Crystal measurement scripting - UART readout


I have a NanoVNA-H4, with DiSlord 1.2.40 firmware.
I would like to write a python program to measure and sort crystals for use in a crystal filter. Is there a way to read out the parameters via the USB connection?

I have tried to navigate the manuals and the help menu, but have not found anything if it is possible to read it out via USB.

73 de Thomas LA3PNA.

Have you checked the Wiki

Spacifically the "Command Line Tools, Scripting and Automatisation" (shellcommands)

-----Original Message-----
Subject: [nanovna-users] Crystal measurement scripting - UART readout


I have a NanoVNA-H4, with DiSlord 1.2.40 firmware.
I would like to write a python program to measure and sort crystals for use in a
crystal filter. Is there a way to read out the parameters via the USB

I have tried to navigate the manuals and the help menu, but have not found
anything if it is possible to read it out via USB.

73 de Thomas LA3PNA.

No, measure module in NanoVNA not provide any API on console, just display

You can read measured data and calculate on CPU side

1 Людина сподобалось це

Crystal Characterizing was the first thing I tried as a virgin VNA owner.
Even before reading the manual, navigated the menu tree provided on a paper sheet.
I was trying to characterize 12.2 MHz crystal, especially wanting its internal resistance at resonance, a difficult parameter to measure. G3UUR was used to get Lm, Cm parameters (G3UUR doesn't do Rm well). I had measured Rm tediously using other instrumentation... 7 or 8 ohms. Then moved the crystal to VNA....

Under MEASURE menu, an item is available called RESONANCE - select that.
Then move to STIMULUS menu, choosing CENTER.
Use the on-screen numeric keypad punching in 12.2 M (for my example 12.2 MHz crystal)
Then, still under STIMULUS menu, choose SPAN of perhaps 20k...that's a wide sweep but you can narrow it later once you've found resonance. A crystal's series resonance is very often below the printed value.
I just touch the crystal into the VNA's S11 port's SMA connector and wait for the display to settle.
On-screen, series-resonant frequency is displayed, along with Rm resistance (plus a bit of reactance that jiggles near zero).
For my 12.2 MHz crystal, Rm displayed was 7 ohms, verifying my previous measurement.

You can now refine the sweep:
Under STIMULUS/CENTER, re-punch in the refined series-resonant frequency found above.
Then, under STIMULUS/SPAN, set a smaller sweep, maybe 5k, or even less. Re-measure the crystal

As a first-time experience with VNA, I was very impressed!

1 Людина сподобалось це

I have this adapter and recommend it.



On 11/30/24 10:52, Glen Leinweber via wrote:
Crystal Characterizing was the first thing I tried as a virgin VNA owner.
Even before reading the manual, navigated the menu tree provided on a paper sheet.
I was trying to characterize 12.2 MHz crystal, especially wanting its internal resistance at resonance, a difficult parameter to measure. G3UUR was used to get Lm, Cm parameters (G3UUR doesn't do Rm well). I had measured Rm tediously using other instrumentation... 7 or 8 ohms. Then moved the crystal to VNA....

Under MEASURE menu, an item is available called RESONANCE - select that.
Then move to STIMULUS menu, choosing CENTER.
Use the on-screen numeric keypad punching in 12.2 M (for my example 12.2 MHz crystal)
Then, still under STIMULUS menu, choose SPAN of perhaps 20k...that's a wide sweep but you can narrow it later once you've found resonance. A crystal's series resonance is very often below the printed value.
I just touch the crystal into the VNA's S11 port's SMA connector and wait for the display to settle.
On-screen, series-resonant frequency is displayed, along with Rm resistance (plus a bit of reactance that jiggles near zero).
For my 12.2 MHz crystal, Rm displayed was 7 ohms, verifying my previous measurement.

You can now refine the sweep:
Under STIMULUS/CENTER, re-punch in the refined series-resonant frequency found above.
Then, under STIMULUS/SPAN, set a smaller sweep, maybe 5k, or even less. Re-measure the crystal

As a first-time experience with VNA, I was very impressed!

Thank you! I may provide a commit with the changes if I get some time to
look closer at the code.


lør. 30. nov. 2024 kl. 09:53 skrev DiSlord via <dislordlive=>:

No, measure module in NanoVNA not provide any API on console, just display

You can read measured data and calculate on CPU side

With Best regards, Thomas S. Knutsen.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.