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DSA 602, Still Relevant Today? Untimely response FWIW
I have DSA602A scopes at home and enjoy using them. The flexibility of various channel voltage and frequency options is very useful along with their waveform definition entry, averaging/persistence acquisition options And extensive measurement and statistics capability within the scope. Collectively the DSA602s and plugins form a very capable general use scope including both real time and effective time sampling, depending upon what is being measured. At work, I use mostly TEK 5 Series MSO scopes with advanced ISO-Vu and differential probes. Even with these advanced recent TEK 5 Series scopes, I find that usually I transfer acquisition data to lab laptop and use TEK analysis software, python, excel or Matlab to analyze deep memory fast sampling rate data records. So, one significant difference is the extreme deep memory available with TEK 5 Series for longer acquisition time at very high sampling rates, far beyond what is possible with the DSA602 scopes. Still, one could argue even today that given the difference in price per performance and feature set, the DSA602a scope still holds significant "value" as a general use scope if the size and weight is tolerable, park it on a cart and wheel the cart where needed. At work, I also keep the TEK 5 Series on cart and do the same thing, so not terribly different. The DSA602a offers inexpensive 1GHz channel bandwidth with 11A71 and 11A72 plugins, at work budgets dictated mostly 200MHz bandwidth TEK 5 Series scopes, a practical difference in price vs performance. With modern TEK 5 Series, most measurements require using external differential probes for each channel and high performance differential probes are quite expensive and add significant total system cost. At home, I use 11A33 plugins and have 150MHz bandwidth with dual high impedance (up to 1Gohm) inputs to nearly achieve the same thing for pennies on the dollar for many types of signal monitoring. Beyond that, for DSA602a general purpose use the 11A32, 11A34 and 11A52 plugins provide more options geared toward specific testing needs and the three plugins slots can support plugins of mixed type. The DSA602 is still useful today for most general purpose use. Advanced applications (ie double pulse testing on cutting edge GaN or SiC FET designs) probably warrants a modern scope, though even the DSA602 supports integration and energy calculations so with enough effort it might be possible to get results.
Totally agree. I have two DSA602s, unfortunately not the "A" version with the floppy, but thanks to digital photography thats not as bad.
Memory depth could be better, but the windowing capabilites are excellent when hunting events. It seems that 7000-modules can be used as well. I never dared to try it. Have repaired the memory bug on mines, since then very reliable. Excepte for some rare power failures where the scope suddenly switches off itself. Have seen that on another 602, too. Happens once or twice in a year, so no big deal until now, but I fear degrading capacitors somewhere buried deep inside. Perfect tool in winter times, especially! cheers Martin |
Martin thank you. You reminded me of modifying 7000 series plugins to use in the 602. All that was required was to grind off the lug on the connector that positioned them in a 7000 series scope. Ver simple and the plugins were a lot cheaper. Some of the auto functions wouldn’t work with the 602 but didn’t present much of a problem, as I recall.
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I tried to use a 7000 vertical amp (a 7A19). In the 11302 it works perfectly, in the 11403, I could not make it run, because I could not enable the trace, not having the plug-in button. Today I should receive a DSA 602A, I will try also with it. @be_moulton: in a book I am preparing, I am going to write a chapter about the DSA 602A, may I report your experience? I found it very interesting and it arrived exactly at the right moment... Il giorno 15 dic 2024, alle ore 06:20, John Williams via <books4you4@...> ha scritto: |
You are right, I am a donkey…
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Not only works, but quite well, even if it reaches only 500 MHz (-3 dB), but probably it should be calibrated. Il giorno 15 dic 2024, alle ore 22:34, zenith5106 via <hahi@...> ha scritto: |
The closest to such a document can be found on the last four pages of the 11000-Series Plug-in to Main Frame Interface.
It was the design requirement; however, not everything goes according to plan. The amplifier information is valid. Use caution for the rest of it. |
In the document, two terms that you should know; “real time” refers to analog scope (1130x) and “ET” refers to equivalent time digitizing scope (1140x). Assume that the compatibility with ET applies DSA60x.
At the time of this document (1985), we had only two major mainframe development projects, the RT and the ET. The DSA60x and 1180x got traction soon after. |
Triggered by the original post by be_moulton, I got a DSA and wrote some notes.
You can find theme here: ,if you,like. Any comment welcome, you are allowed to shoot the pianist... Gianni |
On Dec 28, 2024, at 08:19 , Gianni Becattini via <Giovanni.becattini@...> wrote:Gianni, That post was on 12 December, and you posted that you were expecting the DSA on the 15th. I'm not sure if I'm more disturbed that you found time to lay out 100 pages with text, photographs, tables, and diagrams in two weeks, or that you refer to it as "some notes." :) Very interesting read that helped satisfy my curiosity about this beast, so thank you for your work! Adam |
Thanks for your words.
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My secret is simple: it’s name is “Retirement”…😁 Il giorno 28 dic 2024, alle ore 19:00, Adam R. Maxwell via <amaxwell@...> ha scritto:On Dec 28, 2024, at 08:19 , Gianni Becattini via <Giovanni.becattini@...> wrote:Gianni, |
You, sir, are simply amazing. I have had TWO of these for 25 years, and been so distracted that I have NEVER even turned them on! You got one less than 15 days back, and have written a BEAUTIFUL report (e-book) on them! Simply amazing, retired or not. I heartily commend you! At least now I know something more about the DSA 602! I retired in July and the unit is on my "bucket" list. Thank you! Respectfully, Jeff Kruth
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This is truly the missing manual for my DSA 602. Thank you, George KD6NEW On Dec 29, 2024, at 7:43 AM, Jeff Kruth via <kmec@...> wrote: |
I'm pretty sure he has a 100,000 m^2 building with a 1,000 elv...err...electronic engineers, graphic designers, etc., working for him. "Retirement" just can't explain this feat.
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Seriously, hats off to Gianni! Barry - N4BUQ You, sir, are simply amazing. I have had TWO of these for 25 years, and been so |
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