QMX with iFTx


I've read previous post about how to interface these two together.  I'm not having any luck.  FT8 works perfectly with my laptop running WSTJ FT8 with full CAT control.  However, with my iPhone 16 running 18 and my iPad running iPadOS 16, I don't get any signal to decode. I've tried two different camera adapters. The QMX is set to digital and VOX ON.  Are there any other settings necessary in the QMX or iPhone I need to change?
I love the QMX. I think what it does in such a diminutive package is amazing.
Thanks in advance for any advice.   73, Mike NN3I


For iPhone 16 you don't need a camera adapter, just a fully connected USB-C cable. QMX already has the sound card built in.
After the connection is established, the iPhone asks you whether it should use headphones as a new accessory, which you confirm.
Set the volume on the iPhone to maximum.
Here are my QMX settings:
VOX: on
Rise threshold: 80
Fall threshold: 60
min cycles: 1
min samples: 480
discard samples: 1
TX shift threshold: 500
73, Rajko DC0IT


Rajko, thank you for your reply.  Yes, that worked!  Funny, I started out with just the C cable, but I didn't select "headphones" and when that didn't work, it sent me down a rabbit hole trying other things. 
I am briefing my ham club next month on QRP ops.  I'll be bringing in different QRP transceivers that I have or my friends have. Overall, I'll be most excited to show them the QMX.  73, Mike NN3I


I'm glad it works now. It was a pleasure to help you.
Yes, QMX is a nice piece of hardware and software.
Hans has done a great job and when SSB is implemented it will be even better.
73, Rajko DC0IT


Hi Mike,
I'm expecting my assembled QMX very soon. I received an iPad mini 6th generation as gift. It has OS version 17.4.1. What cabling will I need to connect them together to operate iFTx? I'm normally not a Mac user, but the iPad was a gift and I'd like to operate FT8 for POTA use.
Tom, N8EUI


Please see this thread from a couple of weeks ago, a user with the same question: