Relaxation Response time inductor modeling


Hello everyone,
Just looking for some ideas on how to model the inductor under a certain application. I know that LTSpice, you can place parameters to model the entire BH curve. Yes, my inductor is nonlinear however, instead of modeling the BH curve, I want to model the flux against current. I also need to account for the relaxation response time (relax time for simplicity) so that the change of inductance is accounted for.
Now, I will be getting the data of the current vs flux from COMSOL/FEMM. I plan on deriving some equation that I can plug into LTSPICE. My application is a little different where the inductor itself is starting off as saturated. I plan on going the route of the flux equation because it will already account for the saturation condition and also all of the core material properties.
My only thing that I am not entirely sure of is how to account for the relax time of the inductor. Or is this something that is already accounted for in the flux vs current plot?


So I am thinking to use the delay function. For now, I am going to use a lookup table to test a couple of approaches, would this be a valid way to us it
Flux=delay(table(x, <flux>, <current>, ... , <flux_i>, <current_i>), 1ms)


Flux=delay(table(x, <current>, <flux_1>, <current_1>, ... , <flux_i>, <current_i>), 1ms)