Touch Activity, Screen Saver or Sleep/Wake Manager


Is it possible to get feedback on the sleep/wake state of the panel, force Touch Activity_fb high or know if the screensaver is running?
This is an old "issue" for me, but when I use the Touch Activity_Fb to lock a panel it gets out of sync if I use the same IPID with another panel.
For example, when you do a local run as panel with the same ID for testing or troubleshooting.
I was hoping I could either force activity in the panel or get feedback from the panel but I haven't found a way to do either.
Thank you.


In the office we joke about the kind of Stackoverflow answers that don’t actually answer the question but instead just ask “why would you do that?”
I don’t want to be “one of those”, and I do understand the convenience of being able to double up on IPIDs for testing, but I think the real answer here is - don’t do that.  Even though it may work (not always though!), it’s always come with some side effects, and I think you’re simply seeing that - how could the processor keep a single panel definition’s activity feedback in sync with two or more connections?
Perhaps a different approach would be to create a testing panel with a complete copy of the physical panel’s logic to keep them isolated or - if you really want to track the physical panel - create a separate IPID/panel and duplicate all of the signals except for the problematic ones (e.g. activity).  Panel joins are not “exclusive” - they can be jammed/driven by two sources.
Might that resolve the sync issue?
But - personally - we never double up on IPIDs - we just have a “test” panel definition.
All the best,