Yes I intentionally skipped 04 to 12h. Since some of it was being used by the first program slot.
IP-ID 13 is in hex.
1 panel with multiple IP-IDs has worked for me in the past with a 1060.
One scenario where a client wanted to mirror the room touch panel from the rack room touch panel.
Note that there are over 13 rooms so managing 13 EICs (this was before EIC server/client was available) would've been a nightmare.
What I did was the rack room processor would change 1 of the IP Table entries of the touch panel and then do a project restart.
Thus IP-ID 04 would connect to the room processor and ip-id 13 would connect to the rack room processor. Since all the room processor would have an extra offline touch panel on IP-ID 04 where the room panel would be on 03. But in SIMPL code 03 and 04 would be identical.
Just needed manage join numbers weren't being overlapped.
Such as joins 1-1000 would be for room control and 1001-2000 would be for the rack room program.
And yes it worked. The rack room panel could select a room button to mirror the room panel and it would modify the ip table of the rack room panel and to a command 'projectrestart' (about a 90 second project load time) to reconnect to both processors.
In my last program I did something similar but this is for a 770 and a DMPS.
2 ip-table entries on the same touch panel but not different processors. Same processor ip.
I did this because program slot 1 is working and written by another programmer. Client wanted to add camera controls.
I didn't really want to modify program slot 1, and get blamed for not making the system work.
So I wanted to load a program on slot 2 and avoid the join numbers used in the first program.
Loaded it on my test bench dmps and 1060 and it worked.
Onsite, the dmps and 770 worked initially until it didn't. When the 2nd program got up and running, it would clear out the feedback of buttons and analog joins from the first program and buttons no longer responded. It seemed as though all the joins were being sent to the 2nd program only and not to both. Same program different touch panels, different behavior.....