TSW-x70 button press responsiveness


Hi All,
One of my pet-peeves of the digital age (yes, there are many!) is how I see buttons on digital devices, like my iPhone, register presses indicated visually by inactive-active-inactive FB but the function does not work without 2 or more presses...   I call this behavior 'Broken'...
I was at Crestron for shade training this week and of course they took us thru the Crestron experience center, showcasing HOME...  You all know my general feelings about it so I won't rant now.
What my Biz Partner and I saw on the TSW-1070 that we were reviewing the interface with is that we would routinely have to press buttons 2-4x to get things to respond with the button's function.  Of course, I said "A-Ha!" another thing I don't like!... But my biz partner, who has 1070's with a custom system that I programmed said that he and his wife routinely see this behavior on their panels as well...:(
My question, as we discussed it is, is this a problem with the x70 series?? do others see this happening on their various systems?
My real concern is that things in the world are so fundamentally unreliable, that we are mostly oblivious to seeing it as these things seem *normal*...


Have definitely seen a lack of responsiveness on these 70 series panels. And over on the FB group theres complaints of it as well. It isnt all the time but enough to notice. 


I notice this specifically with CH5 but I notice it more on the x60 series, especially the 1060.  My theory is that the same hardware drives a larger screen at higher resolution, but maybe it's my CH5.  That said sometimes I even have the issue on web XPanels so maybe it's not hardware related at all.


I've seen it on a CH5 webpage where holding a button will give a momentary press. Rinse, repeat and it will then show my holding the button down

On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 4:33 AM Erik Brown via groups.io <ejb=ufl.edu@groups.io> wrote:
I notice this specifically with CH5 but I notice it more on the x60 series, especially the 1060.  My theory is that the same hardware drives a larger screen at higher resolution, but maybe it's my CH5.  That said sometimes I even have the issue on web XPanels so maybe it's not hardware related at all.