ISO Cats #iso #cats


I am in search of 1 or 2 kitties that might need a home filled with love and joy.
Ehjessup@... [ehjessup @ comcast dot net]
202 251 6076


Try Adopt-a-Pet, 
You can find just the cat or dog you are looking for.  
- original message -
I am in search of 1 or 2 kitties that might need a home filled with love and joy.


Rock Creek Cats is a local cat welfare organization. Marc was recently advertising that he had a bunch of new kitties. 
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I am in search of 1 or 2 kitties that might need a home filled with love and joy.


Please check out TailsHigh Rescue, I adopted a brother and sister from them a few years ago.
Wonderful kitties.


- original message -
I am in search of 1 or 2 kitties that might need a home filled with love and joy.


Try contacting Lori Rolnick at Pets Bring Joy/PetMac on Wisconsin Avenue. She usually runs a cat adoption event at her store every Saturday. You can email her at ezqumee@.... [ezqumee @ gmail dot com]. She is a neighborhood gem.  

I second the recommendation for Lori! Lori Rolnick at Pets Bring Joy/PetMac on Wisconsin Avenue. You can email her at ezqumee@... [ezqumee @ gmail dot com].

Gabrielle Czaja, PT, M.ATI, M.AmSAT

Physical Therapist
Alexander Technique teacher

pronouns: she/her

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Try contacting Lori Rolnick at Pets Bring Joy/PetMac on Wisconsin Avenue. She usually runs a cat adoption event at her store every Saturday. You can email her at ezqumee@.... [ezqumee @ gmail dot com]. She is a neighborhood gem.