URGENT: Looking for Archaeologist and Architectural Historian for a US DOD project in Kwajalein, Marshall Islands


REQUIRED: Proposal for the following services/requirements urgently needed for a US Defense project in Marshall Islands.


ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN – preparation of Historical Report for a building built in 1954 before demolition works. The project is in Kwajalein, Marshall Islands. More detailed requirements below:


“Building FN 901 was built in 1954 and served as the HQ and main air
terminal. Due to its historical significance, it requires the preparation
of a Historic Structure Report to include a history of the building and
its functions along with photos of the interior and exterior prior to
Existing historical resources within the work area are shown on the
drawings. Protect these resources and be responsible for their
preservation during the life of the Contract.”


ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONITORING – monitors the site during excavation works as required. More detailed requirements below:


“The Contractor is required to provide an archaeologist to conduct

archaeological monitoring during excavation and other earthwork

processes.  The archaeologist shall meet the Secretary of the Interior's

Professional Qualifications (US Department of the Interior 1983).  The

lead archaeologist will have at least 5 years of experience supervising

archaeological fieldwork, overseeing lab analysis and curation, and

authoring final reports.  The lead archaeologist must be on Kwajalein

Island conducting and overseeing archaeological fieldwork for all

excavation activities.  All archaeological field work and lab work will be

conducted by archaeologists who meet the Secretary of the Interior's

Professional Qualifications (US Department of the Interior 1983).


If, during excavation or other construction activities, any previously

unidentified or unanticipated historical, archaeological, and cultural

resources are discovered or found, activities that may damage or alter

such resources will be suspended.  Resources covered by this paragraph

include but are not limited to:  Any human skeletal remains or burials;

artifacts; shell, midden, bone, charcoal, or other deposits; rock or coral

alignments, pavings, wall, or other constructed features; and any

indication of agricultural or other human activities.  Upon such discovery

or find, immediately notify the Contracting Officer so that the

appropriate authorities may be notified and a determination made as to

their significance and what, if any, special disposition of the finds

should be made.  Cease all activities that may result in impact to or the

destruction of these resources.  Secure the area and prevent employees or

other persons from trespassing on, removing, or otherwise disturbing such

resources.  The Government retains ownership and control over

archaeological resources.”



If you need further details, we can setup a virtual meeting with our team to explain the requirements in depth. Send us your CV’s through Norman.Matunan@....


Thank you.