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Crystal measurement scripting - UART readout
I have a NanoVNA-H4, with DiSlord 1.2.40 firmware. I would like to write a python program to measure and sort crystals for use in a crystal filter. Is there a way to read out the parameters via the USB connection? I have tried to navigate the manuals and the help menu, but have not found anything if it is possible to read it out via USB. 73 de Thomas LA3PNA. |
Have you checked the Wiki
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Показати цитований текст Spacifically the "Command Line Tools, Scripting and Automatisation" (shellcommands) -----Original Message----- |
No, measure module in NanoVNA not provide any API on console, just display
You can read measured data and calculate on CPU side 1 Людина сподобалось це
Crystal Characterizing was the first thing I tried as a virgin VNA owner.
Even before reading the manual, navigated the menu tree provided on a paper sheet. I was trying to characterize 12.2 MHz crystal, especially wanting its internal resistance at resonance, a difficult parameter to measure. G3UUR was used to get Lm, Cm parameters (G3UUR doesn't do Rm well). I had measured Rm tediously using other instrumentation... 7 or 8 ohms. Then moved the crystal to VNA.... Under MEASURE menu, an item is available called RESONANCE - select that. Then move to STIMULUS menu, choosing CENTER. Use the on-screen numeric keypad punching in 12.2 M (for my example 12.2 MHz crystal) Then, still under STIMULUS menu, choose SPAN of perhaps 20k...that's a wide sweep but you can narrow it later once you've found resonance. A crystal's series resonance is very often below the printed value. I just touch the crystal into the VNA's S11 port's SMA connector and wait for the display to settle. On-screen, series-resonant frequency is displayed, along with Rm resistance (plus a bit of reactance that jiggles near zero). For my 12.2 MHz crystal, Rm displayed was 7 ohms, verifying my previous measurement. You can now refine the sweep: Under STIMULUS/CENTER, re-punch in the refined series-resonant frequency found above. Then, under STIMULUS/SPAN, set a smaller sweep, maybe 5k, or even less. Re-measure the crystal As a first-time experience with VNA, I was very impressed! 1 Людина сподобалось це
I have this adapter and recommend it.
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Показати цитований текст 73 Stan KM4HQE On 11/30/24 10:52, Glen Leinweber via wrote:
Crystal Characterizing was the first thing I tried as a virgin VNA owner. |
Thank you! I may provide a commit with the changes if I get some time to
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look closer at the code. BR. Thomas. lør. 30. nov. 2024 kl. 09:53 skrev DiSlord via <dislordlive=>: No, measure module in NanoVNA not provide any API on console, just display --
With Best regards, Thomas S. Knutsen. Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments. |
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