BSS Gain Timed Block Control


Hello All, 
Have a very quick turn around project controlling a BSS Blu-100 for the first time in a while. I have all the DSP programmed, but wondering how to control the fade buttons in a Gain Timed Block. I am using module V1.4. I am thinking I might be able to trigger these off presets if need be, there is only 1 I need to control. 
I found an old reference from a thread about 13 years ago, but wondering if there is anything available with the current set of modules. 
Thanks in advance


I haven't ever controlled a Gain Timed block, and I don't think there's a ready-made module in the v1.4 (or any other version for that matter) that you can use; what I *do* know is you can definitely go into '3rd party control' thing in Audio Architect and add that object as a control you're interested in and then you can select which function you want - it'll spit out the exact strings you can paste into an SIO.