ITC TS-0300M Delegate System Control

Hi everyone,
I hope you well.
I needs some assistance on controlling the above ITC device and each Mic on press should trigger a camera preset.
On Simpl debugger I am able to press the buttons and control is correct, but when you press the actual mic button on i get RX feedback from mic but no trigger.

\xAA\xEE\x08\x00#\x80\x00\x05\x81\x00\x00\xEE\xFC    ITC_RX$
The Highlighted keeps changing from 81-88 and then 05y-05z and then 05{, 05}, 05~, 05| etc
So the feedback is not triggering my logic until it sees 1 of the above


You appear to have debugger set to auto convert string characters to Mixed(HEX/ASCII), you need to set it to HEX so that you can more easily determine what data is being sent back in response to the individual mic active. (Debugger Settings menu, Default Serial Format)

Even with the Settings set to Hex.
The Return commands work but there just to many different RX commands the system TX to debugger and waits for the match which is after every 6-8 Mic ON/OFF button presses then triggers presets of camera
For each Mic ON/OFF button press i get a Return string:  \xAA\xEE\x08\x00\x23\x80\x00\x05\x79\x00\x00\xEE\xFC                                                                                                                                 \xAA\xEE\x08\x00\x23\x80\x00\x05\x7A\x00\x00\xEE\xFC
Constantly changes until it gets the commands i specified in RX.