above would normally appear in the Spice error log file.  


On Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 01:39 PM, <w.a.lewis@...> wrote:
I am not referring to the log file; instead, it is the Spice error log file, ...
Um, the SPICE Error Log file IS the log file!  They are one and the same.
If that is not what you're looking for, then please explain.
In any event, the SPICE Error Log file is always available by way of Ctrl-L in LTspice.  That is the one with the .MEAS results in it.  The precise format of the information (mostly the stats) written to the SPICE Error Log file did change somewhat when LTspice went from v17 to v24, as you might have noticed already.


The drop-down menu and Ctrl-L BOTH refer to the "SPICE Output Log". References to the "SPICE Error Log" appear to be deprecated. There are still 3 hits for "Error Log" in the documentation. Documentation never keeps up with development - heavy sigh!


What was once old is new again.
LTspice's "SPICE Error Log" was in fact the output file from the SPICE core at the heard heart of LTspice.  In the old old days, that was where you got all your simulated data.  There were no binary files and few if any ways of plotting it, so you got printed "waveforms" in the output listing.  It had everything - netlist, errors, waveform plots, stats, etc.
When LTspice came along, Mike Engelhardt changed the name to "Error Log" file, probably because it was of little use to most engineers except to see the errors if there were any.  But it was always the text output file, and that is where regular text data (e.g., the results of .MEAS commands and .FOUR commands) are also sent.
Analog Devices reversed what Mike did and changed back to calling it the "SPICE Output Log".
But it is still the same thing.  Whether you call it a tomaito or a tomahto, it tastes the same.


I remember the days when Spice was all text-driven, getting a plot from a dot matrix printer and describing the circuit with what we now see as the netlist. It was just that I didn't see the generated measure statement in the output file. However, when I test it through the GUI, I see the result.  I have an issue with a circuit using a potentiometer using the .step direct to define the variable resistor and then wanting to see the maximum power in the output file from the .meas directive.  However, it is not shown in the output file.  I can get the information from the graph, but I just wanted to utilize other means. My circuit works fine.
Thanks for all the info


Winston wrote:
...  I have an issue with a circuit using a potentiometer using the .step direct to define the variable resistor and then wanting to see the maximum power in the output file from the .meas directive.  However, it is not shown in the output file.  ...
Results of .MEAS with .STEP commands should make it into the .LOG file.
However, there are situations where this does not happen in the usual expected way.  There are some restrictions about how .STEP works, especially when they are nested. I wish it were straight-forward but sometimes it is not intuitive what it will do.
If you wanted to have someone else look at your work, or just a subset of it, you could upload it to the group's Files area.  If you do, make sure to include all symbols and models that didn't come with LTspice.  If it's more than one file, ZIP them into a .ZIP file only, please.  Then upload into the "Temp" directory and then let us know that you did that.