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Simpl Windows fb/press Issue
After doing some troubleshooting on a system consisting of a CP4N, DM-MD16x16, DM-DGE-200-C, and a TSD-2220, I've encountered a strange issue that I can't recall ever seeing before. The issue is that the fb joins on the DGE or the XPanel are passing through to the press side, for example: if the Projector_Power_On_fb (running into fb117) is high, it is driving press117 high. The same thing is happening on the analog joins (an_fb is passing through to the corresponding an_act). I've been able to reproduce this in Debugger, and any fb join that goes high causes the corresponding press join to go high for as long as the fb join remains high. Has anyone seen something like this before? The TSD, DGE, and the CP4N have been swapped out, firmware has been updated on all devices, and the program has been reloaded with the current device database. I've also loaded the program to my bench RMC4 and I'm not seeing the same odd behavior. As far as I know, this shouldn't be possible, but maybe I'm missing something, or there is a way to force this behavior in Simpl or VTPro, but that seems unlikely. I didn't build the program, but I have it and I don't see anything out of the ordinary that could cause this issue. Any help is appreciated. |
My understanding is that that is intentional. You can use advanced buttons in VT Pro-e to change the appearance of each state or use a different digital join for the press.
From: <> on behalf of Brendon P via <brendonpackwood@...>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 9:06 AM To: <> Subject: [crestron] Simpl Windows fb/press Issue #simplwindows
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After doing some troubleshooting on a system consisting of a CP4N, DM-MD16x16, DM-DGE-200-C, and a TSD-2220, I've encountered a strange issue that I can't recall ever seeing before. The issue is that the fb joins on the DGE or the XPanel are passing through
to the press side, for example: if the Projector_Power_On_fb (running into fb117) is high, it is driving press117 high. The same thing is happening on the analog joins (an_fb is passing through to the corresponding an_act). I've been able to reproduce this
in Debugger, and any fb join that goes high causes the corresponding press join to go high for as long as the fb join remains high. Has anyone seen something like this before? The TSD, DGE, and the CP4N have been swapped out, firmware has been updated on all
devices, and the program has been reloaded with the current device database. I've also loaded the program to my bench RMC4 and I'm not seeing the same odd behavior. As far as I know, this shouldn't be possible, but maybe I'm missing something, or there is
a way to force this behavior in Simpl or VTPro, but that seems unlikely. I didn't build the program, but I have it and I don't see anything out of the ordinary that could cause this issue. Any help is appreciated.
I think Brendon is indicating that there is a press held high in the program, not that the button is in an 'Active' state, though that may be also the case.
The only times I've seen this is in the old days we used to use 'Loop back/feedback' by putting the same signal name on the press and the FB of the UI device symbol in SMW.
We did this because if we wanted the older panels to show a momentary press, you would need this to have it show 'active' while the button was pressed.
If there's a different signal name on the press and FB lines, i.e. Press_Button and Press_Button_FB, raising the Press_Button_FB should not cause the Press_Button signal to go high.
I have not run into this on this panel, but have many times on the 6L, this is a "feature" that was necessary for systembuilder if I recall correctly. I'm pretty sure it can be turned off through text console. On November 26, 2024 11:40:53 AM CST, "Jonathan via" <jwsmith2@...> wrote:
Is PAGEJOINTRANSMIT a command-line feature of the DGE-200?
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