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Links I have that still work are: & . But they lead nowhere. The memorial project is a heading in Oliver's WikiPedia page: . He is buried in Devon. |
They were successful:
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Показати цитований текст On 10/28/24 8:41 PM, WB4LVA wrote:
Links I have that still work are: |
FWIW, A good deal of information concerning Heaviside's contributions to EM field theory (including his vector calculus-based formulation of Maxwell's equations as compared to Maxwell's original differential equation-based formulation) is included in Bruce Hunt's book "The Maxwellians".
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DaveD KC0WJN Thanks for all the fish. ============================== All spelling mistakes are the responsibilty of the reader (Rick Renz, STK, ca. 1994) ============================== On Oct 29, 2024, at 12:05, Kent Borg via <kentborg-nanovna@...> wrote: |
Another very interesting book by Bruce Hunt: Imperial Science. Should be required reading for EE students. Land line telegraph was interesting but things really became interesting when the wires were placed under water and under ground. Things became so interesting that Maxwell became hooked for most of his remaining life on understanding electromagnetic fields.
Gregory Kordes
Alas we are just systems engineers now… just purchase the correct black box, write some code and rush it into production before it becomes obsolete! I’m writing and listening to my diy hi fi. All analog. Just saying… ham radio since 1963. Greg Kordes
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On Oct 30, 2024, at 1:18 PM, WB2UAQ <pschuch@...> wrote: |
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