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I MADE IT TO 70 off subject
Yesterday I turned 70
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Here what happen just this month & a little background
I have not told any here 2 weeks ago I was in the emergency with 103.1° temperature. I had blood infection. Most that would be no big deal. Most would be no big deal.
But in 2009 I was diagnosed with stage 4 colan cancer I was told to go the emergency over 100.5°. I want to diet to live longer so, had few of all green diet. So ask oncologist how long do people live with my diagnose she said no makes pass 10 years. I did ask two doctors and said samething, I also ask American Cancer twice they said ther stop hearing after 9 years. Now it is over 15 years hard for me real know how to feel or how to plan anything. I post the diet om America Cancer
Please post I hope helps others [URL][/URL] [/QUOTE] |
Congratulations happy birthday , stay strong , best wishes & luck to ya Dave . animal On 11/19/24 1:27 PM, davesmith1800
Happy Birthday Dave! What an amazing story!🎆🎆🎆🎆
And to keep it on topic I'm about to machine up a couple sorta standoffs for a mount on a light setup. On Nov 19, 2024 at 7:45 PM -0500, mike allen <animal@...>, wrote:
83.9 % of all statistics are made up on the spot On 11/19/24 5:04 PM, Roy via
I know I ask 3 other Doctors said about same thing and 2 different agents at American Cancer said" stop here from after 9 years" . Later I found American Cancer delete accounts after 2 year of no post. They delete mine after 11 years and still posting .
Also did a internet search
One book said how some live 18 year with stage 4. More research it was then had Colan cancer but only less than with stage 4.
When on to UK medical site there research in America, Canada and UK only found 2 that made pass the 10 years one was12 years and the longest was 15 years & 1 month . I have long past both.
It point I do not know how to feel.
On Tue, Nov 19, 2024 at 05:17 PM, mike allen wrote:
Happy Birthday and Congratulations,
Medicine is NOT yet even close to being able to analyze all the variables to predict an individual’s life span. Yes, we can look at statistics, but that applies to populations, not individuals. Generally, you will live longer if you do not do things that carry a lot of risk.
Best of luck!
Jerry F.
From: [] On Behalf Of davesmith1800
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 1:27 PM To: Subject: [7x12MiniLathe] I MADE IT TO 70 off subject
Yesterday I turned 70 Off subject sorry this has no off subject thread Here what happen just this month & a little background
I have not told any here 2 weeks ago I was in the emergency with 103.1° temperature. I had blood infection. Most that would be no big deal. Most would be no big deal. I post the diet om America Cancer [URL][/URL] |
Hi. Statistics prove that the more birthdays you have, the longer you live. 😊
Currently, I am laid up with a new knee joint. Hopefully I will get into my workshop soon.
Heartily agree!
If you really want to make your remaining time miserable, take a statistics course to understand the truth behind the old adage, "Figures don't lie, but liars can figure."
Keep on keeping on ;-) |
The only stats you can trust are the ones you falsify yourself.
10-4 animal On 11/20/24 7:54 AM, mario mohl via wrote:
Now have more time the mini lathe. Working on few ideas for projects to do .
Maybe make on the mini lathe a sun clock 🕒 for a back up.
On Tue, Nov 19, 2024 at 04:56 PM, Ryan H wrote: